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  canand said:
I am in a Pokemon Center and I can't find where you go to trade Pokemon


you can trade from any location! the friends screen, select a friend and it has all sorts of options including trading and wonder Trades (random trading)

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Smashed the Elite 4 and Champion on my way into work this morning.


Got to the hall of fame just as the bus reached my stop.




Do people settle on their final 6 quite early in the game and work on building them up for the rest of the game or do most experiment until quite late in the game?


I'm close to the third gym and wondering if I should start committing on my 6.


I was up in the air over my team all the way until the 7th and 8th badges. Still not thrilled with how I expect they'll fare in non-AI battles, but they've all been absolute troopers so far.


Current Story Completion Team:









I feel it's a good mix of old and new. I desperately wanted to use Aegislash at the end, but he was clashing too much with the all the other types in the party. There are a few others I'd like to work in somewhere as well - definitely dig the little confused bear/rabbit thing I bumped into on the way to Victory Road.


Once I beat the game I'm gonna start looking into completing the Dex. Last time I did was in Red/Blue. If I'm still interested after then (I probably won't be), I'll try forming a couple of decent strategic teams and take 'em online for a play.


This game has reignited my love for a franchise I'd long thought I was done with. Mad props to them for finally pushing the series forward in a big way.


What happened to those Pokémon names you leaked and deleted Serebii?


It's funny, those names are similar to some leaked names we got a few months ago and assumed they were fake as they didn't show up in the game :P

Posted (edited)
  ReZourceman said:
N-Europe Members Friend Safari


Cube. Ponyta, Slugma.


Caris. Gloom, Garbodor.


Aneres11. Magneton, Skarmory.


Daft. Combee, Masquerain.


Odd Cookie (?). Bannette, Pumpkaboo.


Fused King. Nuzleaf, Sneasel.


David (?). Spheal, Bergmite.


Drahkon. Butterfree, Masquerain.


Eddage. Cascoon.


Welsh Gamer. Seviper, Swallot.


Mark (?). Butterfree, Volbeat.


Aaron (?). Magneton, Klang.


Sheikah. Tangela, Sawsbuck.


Grazza - Espurr, Grumpig.


Ashley - Electrode, Electabuzz (yay)


Guy - Abra, Espurr


Darren (dazzybee?) Mawile, Kirlia


Emerl (Emerald Emblem?) - Emolga, Stunkfish


Dcubed - Dunsparce, Minccino


Ville - Pumpkaboo, Shuppet


Mokong - Floatzel, Octillery


Londragon - Espurr, Grumpig (clone of Grazza)


Maidens - Fraxure, Dragonair


Oli (who?) Electabuzz, Electrode (clone of Ashley)


Dem0 - Gloom, Ariados


Waffle - Riolu, Mankey, Sawk


Will add more later



NB - You can visit the safari of any friend, even those without the game.

And each safari can have up to 3 Pokemon. To unlock the third the safari owner has to have apparently beaten the elite 4 and be online at the same time as you visit their safari.

Edited by Sheikah

I'll add to the list


Rez - Swanna, Doduo

Mr_Odwin - Ponyta, Charmeleon

Jamba - Munna, Sigilyph

Tales - Mightyena, Cacturne


Can someone who has me added let me know what my Pokemon are and if they're terrible I apologise in advance.


ReZ's Safari also has Rufflet, weirdly though he wasn't online on my friend list when I encountered it. Maybe they just need to have cleared the elite 4 to unlock the third safari pokemon.

Posted (edited)
  Sheikah said:
ReZ's Safari also has Rufflet, weirdly though he wasn't online on my friend list when I encountered it. Maybe they just need to have cleared the elite 4 to unlock the third safari pokemon.


I might be wrong, but as I understand it, once your friend beats the E4 that unlocks the third Pokemon, while being online at the same time with them unlocks Pokemon with their Hidden Ability and a greater chance of getting a shiny.

Edited by not_so_tiny
Posted (edited)



RedShell - Gogoat, Oddish, Ivysaur


Blade - Tangela, Petilil


Glen (forgot who this is) - Spheal, Sneasel


Agent Gibbs - Aipom, Kecleon


Chris JP (Debug JPN Acc?) - Wartortle, Bibarel


Mike1988UK - Spheal, Bergmite


Peeps - Gyarados, Panpour


Rummy - Charmeleon, Magmar (yay)


Jimbob - Metang (DAMN THIS POKEMON! At L30 with 1HP and asleep it took maybe 20-30 ultra balls), Magneton


Ninty K - Swalot, Gloom


Iun - Camerupt, Trapinch


Calv - Growlithe, Charmeleon


Eightbit - Ponyta, Larvesta


Chris - Lilipup, Audino

Edited by Sheikah
  Sheikah said:
Grazza - Espurr, Grumpig.


Ashley - Electrode, Electabuzz (yay)


Guy - Abra, Espurr


Darren (dazzybee?) Mawile, Kirlia


Emerl (Emerald Emblem?) - Emolga, Stunkfish


Dcubed - Dunsparce, Minccino


Ville - Pumpkaboo, Shuppet


Mokong - Floatzel, Octillery


Londragon - Espurr, Grumpig (clone of Grazza)


Maidens - Fraxure, Dragonair


Oli (who?) Electabuzz, Electrode (clone of Ashley)


Dem0 - Gloom, Ariados


Waffle - Riolu, Mankey, Sawk


Will add more later



NB - You can visit the safari of any friend, even those without the game.

And each safari can have up to 3 Pokemon. To unlock the third the safari owner has to have apparently beaten the elite 4 and be online at the same time as you visit their safari.


I'm glad to help.

  Agent Gibbs said:
how do you access friend safari and how do people know what i have?


is it post game content?


After beating the elite 4 + credits...then go to the train station in the main city to go to a new area.


Just got my 8th gym badge, so on to Victory Road! Still no sign of a shiny Pokémon this game, but I did just catch Pokérus this evening, so it's not all bad! :)


Wow. A certain post-game Pokemon gave me a nightmare on the way into work today. Had to get it down to 1HP and sleeping before an Ultra Ball had a chance.

  Guy said:
Wow. A certain post-game Pokemon gave me a nightmare on the way into work today. Had to get it down to 1HP and sleeping before an Ultra Ball had a chance.
What was it? Either way, I look forward to struggling to catch it in a regular Pokéball. :heh:
Posted (edited)
  Ronnie said:
Do people settle on their final 6 quite early in the game and work on building them up for the rest of the game or do most experiment until quite late in the game?


I'm close to the third gym and wondering if I should start committing on my 6.


I've got my team of 6 sorted, i'm closing in on the 3rd gym now. This could change later on, but this is how it stands now


1. Charizard (Fire)

2. Greninja (Water)

3. Alakasam (Psy)

4. Lucario (Fighting)

5. Nidoking (Poison)

6. Tyrunt (Rock)


Nice mix of Pokemon generations and types, i try to have 2 current gen 'mon in my team in any game, one of them is the starter and another is a random type. In this case, it's the Fossel Pokemon i was after.


And if anyone is interested, i'm breeding Nidoran's (Female and Male, bloody hard to find them in the wild) and Pichu's.


Did 2 Wonder trades today, traded a spare Nidoran i had and got a Snorlax back. Traded another random 'mon and got a female Pikachu in return. Not a bad trade i don't think.

Edited by Jimbob
  Guy said:
Wow. A certain post-game Pokemon gave me a nightmare on the way into work today. Had to get it down to 1HP and sleeping before an Ultra Ball had a chance.


Was it Metang? That was the same for me in Jimbob's safari.

  Ronnie said:
Anyone else have Honedge (Steel/ghost: the one that looks like a sword)? Was thinking about trying to find one for my 6


I have one in the box somewhere, caught 2 a while ago. It's yours if you want it.


I do plan on levelling up and filling the dex before doing the Elite 4, so catching as many 'Mon now before doing a grind to fill up.

  Ronnie said:
Anyone else have Honedge (Steel/ghost: the one that looks like a sword)? Was thinking about trying to find one for my 6


You can find it in the tall grass surrounding that mansion just by the daycare area.


Awesome, awesome new Pokemon.

  Jimbob said:
I have one in the box somewhere, caught 2 a while ago. It's yours if you want it.


I do plan on levelling up and filling the dex before doing the Elite 4, so catching as many 'Mon now before doing a grind to fill up.


That'd be great thanks so much! I've added your 3DS code, let me know when you'll be playing/online?

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