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(pouty mcpouterson)


A pea? Genius. Brilliant. Bit....flurescosnent though. You into the GM stuff?


It's like ReZ has ejaculated all over your face.


Lol *speechless*


...............Lol...............wait....lol. I just got it actually. I thought you were just implying I had toxic semen....but yeah...green etc. I see. Well yeah. Funny but ;


The Line:




































To quote friends ;


The line

























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A pea? Genius. Brilliant. Bit....flurescosnent though. You into the GM stuff?

haha, thanks! woo. flurescosnent, lol. It was fluorescent paint due to limited resources, we were in Mission Beach which has 1 shop. No joke of a lie.


And yes, I think we can all agree the line is a dot to Moogle.

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To be fair, it could be simply that its a fringe in progress. I know personaly I'd rather have something there rather than just forehead as pushed aside it looks a bit...50s sunday school.


Although normally I work in some hair from the other side to fill in.

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