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SEGA 3D Classics


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This looks a lot like the version on Sega Ages on the Saturn, including the loading screen. Really excited to play this in 3D!


I hope they bring Galaxy Force II to the 3DS too, that would be ace :)


You're in luck! :D




Now, if they'd just get off their arse and get these games released westward...

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  • 5 months later...

A 3D-compatible Virtual MegaDrive: the Gigadrive Plan.





Once we had decided to include depth in rasterized areas, we figured we might as well build a MegaDrive architecture that supports stereoscopic 3D, a new SEGA console we dreamed up, which we decided to call the “GigaDrive.” We figured that if we can build this new platform on the 3DS using emulation techniques, and then create a version of Sonic The Hedgehog that runs on it, all our problems would be solved! This would give us smarter and more flexible 3D compared to patching the MegaDrive game program.


...From M2’s standpoint, since we’ve gotten away from the original plan to emulate the game in 3D, and instead wound up creating an extension of the hardware spec that makes it easier to put MegaDrive games into 3D, we think of the GigaDrive as an ‘unofficial’ new SEGA console.


The specs are very clearly defined, and someone out there with enough skill could make probably make the same hardware. That’s the level at which we’ve built it.


Fascinating read! So this truly is a 'virtual console' rather than the usual ad hoc emulation. That does bode well for future games as it seems most of the hard work is done. Might be a while before we get Nights or Daytona tho!


Nintendo need to set about doing the same for the SNES :)

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Wow! That's nuts! So they built a real "virtual console", which is a turbo charged Megadrive with extra background layers/RAM/Z Depth sprite positioning support etc and they're actually emulating that on the 3DS!


Crazy! Still, it does mean that getting future MD games up and running in 3D will be much easier now :) (and they can port them to any future console that outputs S3D with ease too!)


Gunstar Heroes 3D, here we come! :D

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I've just spent £9 on nostalgia (Space Harrier and Super Hang-On). I'm not saying they're not good games; it's just that I bought them for the feel rather than the gameplay.


My childhood was in the '80s so what I want from this range is for Sega to be able to recreate the holiday camp reception areas in those days: the warm, glowing atmosphere, the carpet I spilt a bit of Pineapple Tango on, the noises from the coin-ops and the smell of hotdogs and onions.


To be honest, I think I'd buy any coin-ops Sega released. I second the calls for OutRun, and would like to suggest Super Monaco GP as well. It's a game I'm very nostalgic about, despite not being sure if I've actually played it. :heh:

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Forget nostalgia, are they good fun to play? They'r a tad expensive I reckon, but I'm still tempted!


Don't know, dazzybee, I'm just listening to the music at the moment. To be honest, I reckon Super Hang-On would be the better of the two if you're not taking nostalgia into account, but I find it impossible to separate the enjoyment of these titles from Sega's amazing sprite-scaling.

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Forget nostalgia, are they good fun to play? They'r a tad expensive I reckon, but I'm still tempted!


Yeah they are - especially Space Harrier. If you like Starfox, you'll probably like Space Harrier (it's a lot simpler, but still very fun - it's also a lot faster paced; both factors making sense when you consider the game's arcade origins).


Just don't infinite credit pump your way through the game. Set yourself a hard limit of no more than 3 max (ideally, you'd try and clear it on one credit - play it as if it were still an actual coin op machine!)

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Yeah they are - especially Space Harrier. If you like Starfox, you'll probably like Space Harrier (it's a lot simpler, but still very fun - it's also a lot faster paced; both factors making sense when you consider the game's arcade origins).


Just don't infinite credit pump your way through the game. Set yourself a hard limit of no more than 3 max (ideally, you'd try and clear it on one credit - play it as if it were still an actual coin op machine!)


Yeah. The 3D screams StarFox. The SNES original would look sublime with all those polygons in 3D. Will buy Sonic before plumping for these two though. Gotta buy the hog again and again and again...


Also: the menu in the e-shop for these games has INCREDIBLE pop-out 3D. Love it!

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Yep all the games support pop out 3D. I bought 3D Sonic. Sonic was quite nice it includes spin dash and an option to switch between the Japanese/American versions of the game and Megadrive 1 and 2 audio though I can't tell the difference at all :( Would've been nice if they added features from the Android/iOS versions like extra characters, full screen graphics and time attack mode after all they did add in Spin Dash but I guess they were really strapped for time.


Looking forward to 3D Streets of Rage and might pick up Shinobi if it's Revenge of Shinobi, that was always my favourite though I doubt they'll have Spiderman or Batman :(

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God! 3D Classics Sonic is SOOOO GOOOOOODDDD!!!! :D


The parallax is great! And the spin dash integration is so seamless! It's just wonderful!


Makes me want to buy Altered Beast and Ecco, even though I hate those games!


We had better get Sonic 2 and 3&K in the next batch. Those are utterly screaming "MAKE ME THREE DEE!!!" Dat parallax! Dose Special Stages!! :o


Those two along with Gunstar Heroes, Sonic 3D Blast, Ristar and Alien Soldier are probably THE MD games that would benefit the most from the 3D Classics treatment! MAKE IT HAPPEN SEGA/M2!

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God! 3D Classics Sonic is SOOOO GOOOOOODDDD!!!! :D


Spot on.

I sat down to play this last night with a cup of tea and nearly spat my tea out. :laughing:

I was mesmerised. It reminded me of when I first saw Sonic on the Megadrive upon release. The fluidity, colour and high definition graphics :heh: were superb, zipping along and being supported by a cast of instruments so perfectly placed that it seemed like the freshest, coolest, hype-inducing thing I had ever laid my eyes and ears on.


And this version really seems to tune in to that aura again.

A lot of it is because the colours seem to pop so well in 3D. The art is wonderfully apparent because of the added depth and everything nips along - better than the PAL version ever did. :heh:

The spin dash is embedded and feels perfect and as much as I enjoy the iOS version, the 3D effects here has breathed new life into this classic. Sonic just 'feels' right on a Nintendo system too, especially when sat next to the other virtual console Sonic games. :)


If this is where SEGA are taking classic 16-Bit games, count me in as an owner of their 'Gigadrive' system. : peace:



Edit: can we change the name of this thread to cover all 3D SEGA classics?

Edited by tapedeck
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I'm loving it, though the Marble Zone is as gnarly as I remember it :p I'm really gagging for some more 3D SEGA action, I remember quite liking Altered Beast but thinking it was a bit short, I've never played Space Harrier but it looks interesting! What would you guys suggest out of the two?


Though I really am leaning towards Altered Beast :p The dream of being a man bear is all too tempting.

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If this is where SEGA are taking classic 16-Bit games, count me in as an owner of their 'Gigadrive' system. : peace:


Such an appealing idea, isn't it? A turbo-charged Megadrive.


I picked up Sonic as well today. As it has been fully reconstructed, it is of course the 60Hz version, although I hadn't thought of that. Looking at the list, three of the games are the arcade versions:


Space Harrier*

Super Hang-On*

Galaxy Force II*


Sonic the Hedgehog

Altered Beast

Ecco the Dolphin

Shinobi III

Streets of Rage




My personal rule is that I'm going to buy all the ones that are based on the coin-ops (bit of a mystery why Altered Beast isn't), plus good Megadrive exclusives like Sonic the Hedgehog. I think my wish list for future releases is:




Super Monaco GP*

Golden Axe*

Streets of Rage 2


*Coin-op versions

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Something I noticed: In the Android version, in the first boss fight, Robotnik was invincible until the wrecking ball was fully deployed. This just has the original version where you can take most of his life before he can start swinging.

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Something I noticed: In the Android version, in the first boss fight, Robotnik was invincible until the wrecking ball was fully deployed. This just has the original version where you can take most of his life before he can start swinging.


Which is exactly as it should be. : peace:


I'm going to take this (3D)classic for a spin(dash) right now! :D

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You're not supposed to be spindashing.


I know that really... :p but I couldn't resist trying it once just to see, the option is turned off now, naturally. ;)


But oh my... words cannot describe how amazing this is to me, if you had told me when I was a kid that twenty-odd years in the future you will be playing this state-of-the-art Sega Megadrive game on a portable Nintendo console; I simply would have not believed you. :rolleyes:


Playing this sacred game from my childhood, Sonic the Hedgehog in 3D is something genuinely mind-blowing to me, even more than playing any number of recent 'next-gen' games that you would care to mention. :p


To put it simply... it's.. it's beautiful :cry: so you'll have to excuse me while I wipe the 'manly' tears of joy from my 3DS screen and continue to enjoy what is to me one of the best things ever created. :love:

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if you had told me when I was a kid that twenty-odd years in the future you will be playing this state-of-the-art Sega Megadrive game on a portable Nintendo console; I simply would have not believed you. :rolleyes:


This is the third portable Nintendo console that the game has been on (although the GBA port was terrible and the DS port was poor).

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