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Movember 2012


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It's that time of the year again, when men everywhere start gaining unsightly facial hair!


Less than a week away! Who's participating?


I am for my first year as I didn't know about it last year until it was too late to start. I can't do a full no shave because of work, but I should be able to get myself a pedo 80's porn stache going.


I've also ordered a Free Mustache Rides shirt since I know I can't resist asking everyone if they want one.


I'll ask a second time, who's in for the month?

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While I always have facial hair (shaved it fully off twice in like two years), I keep it down because it kinda just goes..fluffy and unkempt, rather than becoming a lovely beard or anything. My moustache is blonde too, so it's kinda pointless.



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I saw there was a thread from 2010 for it...so at least since then.


Apparently it started in Australia at somepoint to raise Prostrate cancer awareness and has gotten popular around the world.


And @bob @Magnus you wusses.


I think i raised less than £100 last year, which is a bit pitiful. Would probably get even less this year since people get annoyed at me badgering them..



I'd be quite happy to grow a mustache, just not being sponsored!

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I can see the point if it's for a good cause but... I like my facial hair, I've had a proper beard for a good seven years or so now; I'd just look weird(er) without it. :heh:


Good luck to those who are giving it a go though. :)

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