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I know Nintendo did it first with the Super NES and the button layout had the B button at the bottom and the A button on the right, but I've really got used to, and now prefer the Xbox layout of having the A button at the bottom, which I assume they copied the PlayStation pad of having the X button at the bottom.


So why do I now struggle with the 3DS and Wii U layout? Every time I go to press the Y button, I press the top one and end up hitting X instead. Grrr!


Does anybody else have this problem or is it just my sausage fingers?

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I have exactly the same problem. It's confusing not having the "main" face button at the bottom.


Although my first Nintendo console was the N64, where the A button was below and the B button was off to the side. Then the GameCube button had A at the bottom (even if it was large), B to the left and X/Y at the top/right, similar to the 360 and PS3 controllers.


One thing I noticed - in particular Darksiders - is that some games will use a similar layout to the PS3/360 versions, with the "main" button (in the case of Darksiders, jump) assigned to B and working round like that.

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I know Nintendo did it first with the Super NES and the button layout had the B button at the bottom and the A button on the right, but I've really got used to, and now prefer the Xbox layout of having the A button at the bottom, which I assume they copied the PlayStation pad of having the X button at the bottom.


So why do I now struggle with the 3DS and Wii U layout? Every time I go to press the Y button, I press the top one and end up hitting X instead. Grrr!


Does anybody else have this problem or is it just my sausage fingers?


I have the opposite problem myself. Keep thinking the A button is where B should be on the 360 controller.


Funnily enough, I have no problem with X being the main confirm button on the PS controller though ::shrug: (except for Japanese games which are all wrong wrong wrong and reverse X and circle! - yeah I get why they do it, but it just feels wrong)


Maybe it's just down to the way you hold it in the default position? I never have my thumb over X and Square on a PS controller or a 360 one (usually holding it above all 4 buttons), but I always have my thumb over B and Y (or B and A with a small rightward shift) at all times with a typical Nintendo controller.


In the case where you use multiple buttons held simultaneously, the Nintendo layout is generally the most comfortable for me. You can rest your thumb on B to hit A and Y much more easily than the other controllers! :) (which have the buttons further apart and are either too mushy or are those horrible Jewel type buttons which murder your thumbs!)


For other games where you just hit different buttons independently (most Devil May Cry style action games for instance), I generally prefer the PS controller design.


It's also why I prefer playing Mega drive games with a Classic Controller Pro, while I prefer SNES games with the original Classic Controller - since the CC Pro's grips better enable you to hold it like a PS or MD controller, where you don't always hold your thumb over two buttons as the default position.


But for general confirmation selection (where A is typically yes and B is generally no), I prefer the Nintendo design. I like how reaching for A requires your hand/thumb to move in a different way than any other button - making a specific mark in your muscle memory and generally making a larger impact in said memory when you do decide to confirm something than it would otherwise do (i.e, if you just pressed it like you would any other button from the default position)

Edited by Dcubed
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A noob question: what does DMC stand for? Is it Devil May Cry of also something else?::shrug:


It stands for... 'Damage My Controller' due to the amount of button mashing involved in those kind of action games. ;)



Nah just kidding, DMC generally speaking is standard abbreviation for the ever-popular action series Devil May Cry, although there is a certain amount of truth to the aforementioned 'explanation' as well. :D




As for controller layouts, I own all main consoles and have no real trouble adjusting to each controller. :)

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A noob question: what does DMC stand for? Is it Devil May Cry of also something else?::shrug:


Sorry, yeah it's Devil May Cry (I got lazy with my typing :p - plus I have a bad habit of repeatedly editing posts/fixing mistakes only after I've already made them... ;) )

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I pulled a Bethesda
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The GCN controller was great for games designed with that in control in mind from the off but for other games, not so much.


The big A button was nice when it was the primary input button but playing a 6 button fighter with that face layout, those shoulder buttons, and the D-Pad is simply not fun. You can hit A and another face button but you can't really hit two face buttons that don't include A (so B & Y, Y & X or B and X) which is a bit limiting.


But yeah, back to the layout, never had any problems really. The first time I used an Xbox pad, it did throw me off a little, and as mentioned, Konami's refusal to switch the confirm/back buttons in their PS games is annoying, but now I'm used to it.

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Like some others, I have this problem the other way round! When I go to use the PlayStation controller it takes a little bit of adjustment. @Dcubed made a great point about how B typically equals "negative", and so it's better to have that prominent so you don't accidentally "affirm" anything you don't want to.


(But other than that, yes, I miss the GameCube and its controller like crazy.)

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The big A button was nice when it was the primary input button but playing a 6 button fighter with that face layout, those shoulder buttons, and the D-Pad is simply not fun. You can hit A and another face button but you can't really hit two face buttons that don't include A (so B & Y, Y & X or B and X) which is a bit limiting.


Actually, Y&X was fine, but yeah... the other two combos were not really feasible...


Good thing that Soul Calibur 2 never really needed you to press any of the "problem" button combos together! (funnily enough, that game just so happens to play best with a GCN controller too :D)


But then again, the GCN never got any other good fighters (and probably partially for that very reason)


One controller doesn't fit all games. That's part of why I'm looking forward to the Wii U so much. The console is basically the swiss army knife of controller schemes! :)

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Actually, Y&X was fine, but yeah... the other two combos were not really feasible...


Good thing that Soul Calibur 2 never really needed you to press any of the "problem" button combos together! (funnily enough, that game just so happens to play best with a GCN controller too :D)


But then again, the GCN never got any other good fighters (and probably partially for that very reason)


One controller doesn't fit all games. That's part of why I'm looking forward to the Wii U so much. The console is basically the swiss army knife of controller schemes! :)


It might be fine for you but I still feel it as awkward since the A button it in the way and I have to roll my thumb right off the main resting position (over A). Also trying to transition from the B button to X & Y, combined, with any pace sees me hitting that A button as well. Do get me wrong, I like the pad and it's great at what it does when it's designed for it but it has some drawbacks. Much like the shoulder buttons were nice for games that required analog input but to me, they never felt quite right for digital actions (interesting note kinda - if you map Accelerate in F-Zero GX to the shoulder buttons, it will give you anaolg input). And I'm sure we can all agree on the small d-pad.


I'm sure in some alternative universe, there is a kid attempting to play Killer Instinct 3 on a GC pad and crying about it.

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I...don't actually know the button layout for the SNES. If you asked me to say from memory which button was which, I wouldn't be able to say. I just figure out what each button does and remember that. Muscle memory.


I'd rather we have one GIANT button that did everything. In Fifa, it would pass, shoot, dribble, run and cancel. All at the same time.

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I...don't actually know the button layout for the SNES. If you asked me to say from memory which button was which, I wouldn't be able to say. I just figure out what each button does and remember that. Muscle memory.


I'd rather we have one GIANT button that did everything. In Fifa, it would pass, shoot, dribble, run and cancel. All at the same time.


Like the Star Wii Prototype Controller?



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I wish we could look into an alternate universe where they went with the star controller. I'd love to see what their ideas for it were, haha.


If ever N-E can somehow manage an interview with Miyamoto or Iwata I'm gonna make sure our interviewer asks about that prototype :D

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I wish we could look into an alternate universe where they went with the star controller. I'd love to see what their ideas for it were, haha.


In that alternate universe though, the Wii would have been the GC add-on and so the entire thing would probably have had a very short life span.


Still, I bet you could take off the back and make a nice frisbee out of it.

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Yeah I miss the the GCN controller too (especially those awesome analog/digital click shoulder buttons)


I hope they've got a proper solution in the works for when they put GCN games up on the VC...


Their 'proper' solution will be to release a Wii U Pro GC Controller and then not make it at all compatible with games that use the standard Wii U Pro Controller or Wii Classic Controller Pro..


ProCoMon.. gotta catch 'em all :blank:

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Haven't read the topic fully so I might just be repeating stuff that has already been said :D


I'm fine pressing the X button on Nintendo and Playstation controllers but when it comes to Xbox I get really confused and end up pressing A or Y lol. btw Xbox controller just copied the Dreamcast's layout.


In Japan the O button on the Playstation is the main button so it matches Nintendo's A button lol not sure why it was changed to X when it came to Europe.


Also I'm probably the only one who thought the GC pad was stupid, yeah there's a great big massive A button and a tiny B button and the X and Y buttons spread out so far apart making fighting games impossible to play on it

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