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If it's fake, the people who faked it must be extremely happy with how well people have swallowed this :heh:


If it's real, I imagine the two new weapon classes to be one Special and one Heavy, the latter probably the heavy equivalent of the fusion rifle, eg energy/charge based.


New subclass I would really have expected to land before September since the slot's been there from Day One.


Whatever the next big update is, let's hope it's less about things like the number of new <insert feature we're already familiar with> and more about addressing some of the game's bigger concerns. Such as futureproofing. You need more PvE modes that 6 players can do over and over, like strikes but with more variety. And you need to never turn users' hard worked effort into a massive waste of time again like they did with VoG gear.

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Had wondered how they were going to bridge the gap between the release of the House of Wolves content and the next game in 2016 so that leak seems pretty reasonable for what they're doing and what they've given so far.


The titles for the add-ons are interesting. Thought I had worked out what the Comet was in reference to but with the second pack for that being the Force of Gods I may be a little off. But, if the Hive Ship is the location of the raid for Comet (which looks to be the case as the Reef is the location of the raid for House of Wolves and they're both highlighted in green on that slide) then it could still be...


Oryx coming into play. It looks as though Oryx is the dark equivalent of the Traveller from the little bits of information around and from the mission where you destroy the shrine to Oryx, where it is a giant sphere, so the comet could be that with the raid giving mention to the Vanguard figuring out that it isn't a comet but obviously Oryx. Oryx itself may not come properly into play until that last add-on pack, which would kind of make sense as the Hive see it as a god.



But yeah, seems reasonable. As long as they price Comet sensibly (though with Activision behind the publishing and if it does release on disc then it'll probably still carry a price tag in the £40-£50 range) then I'm game as reading up on the little bits of lore from the grimoire cards and stuff has been interesting and made it all the more annoying that all of it has been left outside of the game to access.


Still interested to see where the Cabal fit into things and whether they'll have as much presence in the upcoming add-ons there and whether they'll actually make the Reef a playable location/hub area for the story missions associated with that in House of Wolves (provided the story is going with the whole siding with the Queen to take down Kaliks Prime, in which case I presume the Queen's Emissary stuff will appear again in the coming weeks before the add-on drops).

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@kav82 @MilaGi @Map @Eddage @Agent Gibbs


Raid this thursday? 20:00?


Also cheers to @lostmario for being a member whilst Kav has been ill.


Also I want to do the Nightfall/weekly tomorrow if two others would be kind enough to do it with me.


Thurs @ 8pm is fine with me :)


I won't be around tomorrow evening, but wouldn't mind running the nightfall and weekly if anyone's interested? Maybe Weds or Thurs (before the Raid) if possible!

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@kav82 @MilaGi @Map @Eddage @Agent Gibbs


Raid this thursday? 20:00?


Also cheers to @lostmario for being a member whilst Kav has been ill.


Also I want to do the Nightfall/weekly tomorrow if two others would be kind enough to do it with me.


Thursday sounds good. I'm definitely up for Nightfall tomorrow as well. Shall we say 8:30?


Thurs @ 8pm is fine with me :)


I won't be around tomorrow evening, but wouldn't mind running the nightfall and weekly if anyone's interested? Maybe Weds or Thurs (before the Raid) if possible!


I could probably do it on Thursday before the raid.

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