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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Really need to start getting into the routine of going to the gym. Been slack recently due to Tuesday night football (no squats Monday). Been swimming a couple times the last few weeks and just 1 weight sesh a week.


Must do more!

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Really need to start getting into the routine of going to the gym. Been slack recently due to Tuesday night football (no squats Monday). Been swimming a couple times the last few weeks and just 1 weight sesh a week.


Must do more!


I tend to it the other way round, football on a Sunday night, leg day on the Monday.

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It was my birthday yesterday and all across the weekend, I had this mahoosive victoria sponge cupcake, Eton Mess cheesecake, fish and chips, 6 lemon curd brioche rolls and 6 chocolate brioche rolls and I'VE GAINED NOTHING! Yay! I haven't lost anything either but in saying that, as long as I don't gain, it's all well and good. Had a proper good workout session in the gym today, totally sweating my bollocks off trying to shift the added calories from those goodies! Awesomeness!

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Well. You don't really gain weight from over-eating once in a while; as long as it's only like... once every three months. Sometimes one has to go all out on eating. There's only so many calories the body can take in at a given time. Also, after such an orgy, you tend to be satisfied food-wise and don't eat as much the following couple of days and thereby evening out the calories over time.

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Thinking of changing gyms. I currently go to don valley stadium to do weights as it has a very good free weights area. Only problem is that Shefield City Council are pulling funding so its closing down. Now with my membership I can use the leisure centre gym in middle of town.


Problems with this:


1. The free weights area gets incredibly busy and there is not enough space really to do your stuff.

2. Full of skinny kids with vests on thinking they are massive

3. Middle of town so need public transport to get to. Im fat and lazy.


However there is a virgin active gym at the bottom of my road so im thinking of joining that. Problem is that it is 50 quid a month and I will also have to pay my other membership until Dec which is 26 quid a month.


It will work out a lot more expensive but I just know I would use it a lot more as it requires hardly any effort to actually get there.

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However there is a virgin active gym at the bottom of my road so im thinking of joining that. Problem is that it is 50 quid a month and I will also have to pay my other membership until Dec which is 26 quid a month.


It will work out a lot more expensive but I just know I would use it a lot more as it requires hardly any effort to actually get there.


That's a no brainer. Virgin Active.


Check your contract at your current gym. If you signed up to use that one then they might not be able to legally enforce you to carry on your contract as the venue isn't open.

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First time I've been in the squat rack area all by myselfs! :D I'm kinda a bit socially anxious so I've never gone there myself, I usually go with my personal trainer. Big achievement for me.


Went for a first thing session and it was kinda quiet. Managed to get me a wee space in the squat rack (my gym has two) and then jumped onto the bench afterwards. Love that my gym is so close to my work. 7/half 7 was still quite busy but come 7.45 everyone was shuffling on to work. I'm like 2 minutes from work so I could take it easy, didn't have to leave til half 8. Started Stronglifts 5x5 so it was a good excuse to get in there and not be scared =P


So stronglifts is an alternation between two exercises, 3x a week.




Squat 5x5

Chest Press 5x5

Row 5x5




Squat 5x5

OHP 5x5

Deadlift 1x5



Today I did workout A - with 40kg / 30kg / 30kg. Squats and bench were quite comfortable, but rows were too easy. Each time you do an exercise you're supposed to add on 2.5kg (if you fail you go back down 2.5kg, and just keep going til you get the next one) but I think I'm gonna be a little slower than that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do people not post here anymore?? :-(


Did a run yesterday and today after work. Only short ones though but will build up again. Seems a long time ago since I did the Sheff half marathon last year and put on shit loads of weight on since that quite frankly looks hideous.


Anyway also changed my gym to the virgin active one which is literally done the road from me. I find it quite easy to motivate myself to do weights anyway, but not the cardio.


But now the gym is literally 5 min walk away I have no excuse whatsoever not to go!


Eating wise has been good aswell. Been on a decent diet and havent been hungry so thats good. Had an absolute alcohol fuelled weekend so i did really need to eat properly.

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I've had lots of interruptions, as it's been a bit of busy time. I had sickness, then I had reports that needed writing, then Glastonbury, but I'm back on it now. Starting again.


Yesterday was leg day. Kill me. Today has been hilariously bad. Getting off the sofa or chair to do something takes effort. My hamstrings were fully activated yesterday and they ache, along with my quads and calves. My arse! Fuck, you don't realise how much the glutes are used during squats.


Today was push day. So, I'm going to be hurting in my chest, shoulders and tris tomorrow. Basically, I'm not going to be able to do anything. Hurray! I've strangely missed these feels, though.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I hate the after effects of leg day.


It cannot be good for you being in tremendous pain trying to get off the shitter.


God, I hate going to the toilet after leg day. Hardest task of the day.


It's fine, though. Your legs just aren't used to lifting such heavy weight. It does get better over time, the more you do it. As this was my first workout in a while, it's going to ache more than if I were 5 weeks in, for example.

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Currently hovering just above 13 stone. Which means I've lost 1 and a half stone this year.


I was hoping to do a lot of running during my time off work, but I've been banned from exercise. Feel's like I've wasted such a great opportunity, especially as I won't get as much chance when I'm back at work.

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Currently hovering just above 13 stone. Which means I've lost 1 and a half stone this year.


I was hoping to do a lot of running during my time off work, but I've been banned from exercise. Feel's like I've wasted such a great opportunity, especially as I won't get as much chance when I'm back at work.


That's good going, dude. How long are you not allowed to exercise for?

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Thinking of changing gyms. I currently go to don valley stadium to do weights as it has a very good free weights area. Only problem is that Shefield City Council are pulling funding so its closing down. Now with my membership I can use the leisure centre gym in middle of town.


Problems with this:


1. The free weights area gets incredibly busy and there is not enough space really to do your stuff.

2. Full of skinny kids with vests on thinking they are massive

3. Middle of town so need public transport to get to. Im fat and lazy.


However there is a virgin active gym at the bottom of my road so im thinking of joining that. Problem is that it is 50 quid a month and I will also have to pay my other membership until Dec which is 26 quid a month.


It will work out a lot more expensive but I just know I would use it a lot more as it requires hardly any effort to actually get there.


I might be a little late here. But I used to use the gym that was opposite McDonalds (the one near the train station - man its been a couple of years.)


I always loved that gym, it had loads of parking and always had a lot of space for me to use the machines etc. I'm not sure if its one to look into?


From what I recall it was also really easy to cancel and freeze my membership with them compared to Virgin. :awesome:


EDIT: Forgot what I came here for.


Started at the gym that work are paying for, going swimming every Friday, just to help my legs. I get some pretty bad pains from sitting in chairs all day and so far its working out pretty well, that and forcing myself to get up out of my chair every hour to walk up and down some stairs.


I'm thinking about potentially using the gym there too, but I've yet to venture there yet. Time will tell.

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@nightwolf yeah thats Pure Gym. Its really cheap and I was a member for about a year. The only issue was that it just attracted the most dickheads into the weights area. There were also no space to do your workout.


Also Maccies is right next to it which is bad haha!


Right did another run this morning. The heat was literally unbearable. Worst run for a while.

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At least 2 weeks, which will be this thursday. Not sure if I'll go for a run straight away, depends how much I've healed.


Like Blade just said, it's very hot at the moment in certain areas. I'm sat in the garden with very little clothing and am roasting. I can't imagine running in this weather and enjoying it.


Heal up and maybe take a bit of extra time out just to make sure. It'll benefit you in the long run, as the last thing you want is something bad to happen because you didn't take the extra time. It's annoying, as most people would rather be doing something, but it's best to be safe where the body is concerned.

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My back is still hurting from some badly done lifts (silly me) from a week and a half ago. Not sure if I should be concerned now...


Feels like one of my vertebrae is bruised (which I know can't happen, but that's what it feels like).

Edited by Ashley
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Pew, back from the gym. It's 25° C outside so imagine how hot it was in the gym! On these days I often go to the gym between 12 and 15 as I can't do much outside without being roasted. Did HIIT today on the bike: 5 minutes of warm-up and then 5 periods of 20 sec intense cycling (400-500 watt), 40 sec medium (250-350 watt) and then 60 secs of resting (170-220 watt). It takes a lot of energy to do that. Went to the weights then and did some shoulder press and rows (5*5 @ 30 kg) and some heavy deadlifts (6*5 @ 2*110 and 4*115 kg). It felt so good. God, had I missed deadlifting. I love that lift!

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Personal training today...


Started off with strict ohp (arms only)... 20x5, 25x5, 30x5. 35x5 was push a press. So I've got a target to work at.


Did clean and jerks for the first time ever and it was awesome. It was amazing how totally natural it came to me, but I have been working a lot on stuff that will help me with it, for months on end. Did quite a few of those and I think the bar was loaded up to 35kg. (my power clean pb is 52.5). Blimey they are exhausting. Fuck cardio, I was sweating like a pig.


I was having a chat with my pt at the start about how my upper body strength is quite weak, and my pt was like ok we'll have a look at bench press, see if we can improve form - so after the cleans I sat down, and he was explaining how you sit with your heels back and keep your whole body tense and tight, with an arched back. So I got on the bench and pulled my heels back... my hamstrings locked into cramp and I burst out laughing lol. Good end to an awesome session.



tl;dr fuck weight machines, go do some olympic lifting for dem gainz





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I really don't want to wear those ghey gloves people do when lifting but the grip is a bit of a problem when deadlifting at heavier weights.


Think i'll soldier on :heh:

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