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I did a mission on the moon yesterday where i picked up a lovely sword, which i wish i was able to keep. Did a lot more damage than (at the time) my shotgun and auto-rifle, especially against them 4 princes/guards which were tough as nails anyway. Wonder why Bungie didn't let us use swords as well.



I'm still enjoying it, probably more than i did last week. I accidently wandered into a strike, the game glitched whilst i was doing a patrol on Earth. Next thing, i was facing that large tank with 2 level 8's. They appreciated the help.

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@The Bard, aiming for the head (areas of weakness) IS important on this game.


Right, in a game where you're dealing with the predictable movements of a horde of enemy AI as opposed to needing the fluid motion and faster controller polling rate of a 60fps shooter to track the erratic movements of a player antagonist? (PvP notwithstanding - because the vs multiplayer in this game is truly poor anyway). It's really not that important to have a a Call of Duty poll and framerate for this game especially since it would come at the expense of visual grandeur in its already very aliased and sparsely detailed world.


The framerate angle is just a poor one to attack this game from.


Also re. opinions. Don't use that crutch - if we bring up epistemology, everything is an opinion for which we have varying degrees of evidence and ability to track the truth. If we look at game design, it relies on the ability of the designer to understand and manage the player's needs and expectations: it's a very psychological art. And part of that means you need to understand on aggregate what level of fluidity the greatest breadth of people that are likely to play your game will be comfortable with. Evidently, in the case of cinematic FPS games 30 frames has become a standard for a reason - people are willing to trade visual beauty for a more responsive feel because you don't need the additional fluidity to deal with non-player antagonists and secondly because the added sluggishness adds to the look of it. They made the 30fps choice because it's what most people want, and it's become a standard for a reason. If you don't like that then you're going to be consigned to either playing games that are conceived as mostly mechanical, or to building a gaming PC.

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Yeah, I must've missed that poll where they asked everyone if they wanted 30FPS or 60FPS.


I stated my opinion, Sheikah used another opinion to counter... that's absolutely fine on a forum, nothing wrong with that.

Just as there's nothing wrong with me preferring it to be 60FPS. Yes, I'd prefer the fluidity over the visual feel they've gone for. It's a game, not a movie, for me the feel of the control is one of the most important things.

Edited by Kav
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Personally the Hobbit in 24frames looks better than the 48frames version because at times it seems almost jaring, for me when running from the goblins at 48frames made it look almost B-movie, its a strange affect



we are talking about the hobbit and its two frames types aren't we? visual fidelity, how the motion appears to the human eye?

or are we just bitchin'? because if so your all fools and my opinion succeeds yours and the designers! but for artistic reasons i won't state my opinion that and i don't care i'm having too much fun with the game

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I'm still enjoying it, probably more than i did last week. I accidently wandered into a strike, the game glitched whilst i was doing a patrol on Earth. Next thing, i was facing that large tank with 2 level 8's. They appreciated the help.


Was it called the Devil Walker, or something like that? I stumbled across a big tank thing called that last night when I was wandering around Earth finishing off a bounty (after having gone down into the Grotto area and saw loads of enemies with their levels as ?? despite me being level 14) and as there was no one else around, I decided to take it down. Took an absolute age on my own and was annoyed that once it went down it didn't drop anything :mad: So that was wasted time on my part :heh:


Anyways, got up to level 16 this morning after a short play of some multiplayer and finishing a couple more bounties, and half way to level 17. Also did the first mission on Venus as well which was meh but still a new area to explore, where I'm overlevelled again. Think I should probably spend more time clearing the story missions than in the Crucible. Still had some cracking games this morning on Control. Had a K/D ratio in one match of 2.64 with 8 captures, the highest out of everyone. :D Did have to play that awful Mars map (the enormous one with vehicles) and it royally sucks. So much worse than that Moon one.


One thing I don't like is that I've not yet done any of the Strike missions and at level 15, I was well over the recommended level for doing the Earth one but obviously you can't solo it. You have to go in with 3 people which is a little annoying as unless it scaled with my level (which I know it doesn't) then there's actually no point why I shouldn't be able to go in there solo at a higher level if I wanted. It won't bother others, and really is a small thing, but it kind of irked me. ::shrug:

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True, the fun you have with the game is the most important, and I am having fun with it.


@Blade and I were having a right laugh on it last night. It made me laugh when Blade left for the toilet and missed the final cutscene!


Good to hear you are enjoying the game like many others on here.


I tried a Level 26 strike mission with my brother last night, we both went in as level 25 and got completely owned.


Something to look forward to.

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I did a mission on the moon yesterday where i picked up a lovely sword, which i wish i was able to keep. Did a lot more damage than (at the time) my shotgun and auto-rifle, especially against them 4 princes/guards which were tough as nails anyway. Wonder why Bungie didn't let us use swords as well.

The Hunter arcblade ability in the Bladedancer tree is kinda similar so if you want more sword play its a good choice to make a Hunter for it.

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Was it called the Devil Walker, or something like that? I stumbled across a big tank thing called that last night when I was wandering around Earth finishing off a bounty (after having gone down into the Grotto area and saw loads of enemies with their levels as ?? despite me being level 14) and as there was no one else around, I decided to take it down. Took an absolute age on my own and was annoyed that once it went down it didn't drop anything :mad: So that was wasted time on my part :heh:


That's the one. I did take it down on my own as well during one of the patrol missions which require you to "scout the area". Yeah, put it right in visual range of that Devil Walker why don't they. The same strategy i did on the strike worked, which was target everyone first then the Walker last as you can get closeer to it to enflict more damage.


The Hunter arcblade ability in the Bladedancer tree is kinda similar so if you want more sword play its a good choice to make a Hunter for it.


Hunter is my next character once i've accomplished everything with the Warlock.

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Surprised by the score when you listen to the review. Doesn't sound like an 8/10 at all considering the amount of flaws the reviewer mentions.


@baboo if you want to play tonight, I'm free from about 7. I'm a Level 12 and still need to get some of the moon story done and take it up a notch. Anyone else free to join as well.


Sorry dude, had to prepare for a job interview!

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Played in The Crucible for the first time tonight and had some great matches with @Jimbob and @gmac. Two standout games in particular. One game where we were losing for the majority of the game and had managed to whittle it down to about 40 points with 10 seconds to spare. Finally ended up winning that game! Unbelievable. The three of us were shocked at the end result.


Then, another game where all seemed to be going to plan with me thinking that we were miles ahead until the YOU LOST LOLOL screen came up at the end...turns out I had read the score wrong and didn't realise that we were actually losing that game all the way through! Thought we were genuinely winning until the final score came on. Cue much laughter.

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Good sessions yesterday with lostmario, Blade and Kav. Shame the servers seemed a bit borked towards the end of the night.


@S\.C\.G Sorry about the lack of banter when you joined us, Sam. We were in party chat. It was hilarious when you joined though. You ran all the way to the boss only to get killed straight away. :D


I think we were all done for the night anyway, otherwise I would have played some more with you. You need to stop playing MH for a bit and get on this earlier!


I had a bunch of purples again yesterday. All of them turned into blues or strange coins. I'm gonna be stuck at this level forever...

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Had a weird glitch with the game last night...


I went on to play two crucible matches (so i'd unlock the full set of the game types)....and the game booted up, went to the select character screen and no sound... nothing

jiggled cables, removed cables, loaded areas...nothing


but back on the Ps4 menu...all the sound worked

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@S\.C\.G Sorry about the lack of banter when you joined us, Sam. We were in party chat. It was hilarious when you joined though. You ran all the way to the boss only to get killed straight away. :D


It's OK, yeah I joined up ran to where you both were and then thought to myself 'what have I just spawned into?' was pretty funny :D I'll try and get on earlier when I can, maybe even tonight, we'll see. :)


Played a couple of missions with @yesteryeargames last night though which was fun, though I wasn't sure if I was intruding or not... I hope it was OK for me to join you last night, it was open so I thought I'd see if you wanted a bit of extra fire-power on your team but I wasn't sure if you were just wanting to solo or not. :hmm:


In any case it was nice to play a game with you, I think you had your headset on and I tried talking to you a few times, it's OK if you don't like talking on the headset much, that's fine but let me know if you want me to join your games again or not as I don't want to ruin anyone's experience of the game; I'm just in it to enjoy playing with people from this excellent community. : peace:

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...and they got decrypted into some Blue boots. >_<


I got my first purple last night...



...turned out to be for Warlock class. :(


But at least it's stored for if/when I make a new character. : peace:


That reminds me, sorry yesteryeargames.I did see your invite to play some Destiny...


Regarding invites, I just discovered yesterday that I had a load of invites on Thursday/Friday but didn't even realise as I had notifications turned off for invites - must have turned it off when I disabled 'this person has gone on-offline' notifications and the like - but they are back on now! :D

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