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Pokemon X & Y


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Are people using the Super Training game on the bottom screen? I've only been using it so far on my Froakie, but I guess I should really use it with all my pokémon? Is there any benefit to raising a pokémon's base stats when they are young rather than later on, and is there a limit to how high each pokémon's stats can be raised by doing this?

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I've literally gathered a pile of 14 games (that are apparently worth peanuts on GAME's app) to trade in tomorrow for this. Works out well, clear some clutter before the next gen steps in and get a game I want when I've got no cash.


Got a CEX nearby? Check prices on their website and take a printout of the prices on there for a price match plus an extra pound at GAME.


CEX usually give way better prices.


I traded White 2 in toward Zelda. Usually GAME would have given £12. Gave me £23 when matching with CEX.

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Glittering Cave is possibly the most amazing location of any Pokemon game ever. And looks so good in 3deeee.


Really not sure what to do with my team - it's all over the place at the minute and normally I'm well organised!


I just keep coming across amazing looking Pokemon! I'm also trying to train up a Inkay but it is such a shit Pokemon right now! I just know if I persevere it'll come good though as its evolution looks sweet!

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Yeah, shows up after the second gym apparently. Can't wait.


...it's just after the first - have a decent pokeball with you... *mutter*


I had a night off from pokemon tonight to show my respect for all of those still waiting for couriers/download codes *takes off hat, lights candle, etc..*


Aaaaaand to all my fellow retail slaves - i raise a glass for your shifts tomorrow... may oak be with you.





(i'm going dressed as pikachu. along with 6 billion other game employees)

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My copy of Y was shipped out to me using next day delivery yesterday afternoon. Now to just sit and wait patiently by the post box... :) Time to make a new forum sig while I wait.


EDIT: And here it is! (The sig that is, not the game..)

Edited by Mike
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