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The Red Dwarf Mafia


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Unless Lister can role block more than one person I'm suspicious of Animal at this point.


Please explain why you find me suspicious? Not being funny when I say that, I'm just slightly confused. =S


I targeted Magnus Peterson but nothing happened then Lister found me and we had a few drinks. I'm thinking Lister isn't a roleblocker but more like an investigator of some kind like he'll know our targets or alignments or powers or something.


Obviously he isn't a roleblocker because I was successful with my target, I just found nothing. I'm thinking he's some kind of investigator.

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I didn't send in a target and was auto assigned (bad form I thought but Jimbob said it was some form of standard practice)


While it's not standard practice, some roles are a "need to" role where you must do a night action.

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I was thinking the same as well. Such as when Rimmer got drunk with Lister and revealed he had only slept with one person (@Yvonne McGruder).


Oh yeah! I need to watch all of the episodes again (think I missed a few). I'm thinking Lister finds out who we target. Like, he gets them drunk and our character would tell Lister who they targeted, just like Rimmer revealed he slept with one person.


Damn, this shit just got interesting!

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This day doesn't offer me much, and i offer this day even less! Also suspected the red liquid was the luck/sex virus(forgot which is which) but it seems answered now. I am also happy to say that i targetted Magnus last night, and recieved no messages about other folks as far as i recall. I got a lot of fish from him though, yooooow!

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Sheika, my PM said that I went out on a date with someone, who I'm not sure if I should name yet, which went so well that I blacked out until the next morning. No mention of Lister. No mention of an airlock. If I had done something, I don't know about it. Can anyone possibly control others to kill in this game?


Only other text was relating to my targeting being successful.

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It's possible, but was pretty overpowered in the last game I played (much to my pleasure), so I'm less inclined to believe it.


My main issue here is that Jon claims to have seen you drinking with Lister and walking away from the crime scene and you say you witnessed none of it. Whoever was drinking with you could shed some more light on this - did he appear inebriated in your writeup, @ whoever drank with Magnus?

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Please explain why you find me suspicious? Not being funny when I say that, I'm just slightly confused. =S


I targeted Magnus Peterson but nothing happened then Lister found me and we had a few drinks. I'm thinking Lister isn't a roleblocker but more like an investigator of some kind like he'll know our targets or alignments or powers or something.


Obviously he isn't a roleblocker because I was successful with my target, I just found nothing. I'm thinking he's some kind of investigator.


Yeah that seems reasonable. Wasn't sure if you were just jumping on the Magnus Peterson bandwagon of 'I got drunk with Lister' as a cover...but the and red liquid thing seem to hold weight as a separate event.


It's possible, but was pretty overpowered in the last game I played (much to my pleasure), so I'm less inclined to believe it.


My main issue here is that Jon claims to have seen you drinking with Lister and walking away from the crime scene and you say you witnessed none of it. Whoever was drinking with you could shed some more light on this - did he appear inebriated in your writeup, @ whoever drank with Magnus?


To be more precise without quoting the PM - Magnus was drinking beers with Lister then went back to the storage area. After that the red liquid was drank and he went to the airlock area.

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I am lister. I didn't drink last night. That lister is an impostor, or it isn't true.


I'm not saying you did it or anything but I was DEFINITELY targeted by Lister. It said he found me and he went for drinks before he left for the Starbug (think I spelt/said that right).


Didn't the write-up say there were two Listers though? If you're the actual Lister, then someone can be a clone. Possibly a character who can duplicate characters and powers to cause confusion in the write-ups?

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