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General Gaming Sales/Charts Discussion

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WatchDogs was always going to fail on Wii U.


The sales of the system aren't great, so already the userbase is small. Nintendo now have a bad reputation for not being the console to own if you want to buy "serious" games and even worse when these games are by third parties. It's very difficult for a third party to sell an "adult" game on the system (that is, a game aimed at adults, 18+), so already that is limiting the userbase even further.

Add that in with the killer punch - the game isn't even available for Wii U at the same time as others. So, if somebody does own a Wii U, they might have already bought the game for the PS4/One/PC already, especially as these systems are more powerful. If they have a PS3/360, they might have just made do and bought it on there.

The final part of all of this...where's the incentive for gamers to wait for this to hit Wii U? It's not graphically going to be better than other systems, we don't know of any other features and it will no doubt be full price when it arrives...by which time you can pick it up on other systems for cheaper if you own them.


Too many factors that go against this being a success.


- Limited market.

- A third party game in a genre that has never really done well on Nintendo systems.

- Already available on other systems, including next gen formats.

- It's arriving too late.


Nintendo should have done whatever it takes to get the game ready for release. It's too late now. The buzz has gone. Destiny is now the next big thing, the moment has passed. The game could get canned tomorrow for Wii U and nobody would care.


I do agree, as I've said countless times I was really looking forward to a WiiU watchgogs release alongside the others to see how it would really fare - I think there's still some arguably naive loyalty(of which I'm slightly guilty) to the Wii U by owners/Nintendo fans. If it had arrived with the others, I would have likely bought it on Wii U to support it on Wii U, even though I could have got it on PS3 or 360 and potentially had a better experience due to a greater online presence of those consoles(the online aspect intrigued me), and possibly played with more people I know.


If it gets canned on Wii U, well, you're right, I wouldn't actually care now. The hype and release is done and gone. I might consider still picking it up down the line as a budget title on PS3 or something. Tbh I'm not sure I'd consider picking it up at all, though.

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It's only comparable at this point if you look at the raw numbers. You actually need to look at how sales are trending, to the type of audience, the financial investment placed in every console by each company, as well as a whole plethora of social metrics that no one on this - or most websites - are privy to, along with myriad other factors (including, as you said, audience perception) of varying impact before saying anything is comparable with any real conviction.

I wasn't disputing that. I was just talking raw numbers.

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You say about the sales of the console and the userbase, but aside from the audience perception, the userbase is comparable to the other two so that's not really a fair or valid reason for it.


The rest, you are absolutely correct.


The numbers may be comparable, but there's also the userbase behind the 360 and PS3, as well as the fact that many previous owners of those systems will have upgraded to the One/PS4. True, the numbers between the One/PS4 and WiiU aren't all that different, but when you incorporate some of the other factors, it goes against the WiiU. Particularly, the type of audience buying the PS4/One in comparison to the WiiU, the fact that the game isn't even available on the WiiU yet and the stuff that Daft pointed out.


I do agree, as I've said countless times I was really looking forward to a WiiU watchgogs release alongside the others to see how it would really fare - I think there's still some arguably naive loyalty(of which I'm slightly guilty) to the Wii U by owners/Nintendo fans. If it had arrived with the others, I would have likely bought it on Wii U to support it on Wii U, even though I could have got it on PS3 or 360 and potentially had a better experience due to a greater online presence of those consoles(the online aspect intrigued me), and possibly played with more people I know.


If it gets canned on Wii U, well, you're right, I wouldn't actually care now. The hype and release is done and gone. I might consider still picking it up down the line as a budget title on PS3 or something. Tbh I'm not sure I'd consider picking it up at all, though.


Had I not gone for another system, I would be in the same boat. It's a shit situation. As a fan, you want the big games to appear on the WiiU. I was pretty much sold on the PS4 as soon as I knew that Alien Isolation wouldn't be coming to WiiU. The WatchDogs delay was just the icing on the cake. It takes the piss really.


I respect Nintendo fans for wanting to buy the game to help out the third party situation, but they're almost shooting themselves in the foot by doing this...especially when some of these games arrive later and/or without key features that appear on other versions. Why should we be given the "bad" versions of the games? I understand that Nintendo like to do things differently and are seen as this unique entity. That's brilliant. But, it also bites us in the arse because it means we don't get the same games that appear on the other systems, or the same experiences. The closest I can remember to feeling some sort of equality was with the GameCube. Probably the SNES, too. But, since the Wii, this has become worse.

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Did you ever get/play WatchDogs @Fierce_LiNk? Would be interested in your views if you had.


The other place I feel like I want to support Ninty is with the big downloadables, currently in mind is Child of Light - I want to get/play it, but again I feel like I should support Wii U to...well, support it. However, I'm torn because eventually I know I might end up getting a much better deal much faster on something like Steam(or even PS3, given I saw recent reductions over in Other board). For all intents and purposes I hear Guacamelee and Steamworld Dig are awesome games well worth a play - both availaible on Wii U and/or 3DS - however they're also available on Steam and now I already own them there because the price advantage was just too much better to resist. Little Inferno was a great experience, and it came on my radar because of WiiU, but I eventually bought it on Steam because it offered a better price. Again, something I've been saying for ages, but I think Ninty need to really put some resources into overhauling the eShop system, infrastructure, and frontend, court indies, and go for a Steamlike approach with Wii U. So you just missed the latest big release at £40? How about trying one of these 8 awesome exclusive indie titles at £5 a pop instead?

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Did you ever get/play WatchDogs @Fierce_LiNk? Would be interested in your views if you had.


The other place I feel like I want to support Ninty is with the big downloadables, currently in mind is Child of Light - I want to get/play it, but again I feel like I should support Wii U to...well, support it. However, I'm torn because eventually I know I might end up getting a much better deal much faster on something like Steam(or even PS3, given I saw recent reductions over in Other board). For all intents and purposes I hear Guacamelee and Steamworld Dig are awesome games well worth a play - both availaible on Wii U and/or 3DS - however they're also available on Steam and now I already own them there because the price advantage was just too much better to resist. Little Inferno was a great experience, and it came on my radar because of WiiU, but I eventually bought it on Steam because it offered a better price. Again, something I've been saying for ages, but I think Ninty need to really put some resources into overhauling the eShop system, infrastructure, and frontend, court indies, and go for a Steamlike approach with Wii U. So you just missed the latest big release at £40? How about trying one of these 8 awesome exclusive indie titles at £5 a pop instead?


I'm in Spain, brah. WatchDogs is either on my floor in the hallway after Mr. Postman has slipped it through my box (lol) or it's on the doorstep, waiting for the next ruffian that passes to thieve it. Soon.


I get your mentality because I'm quite similar in that I would try and pick up a game for the WiiU to help Nintendo/developers out. But, is it really the best thing to do? You could end up spending more of your money and future games may not come anyway. The problems that lie within Nintendo are deep-rooted and, imo, a small handful of gamers supporting a few games isn't going to change an awful lot. It's better than nothing, obviously, but there are a lot of things that Nintendo need to sort out at their end. Pricing and infrastructure is a huge one. I feel that they basically need to go back to the drawing board, start from scratch and identify exactly what they want to do and who they're aiming things at.


Also, get Child of Light. Ine has it for WiiU and I'm going to give it a go when I get around to it. It looks great and she had fun playing it.

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I'm in Spain, brah. WatchDogs is either on my floor in the hallway after Mr. Postman has slipped it through my box (lol) or it's on the doorstep, waiting for the next ruffian that passes to thieve it. Soon.


Brb, going on a road trip.





Yeah, I know what you mean on the risk of taking that approach. With Child of Light I was a bit more heavily set to get it on WiiU though, given Ubisoft's already released games and statements on Ninty/WiiU, it might not change Nintendo's approach but Ubisoft have done the most for Wii U out of the big boys in my eyes, and they might take note if Child of Light does proportionally better on Wii U that expected. Rayman never interested me so I didn't get it, but Child of Light does - and even if it's one sale I'd like it to count where it matters for me, I can forego a couple pints for it if I have to. Similarly I avoid buying some of the 'big' Nintendo titles, sure it's just one sale they didn't get and it probably doesn't really do anything in the grand scheme of things, but it's pretty much all that I alone can do at the end of the day.

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Brb, going on a road trip.




Do you even read, brah?

Clearly says Brahville.

(yes, Bournemouth, should be nice this time of year...hey, wait a minute-)


Yeah, I know what you mean on the risk of taking that approach. With Child of Light I was a bit more heavily set to get it on WiiU though, given Ubisoft's already released games and statements on Ninty/WiiU, it might not change Nintendo's approach but Ubisoft have done the most for Wii U out of the big boys in my eyes, and they might take note if Child of Light does proportionally better on Wii U that expected. Rayman never interested me so I didn't get it, but Child of Light does - and even if it's one sale I'd like it to count where it matters for me, I can forego a couple pints for it if I have to. Similarly I avoid buying some of the 'big' Nintendo titles, sure it's just one sale they didn't get and it probably doesn't really do anything in the grand scheme of things, but it's pretty much all that I alone can do at the end of the day.


Ubisoft have supported the system well, aye. I feel bad for them that they didn't receive more sales because the games are decent. ZombiU is great, for example. Can't say that they didn't try. It's what I was saying earlier with it having a ripple effect if the system doesn't sell. The WiiU has never really been flying off shelves, the demand hasn't been there, so Ubisoft were always hampered by this before their games were even released.


I think the masses speak volumes, tbh. Although I didn't do it last generation, a lot of the "full-time" "hardcore" gamers would buy more than one system to get their fix. They probably did this in the generation beforehand, too. I don't see why that will change now, I expect it to filter through. So, if gamers have more than one system and a game such as Child of Light is more expensive on the WiiU than the One for example, or it's out later, where will they go to play the game? They're doing this with WatchDogs, they probably did it with Rayman Legends and it'll continue to happen unless there's some sort of equality or parity between systems. A lot of gamers will just buy the game to support the developer, not necessarily caring whether it's on a Nintendo platform or not. They'll want either the best version, or the cheapest, or both if they can get that. Why wouldn't you?

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. A lot of gamers will just buy the game to support the developer, not necessarily caring whether it's on a Nintendo platform or not. They'll want either the best version, or the cheapest, or both if they can get that. Why wouldn't you?


Because Nintendo snuck into my life when I was still just a boy, she was better than anything I'd ever known, she haunted my dreams and most moments of my waking life too.


I know she's been a bit more distant since, but it's not her fault. Remember the good times? The Mario, the Zelda, I still remember the nights we spent together in the mushroom kingdom, or the lost woods, or even in the darkened depths of brinstar, I still remember the look on the princess's face when she realised her hero had come. It was joy, it was bliss. Who else has ever given me that?


I know she hurts me every time I take her back in my life, but she doesn't mean to, she can't help it. It isn't her fault, I know it seems like she's changed but she hasn't, the same girl I once knew is still there under it all, and it isn't her fault. We'll have our Kakariko again, we'll have the mushroom kingdom, and even our Brinstar too, just as it was before! And we'll forget everything in between. It was just a blip, it wasn't her fault - it's everyone else, it's the world, not her!


She's the fair maiden and I'm her white knight, and I just can't help it. No matter what I do or what I try, no matter who else I find, I can't forget her. She was my first and I still love her. Maybe I always will.





Which is basically how I think many feel about Nintendo, myself included. It's hard to let go, and I think this forum is an evidence of it, and that's why even if it seems silly or irrational or ridiculous, I might still throw a couple extra quid at a game for Nintendo to hope it might bring back the Nintendo I fell in love with. Gets harder every day though.

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UK Top 40 sales chart:


  1. (04) [360] Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
  2. (03) [PS3] Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition
  3. (02) [PS4] Watch Dogs
  4. (05) [XBO] Titanfall
  5. (06) [3DS] Tomodachi Life
  6. (07) [WIIU] Mario Kart 8
  7. (01) [PS4] Sniper Elite 3
  8. (13) [PS4] Wolfenstein: The New Order
  9. (18) [360] Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
  10. (15) [PS4] Call of Duty: Ghosts
  11. (10) [PS4] EA Sports UFC
  12. (12) [360] Grand Theft V
  13. (14) [PS4] FIFA 14
  14. (08) [XBO] Sniper Elite 3
  15. (27) [360] FIFA 14
  16. (25) [XBO] Wolfenstein: The New Order
  17. (24) [XBO] Call of Duty: Ghosts
  18. (16) [360] Watch Dogs
  19. (11) [360] 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil
  20. (20) [360] Titanfall
  21. (23) [XBO] FIFA 14
  22. (19) [XBO] Watch Dogs
  23. (32) [PS4] Infamous: Second Son
  24. (31) [360] The LEGO Movie Videogame
  25. (33) [360] Terraria
  26. (34) [PS3] FIFA 14
  27. (30) [360] Wolfenstein: The New Order
  28. (28) [PS3] Grand Theft Auto V
  29. (09) [360] Sniper Elite 3
  30. (29) [PS3] Watch Dogs
  31. (17) [XBO] EA Sports UFC
  32. (RE) [PC] Football Manager 2014
  33. (22) [PS3] 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil
  34. (39) [360] Call of Duty: Ghosts
  35. (21) [PS3] Sniper Elite 3
  36. (37) [360] Battlefield 4
  37. (40) [XBO] Forza Motorsport 5
  38. (RE) [PS4] Battlefield 4
  39. (RE) [360] Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark
  40. (RE) [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf

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Minecraft's sales are mightily impressive. It'll be out on the XBO and PS4 soon, too.


The different in sales between the XBO and PS4 versions of Watch Dogs is interesting.


In fact, four out of the top ten being PS4 games is encouraging. Half of the top ten are next-gen games.

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Minecraft's sales are mightily impressive. It'll be out on the XBO and PS4 soon, too.


The different in sales between the XBO and PS4 versions of Watch Dogs is interesting.


In fact, four out of the top ten being PS4 games is encouraging. Half of the top ten are next-gen games.


Yeah, just think when Minecraft XBO/PS4 and GTA V XBO/PS4 release. There'll be little last gen left in the top 10 by that point, I think.

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Japanese software charts.


  1. [3DS] Yokai Watch 2: Ganso / Honke (Level-5, 07/10/14) – 1,316,707 (New)
  2. [PSV] Freedom Wars (SCEJ, 06/26/14) – 20,617 (252,665)
  3. [3DS] Yokai Watch (Level-5, 07/11/13) – 19,153 (1,195,287)
  4. [Wii U] Mario Kart 8 (Nintendo, 05/29/14) – 15,143 (527,366)
  5. [3DS] Taiko Drum Master: Don and Katsu’s Space-Time Great Adventure (Bandai Namco, 06/26/14) – 14,713 (92,220)
  6. [PS3] Watch Dogs (Ubisoft, 06/26/14) – 10,273 (53,957)
  7. [3DS] Pokemon Art Academy (Nintendo, 06/19/14) – 7,465 (63,922)
  8. [PS3] Grand Theft Auto VbLow Price Version (06/26/14) – 6,121 (18,570)
  9. [PS4] Watch Dogs (Ubisoft, 06/26/14) – 6,000 (82,378)
  10. [3DS] Pokemon X / Y (Pokemon, 10/12/13) – 4,738 (4,101,986)
  11. [3DS] Pro Evolution Soccer 2014: Aoki Samurai no Chousen (Konami, 05/22/14) – 4,666 (67,111)
  12. [PS4] FIFA 14 (EA, 02/22/14) – 4,569 (63,447)
  13. [PS3] Pro Evolution Soccer 2014: Aoki Samurai no Chousen (Konami, 05/22/14) – 4,279 (148,779)
  14. [PS3] Kamen Rider: Battride War II(Bandai Namco, 06/26/14) – 4,194 (77,494)
  15. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 (Capcom, 09/14/13) – 3,684 (3,307,700)
  16. [3DS] Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (Atlus, 06/05/14) – 3,024 (245,399)
  17. [3DS] Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo, 12/01/11) – 2,973 (2,349,594)
  18. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo, 11/08/12) – 2,950 (3,758,394)
  19. [PSV] Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (Bandai Namco, 04/23/14) – 2,925 (222,886)
  20. [PSV] God Eater 2 (PlayStation Vita the Best) (Bandai Namco, 04/24/14) – 2,731 (New)


Hardware Sales (followed by last week’s sales)


3DS LL – 55,531 (21,914)

PlayStation Vita – 38,907 (18,438)

Wii U – 8,658 (9,961)

PlayStation 3 – 7,763 (7,511)

PlayStation 4 – 7,150 (7,876)

3DS – 6,425 (5,424)

PlayStation Vita TV – 1,803 (2,217)

PSP – 779 (1,579)

Xbox 360 – 140 (180)

Edited by Wii
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UK: Wii U software sales rise by 479% in June


Wii U software sales are up by nearly 500 percent in the UK month-over-month, likely due to the launch of Mario Kart 8.


In May, Wii U move just 24,000 pieces of software. That number rose to 139,000 units last month. This resulted in a 479 percent increase.


Here’s an overview of UK software sales for June:








You know you can't mention Wii U and UK in the same sentence without %%% popping up.

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June NPD. PS4 still king.




1. Watch Dogs (PS4, 360, Xbox One, PS3, PC)

2. Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)

3. Minecraft (360, PS3)

4. UFC (PS4, Xbox One)

5. FIFA 14 (PS4, 360, Xbox One, PS3, Vita)

6. NBA 2K14 (360, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, PC)

7. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3, PC)

8. Call of Duty: Ghosts (360, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Wii U, PC)

9. Tomodachi Life (3DS)

10. Grand Theft Auto V (360, PS3)



-Tomodachi Life: 175K (retail + digital)

-"Xbox adds that XB1 and 360 'combined sold the most games across all console platforms.' #NPD"

-Mario Kart: 470K (physical + digital, 885K LTD)



Hardware Monthly Sales



PS4 ~ 269k

XB1 ~ 197k

3DS ~ 152k

Wii U ~ 140k

360 ~ 62k

PS3 ~ 42k

Wii ~ 19k

PSV ~ 15k

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It'll be interesting to see what effect Destiny has on the PS4 and the XBO. Sony's strategy with Acti and Bungie has been so aggressive and really quite impressive.


But new IPs don't sell. :p


Nah, I think it'll be huge! Probably more for PS4 than for XBone.

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I am amazed at how poor those Wii U sales are. MK8 sold very well but the Wii U is in a terrible state..it literally doesn't appeal to western tastes at all. I guess that's what happens with the NoA CEO is a Japanese bloke and Reggie doesn't even sit on the directors board, unlike Howard Lincoln.


PS4 still king. When they start getting some new and exclusive software on that console....!

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What made me look twice was the formats watch dogs sold best on... 1st PS4 expected, 2nd Xbox 360.. huh?


I know in previous software weekly charts it's been noticeable that PS4 software titles outsell Xbox One, but for the 360 version of a game to do better than Xbox One is intriguing and worrying i'd assume for Xbox.

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I am amazed at how poor those Wii U sales are. MK8 sold very well but the Wii U is in a terrible state..it literally doesn't appeal to western tastes at all. I guess that's what happens with the NoA CEO is a Japanese bloke and Reggie doesn't even sit on the directors board, unlike Howard Lincoln.


PS4 still king. When they start getting some new and exclusive software on that console....!


The wii u sales are par for course I think. MK8 has really helped but the game on its own can't save the wii u. If there was compelling software following Mario Kart then maybe we would see a bigger improvement but there is nothing.


When all said and done it may reach GC numbers at best.


I hope people now realise that VGchartz and their ilk do nothing but produce BS numbers as they seemed to think the Wii U was a lock to outsell the XB1 in June.


I hope the poor DK sales on Wii U give Nintendo the wake up call. donkey kong wasn't required on the wii u so soon after dk country 3DS. Should have had retro produce another game.


What made me look twice was the formats watch dogs sold best on... 1st PS4 expected, 2nd Xbox 360.. huh?


I know in previous software weekly charts it's been noticeable that PS4 software titles outsell Xbox One, but for the 360 version of a game to do better than Xbox One is intriguing and worrying i'd assume for Xbox.


MS still haven't convinced many many 360 owners to upgrade to the XB1. It's going to take real good exclusive content to do that.

Edited by liger05
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This weeks individual format sales chart:








07 (12) 360 GRAND THEFT AUTO V (TAKE 2)


09 (18) 360 WATCH DOGS (UBISOFT)

10 (15) 360 FIFA 14 (ELECTRONIC ARTS)



13 (07) PS4 SNIPER ELITE 3 (505 GAMES)










23 (25) 360 TERRARIA (505 GAMES)






29 (14) XBO SNIPER ELITE 3 (505 GAMES)



32 (35) PS3 SNIPER ELITE 3 (505 GAMES)








40 (29) 360 SNIPER ELITE 3 (505 GAMES)

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