knightendo Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 i saw in the gamesradar site (looking for any info on the new NOM but nothing yet) that the next Doom game is being slated for release on PS3, 360 and PC, but no mention of revolution why?! its creators have already stated how much they love the revo, and yes they have said that they are planning an exclusive title for it, so with that news and the fact that the unreal engine could run easily on our future beloved machine, why is it being ignored already for a big multi-format release like a new Doom? surely Doom using the revo controller, and then an exclusive game from its creators too would ensure the look of some serious support for consumers deciding on which machine to buy? i'm just afraid that if big muilti-format games such as this don't come our way like has happened on the GCN, that the revo's image is going to suffer in the eyes of the broader market, again llike the GC. what do you think? or am i over-reacting you think...?
Guest Stefkov Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 thats a good question, isnt the revo controller like a mouse in a way, basically your taking the function of the moluse n that game and putting it into the revo controller. unless this is totally wrong then i dont see why they cant do it.
masaki86 Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 basically because it'd be like making two completely different games. The tech specs are where it's all at tbh.
Cold Fire Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 A game like Doom from a producer like ID is all about pretty graphics, infact on the Revo Europe front page i think it talks about how ID arent even all that interested in the Revo yet. You know, i'd really like to know what third parties are actually producing games for the so called revolution. [Edit] Well it isnt the revo-europe front page thats reporting it. Not sure where i saw it but i deffo read it today somewhere [/edit]
mike-zim Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 well if they were only making it for the two home consols then there would be a justification for not having it on the rev. but they are making it for PC too. so i can see no reason not to make it for rev. unless the exclusive is from the DOOM franchise. if this is the case then it wouldn't make sense to release a port on the same system you are making an exclusive
Konfucius Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 Or maybe they aren't allowed to confirm it for the Revo because that would indirectly mean that the Revo is graphically as capable as the competition and Nintendo tries to downplay hardware specs at the moment. But I must say I don't really care whether Doom comes to the Revo or not, I didn't like Doom³ a lot and I doubt the sequel will be so different.
Fierce_LiNk Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 In all honesty, if the Revo is underpowered compared to the others, then does that definitely mean they cannot make the same game (but different) on the Revo? Take, for example, Tony Hawks American Sk8land. How many versions of that game are there? There's an xbox360 version, a ps2 version, as well as even a DS version (which, may i add, is very different compared to the other consoles). See what i mean?
DCK Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 If they're doing the same with Doom 4 this gen as they did with Doom 3 last gen even the 360 is going to have trouble running it. The graphics are a no go for the Rev, and id Software has never done anything for Nintendo either.
Kurtle Squad Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 All games only say PS3 & 360 atm anyway!!!
triforcemario Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 Maybe they are making an explusive doom game for the rev: Doom:Luigi's mansion edition.
James McGeachie Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 It's pretty simple why, here, let me give you the exact reason: Revolution can't handle the game without serious downgrades. I'm sorry, but you can deny it as much as you want, this IS truth. Revolution is as powerful as has been said, it's been confirmed and regardless of what you want to think, this is true. If it's only at souped up Xbox level, then it'd be hard for it to pull off Doom 3 looking much better than the Xbox version did. With that knowledge, how can it possibly hope to run the NEXT Doom game?
Rolf Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 Just to throw my 2 cents in... I don't want Doom 4. I want Metroid Prime 3 and Geist 2. Y'dig? ... Although, using the flashlight in Doom, with the 'wand' would be pretty nice. So, in closing: Ignore my entire post.
Migraine Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 James McGeachie said: It's pretty simple why, here, let me give you the exact reason: Revolution can't handle the game without serious downgrades. I'm sorry, but you can deny it as much as you want, this IS truth. Revolution is as powerful as has been said, it's been confirmed and regardless of what you want to think, this is true. If it's only at souped up Xbox level, then it'd be hard for it to pull off Doom 3 looking much better than the Xbox version did. With that knowledge, how can it possibly hope to run the NEXT Doom game? this has been confirmed? really? nuh...
Mr. Bananagrabber Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 James McGeachie said: It's pretty simple why, here, let me give you the exact reason: Revolution can't handle the game without serious downgrades. I'm sorry, but you can deny it as much as you want, this IS truth. Revolution is as powerful as has been said, it's been confirmed and regardless of what you want to think, this is true. If it's only at souped up Xbox level, then it'd be hard for it to pull off Doom 3 looking much better than the Xbox version did. With that knowledge, how can it possibly hope to run the NEXT Doom game? It doesn't have the graphical capabilities. So what? Like Fierce Link said, surely it could be downgraded slightly?
Fierce_LiNk Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 Yamcha said: It doesn't have the graphical capabilities. So what? Like Fierce Link said, surely it could be downgraded slightly? Exactly. A version of the game where it makes more use of the Rev's special features is always a possibility in scenarios where maybe the game can't be ported across. Again, American Sk8land is a perfect example of this. It utilises the DS's touchscreen and microphone abilities, to give us a unique experience of the game. Why can't this be the same with Doom, for example?
Questworld Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 If Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 can make it on the Xbox, it most certainly can be on a "souped-up Xbox" called the Nintendo Revolution. I personally think people overexaggerate this "weaker" compared to the 360 and PS3 and that's assuming it's true. In other cases I think some developers aren't as good at tweaking a game to maximum effect. Capcom was able to do RE4 on the GCN (AND PS2) and look at that game. On the other hand we got games like Hunter: The Reckoning which looks terrible. I think the reason some developers ask for more memory is because their the don't optimize their work and their engines well enough. They don't "trim the fat" with excess like unnecessary number of polygons or hidden ones, etc. that bog down framerate and memory space. Anyway, any good developer can make a game like Doom 3 or 4 on any of the next generation system (possibly even current ones) if they wanted or forced too. If the sales were there even if it's on the weakest of consoles, they'd do everything they can to make it work. And since we're not talking about Dreamcast/PS2/GCN "weak" here with the Revolution, I'm sure they've got all the resources they need. Barring any official news of "undeniably too weak in specs," I believe their reasons have anything to do with the Revolution supposedly being too weak to run their games. They're probably still stuck on the "kiddy" angle or the current GCN being left out on multi-platform game releases mentality.
James McGeachie Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 The thing is, we're not really talking about slight downgrades, they'd probably have to rework most of the game. Doom 3 was possible on Xbox, sure, however Doom 4 is likely going to go way beyond 3, probably at least on the level, if not surpassing Unreal Engine 3 games like Gears of War. I'm sorry to say too, but without the amount of polygons in the character models, with what we've heard about Revolution specs from the developers that reported to IGN, that level just couldn't be done without a ton of work to tone it down. Unless developers are given reason to believe their hard work massively dowgrading games is going to pay off sales wise, which they don't currently have, not many of them are going to take risks porting PS3 and 360 titles to Revolution. Now I'm as much as a Nintendo fan as everyone else here, I just like to be as realistic as possible about things to avoid disappointment.
DCK Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 It all really depends on the graphics chip. I think the Revolution might run Unreal Engine 3 with some modification if the GPU turns out okay (and the CPU getting a little boost would be nice too), but considering id's reputation in graphics - this is too much for the Revolution. But even if it'd have the power I doubt it'd get a port.
knightendo Posted January 7, 2006 Author Posted January 7, 2006 iD have already stated their lurve (lol) for the revo's controller though, so i was confused as to why they are already ignoring us. but yeh, no confirmation has been released yet stating what the machine is capable of, and "d'oh", i forgot all about ninty "shush-ing" developers for the time being (thanks Konfucius and Kurt R ) so i guess it's a waiting game. may really can't come soon enough!!! thank god we moved our holiday to turkey back to june... i couldn't cope with waiting for revo news any longer lol!
Wesley Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 I wouldn't expect any games from 3rd parties to be announced for the Revolution until the console is fully shown to the public, including specifications, etc. Whether it is just to see if it gets a good reaction or just so I (the developer) doesn't get bugged by the press asking about the Revolution.
mario114 Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 Companys arn't allowed to confirm games for the rev. yet.
DCK Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 I think the number of announced 360/PS3 games actually coming to the Rev is quite small though. It's a different market.
demonmike04 Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 Its pretty much been known that developers are incredibly lazy when having games released on various platforms. Doom sells well on PC, they make it. Have a new control system, you can put it on an xbox. Change a few of the controls, you can but it on a playstation. Nintendo revolution however has the 3D space, so a total revamp in the control system is needed, and because they havent released any Doom games on a nintendo platform in ages, they'l be unsure, and wont bother making it. Maybe when revolution proves its power on the gaming culture that we may see developers take notice of the awesome features for their games.
Sooj Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 Guys you are all missing out one simple thing. We all know that Capcom and Nintendo are very close, closer than they have ever been yet Resi5 has only been confirmed as PS3 and Xbox360 games, why? WELL, the main man over at Capcom stated that the reason why Resi5 isn't confirmed for the Revo is because they don't have much information on the system, as soon as they get more info they will announce Resi5 for the REvo. So really, it might have nothing to do with power, just the fact that they don't lknow much of the Revo yet.
djamb3 Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 Sooj said: Guys you are all missing out one simple thing. We all know that Capcom and Nintendo are very close, closer than they have ever been yet Resi5 has only been confirmed as PS3 and Xbox360 games, why? WELL, the main man over at Capcom stated that the reason why Resi5 isn't confirmed for the Revo is because they don't have much information on the system, as soon as they get more info they will announce Resi5 for the REvo. So really, it might have nothing to do with power, just the fact that they don't lknow much of the Revo yet. Well yeah but, they were a lot more close at the begining of the gamecube, with great exclusives, but then they saw they could make profit selling in PS2 and released resi4 and killer 7. now all they want is money so let's release it where it sells.just like sega (once there were only exclusives.....)
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