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You're saying I fit people within stereotypical boxes and don't look at individuality. I know I don't. Therein lies this rather tired point.


Could have fooled me...


I can't date a "gay" (as in someone who fits within the, granted stereotypical, but still existing definition).
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Stereotypes are used in comedy as shorthand (the merits of whether this is good or not is a different matter) and thats what my original statement was intended for, an off the cuff sarcastic rebuttal.


As for the rest its a part of gay culture, the whole "straight-acting" type of person. How many people out there would say they couldn't date someone who supports their rival football team? Its a silly bit of shortsighted-ness which may later be proven wrong but I'm sick of trying to explain this. Think of me what you wish.

Taking some time to step back and think about this I've realised last night I was just wound up because I felt I was being criticised for not seeing individuality when I was expressing individual desires and just didn't have time to step back and think about all sides. I did, in all intent, simply mean I prefer what is coined "straight-acting" guys which is merely one aspect of a thousand that make up a person's personality, similar to if I expressed a desire to date an "emo girl" or a "sporty guy". I'm sure whatever damage is already done but I know in my heart of hearts I never meant to cause offense but I think I put my foot in my mouth a bit because I wasn't thinking of how I was saying things and once again I apologise.


Edited by Ashley
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Looks like it's up to me to lasso this thread back into line.




A rather unflattering image of me looking triumphant with a rake. I probably posted it recently, but I felt it was still neccesary seeing as Caris is the only person who has posted a picture on this page (is it actually him? If so, kudos on the hair).

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Everyone has Aids. Aids Aids Aids Aids Aids Aids Aids Aids!


Hehe, I was wondering when Ine was going to post the pictures, she took her time! :D I'm surprised about how well that Eiffel Tower picture came up...her phone camera poos all over mine.


Here are a few more photos from our journey:



This is the two of us struggling to take a photo before our food arrived, just before we went to see The Proposal in the cinema next door.



Ine doing a bad advertisement which encourages you to drink yummy milkshakes. "Drink this, it'll make you happy...like meeeeeeeee."



Me acting like a tart whilst playing Guitar Hero 3. Note to self: Acting like a rock-star and jumping around in somebody else's living room does not maaaaake you a rockstar.



"Say another word on this "gay subject", and I'll keeel you all."



Ine taking a picture of me in the gardens we visited on our last day together.



A mysterious picture of Ine, which I think came out really well.



This is us being silly and taking photos whilst on a round-about/merry go-round.



Ine doing her wind-mill impression, which made me laugh so much.



Finally, a nice photo that a man took of us infront of a fairground in Paris.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Keel is totally not a verb. And if it was... Well I've always wanted to like boats anyway, so that way I'd kinda have to.


You guys are so gay.


P.S. That mysterious eenuh pic is pretty damn good :)


If I didn't like you as much as I like cider, then I would physically eat the first part of your post along with the quote tags which comprise of your name and post. Your new name would be Jaysev. There is no En for you. You can no longer get your "en" away. Aaaaahahaha.


Also, that picture is mysterious and nice, and I took it! She's the artistic one, but I think I did myself and my fingers proud with that shot. The only change I would make for future photos is for Ine the Female to be naked and the outside of that tunnel to be waterfall.


pr0 pictures Flink.


HOWEVER! Get rid of those spoiler tags, I don't want you to hide this gold.


Thank you, Eevil. Koffffing.


There are quite a few pictures, and it would be a pain in the arse for people to scroll down and navigate between posts with me and Ine taking up the thread. So, Spoiler Tags. Don't be so lazy. Lazymon.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Keel is totally not a verb. And if it was... Well I've always wanted to like boats anyway, so that way I'd kinda have to.


I think you'll find it is a verb as well as a noun.

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Thank you, Eevil. Koffffing.


There are quite a few pictures, and it would be a pain in the arse for people to scroll down and navigate between posts with me and Ine taking up the thread. So, Spoiler Tags. Don't be so lazy. Lazymon.

Bullshit mate! If people find a pain in their arse because they're scrolling through pictures in a picture topic then they deserve the pain. Times two!

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Bullshit mate! If people find a pain in their arse because they're scrolling through pictures in a picture topic then they deserve the pain. Times two!



It is around 10 pictures though, and it does just take up space. I don't particularly mind if they're hidden or not, as long as its not a pain in the arse to people, heh.

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It is around 10 pictures though, and it does just take up space. I don't particularly mind if they're hidden or not, as long as its not a pain in the arse to people, heh.



My arse is surprisingly pain free. So don't worry about the rest :awesome: And we all love seeing you and Ine without having to click. Can I get a hell yeah from the people in the house.

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My arse is surprisingly pain free. So don't worry about the rest :awesome: And we all love seeing you and Ine without having to click. Can I get a hell yeah from the people in the house.




You're a pain in the arse, but you are also fluffy, green and savoury like a pretzel. I have un-spoilered the pictures. But, if somebody complains, then I'll be back here to point the finger and go "ooooo, I told you so, you...you...rolling cheese grater."

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