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  Sheikah said:
Just mentioning people to see if they might be up for that raid.


@kav82 @MilaGi @Map @Eddage @Agent Gibbs


Raid this thursday? 20:00?


Also cheers to @lostmario for being a member whilst Kav has been ill.


Also I want to do the Nightfall/weekly tomorrow if two others would be kind enough to do it with me.


Can do Thursday but don't think I'll be able to start till 9pm.


Started an Alt character the other day (since everyone has one for farming) and I've only got another husk of the pit with him.....is it suddenly easier to get that supposedly rare weapon?

On my main the Eidolon Ally is awesome...should I get the item from crota to upgrade it, it would seem a shame to change a 321 damage legendary to an exotic, as a legendary I can equip it and an icebreaker

  Shorty said:
Spoke to Daft and he said he and Eric can wait, so that puts Drift in the 6th spot.


Thank @Daft for giving me your spot. Was at the work earlier when I remember that it's Tue tomorrow hence I asked Daft on Whatsapp if there are any raid opening.


Think it's about the time that I need to start on leveling my Alt Titan and Hunter to LVL 30+ for farming.

  Blade said:
@kav82 @MilaGi @Map @Eddage @Agent Gibbs


Raid this thursday? 20:00?


Also cheers to @lostmario for being a member whilst Kav has been ill.


Also I want to do the Nightfall/weekly tomorrow if two others would be kind enough to do it with me.


Sorry lads i'm a dick and forgot that i'm doing a 10 mile run round Leeds after work on Thursday. I'm training for a half marathon between Bradford and Leeds for charity the following week.


Can we do Friday or Sunday?


Also anyone up for doing the nightfall/weekly with me tonight? Any time as im off work.

  Blade said:
Sorry lads i'm a dick and forgot that i'm doing a 10 mile run round Leeds after work on Thursday. I'm training for a half marathon between Bradford and Leeds for charity the following week.


Can we do Friday or Sunday?


Also anyone up for doing the nightfall/weekly with me tonight? Any time as im off work.


Either day is fine with me :)

  Blade said:
Sorry lads i'm a dick and forgot that i'm doing a 10 mile run round Leeds after work on Thursday. I'm training for a half marathon between Bradford and Leeds for charity the following week.


Can we do Friday or Sunday?


Also anyone up for doing the nightfall/weekly with me tonight? Any time as im off work.


Run faster and get home for 9 so we can do the raid then!:heh:


Friday would be better for me, the missus is out so i can yous the main TV and not have someone with Corrie or X factor or something on in the background

  Blade said:
Sorry lads i'm a dick and forgot that i'm doing a 2 mile run and 8 mile waddle round Leeds after work on Thursday. I'm training for a half marathon between Bradford and Leeds for charity the following week.


Can we do Friday or Sunday?


Also anyone up for doing the nightfall/weekly with me tonight? Any time as im off work.


Fixed for you mate :p


Friday isn't good for me, I'm not in, but Sunday is.

  Blade said:
Sorry lads i'm a dick and forgot that i'm doing a 10 mile run round Leeds after work on Thursday. I'm training for a half marathon between Bradford and Leeds for charity the following week.


Can we do Friday or Sunday?


Also anyone up for doing the nightfall/weekly with me tonight? Any time as im off work.

I'll be on from about 6 so can do the nightfall.


I eddage'd the raid last night, in one run getting the gloves (already had), body armour (didn't have) and helmet (didn't have). Combined with the maxed raid boots I already have, that's a full set. :p


Also got a third piece for my warlock in a 3 man half-raid with Zell and Shorty so he can get to L32 at some point too.


Yesterday I got The Last Word, Dragons Breath and Sunbreakers. Still need to run Nightfall with my Titan.


Decided to give TLW another go. I wasn't a hand cannon user last time I had one. Damn...this thing is going to be insane in PvP.I totally dismissed it before because of it's awful range but it really just requires a change in play style. Also, shooting from the hip for better accuracy is really counter intuitive, it's taking time to get used to.


Happy with the stuffs I got from last night's raid after constantly got shards/energys. Raid Chest armour and Hunger of Crota Rocket Launcher. Heard bungie drop a little present for us at the Postmaster today.

  Eddage said:
Anyone up for Nightfall and weekly tonight? I'll be on from about 6.


I still need to do Nightfall and Weekly - I won't be on til 8 though if you don't mind waiting?

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