Yvonne Posted October 5, 2012 Author Posted October 5, 2012 It's so good that in order to get The Peeps to watch it I designed a mafia game. Day will end at 22:00 today Rummy (1): The Peeps No Lynch (3): mr-paul, DuD, Jon Dedede majority is 9 votes
The Peeps Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 Rummy said: Chain of command, I followed orders. Peeps clearly did the same, we both had votes today. I've not yet been given an opportunity to disobey. It's actually in my role that I have to disobey him once if I get the opportunity.
Zell Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 Quote Yes - Lt. Daniels is in charge of McNulty and Bunk - McNulty 'stepped out of line' by' date=' basically, telling a Judge about a bunch of shit which made the judge exert political pressure on McNulty's Boss's Boss's Boss's Boss to 'sort it out'. It trickles back down to Daniels, who is told by his boss (Captain Valchek was it? I can't honestly remember) to take care of 'it', but do it quietly and quickly. Daniels therefore has little manpower and little resources to use to chill out the political fire that's been started. Daniels is a very politically aware cop, whereas McNulty doesn't have a political bone in his body, but is a very good cop. mcNulty disobeys Daniels in the show by essentially going over his head and getting the wire-tap go-ahead from the DAs. Daniels does find this out, and tries to keep it a bit quiet from his boss (his boss is the one to really keep an eye on, for at the end everything kinda seems to go HIS way). Daniels also covers for his colleagues - at one point he helps a few cops 'get their story straight' before a potential internal affairs investigation. Srsly - you guys NEED to watch the show. It's unbelievably good.[/quote'] He's not actually in charge of Bunk iirc. And I agree, you all seriously need to watch it because it's the best thing ever.
Rummy Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 I see. @uəʌəsʎɐɾ, you're mixing up everything. Daniels isn't in charge of McNulty and Bunk - Jay (?)Landsdale is. Major Rawls is the big shit who oversees that; Deputy Ops Ervin Burrell is even more above. Shit does always roll downhill though. Daniels is put in charge of the unit formed to take on the Barksdales, spurred by McNulty's actions with the court judge after D'Angelo Barksdale manages to walk out of court after shooting a guy in the high rises - Gant was the key eye-witness for that case. He's later found dead, shot by Bird, one of the Barksdale crew. This unit is made up of police from all over the place; I think Daniels heads it because he's narcotics. McNulty's from Homicide(Bunk's his homicide partner, but Bunk stays in Homicide while McNulty's on the drug detail), along with some other guy with a slightly italianish name. Then you have Herc and Carver, I believe also from Narcotics. Then there's Detective Shakima Greggs, but she's generally known as Kima, also from Narcotics iirc. And the don himself, Lester Freamon...from the Pawn Shop Unit. Then there's the bumbling idiot that nobody wants, 'Prez' Prezbeluski - son-in-law to Valcheck(even more high up than the others iirc) from a division I don't know, and Sydnor is then requested by Daniels to balance out Prez's uselessness, apparently the best in Auto Theft department? There's also a couple of fat/useless/old cops, possibly also from Homicide, but they fall out of the new unit quite quickly. So that's a brief unit overview for folks(there's actually still loads more characters and probably not all of these are in the game), but jay's right it is awesome and people should watch it. Also mainly he was wrong about who's who and I wanted to clear it up.
Mr-Paul Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 All these names are too much! Just tell me if we should trust Peeps and his disobedience or this Daniels blokey or not!?
Zell Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 Probably, but it would be unwise to assume to much. No-one is truly good or evil in The Wire, just many shades of grey.
heroicjanitor Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 Zell said: Probably, but it would be unwise to assume to much. No-one is truly good or evil in The Wire, just many shades of grey. As many as 50? I think it makes sense, but then Peeps does that make you neutral?
Nintendohnut Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 If he has his own win condition I would assume that is the case, but I've already started to realise that assuming anything in this game is stupid. However, I think it's safe to bet that part of Daniels' power is to instruct people to do things, which they have a choice of either doing or ignoring, but I don't think that would be his whole power - otherwise he could go the entire game and never actually do anything (because people keep just ignoring him).
The Peeps Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 I'm not neutral, I won't lose the game if I don't get to do it but I guess it will be of some benefit to me somehow? Does anyone else have anything like that in their PM? It might just be a way to steer the game in the same kind of direction as the show, mostly for flavour.
Mr-Paul Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 So while it could just be his power to advise others, it seems that people lose their vote if they don't do what he says, so it is in their interest to follow what he says regardless of whether they agree with him or not. Power must be kept to account, I think. Could we perhaps learn anything from knowing what Daniels advised them to do?
Rummy Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 I think I know where you're coming from Peeps. Tbh I am not yet entirely convinced whether Daniels is going to be a player, or is just a bit of flavour.
jayseven Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 @Rummy thanks - yeah I'd forgotten a tonne and gotten totally confused. Daniels was put in charge of their task force - as a lieutenant he doens't hold power anywhere at teh start -- or is he in charge of narcotics? I can't remember. I do remember that Prez is bounced from department to department, and that the two old boozers are not homicide (maybe traffic?). I remember Rawls now (I know it's a google away, but is it the same actor as Hank from Breaking Bad?) For everyone else; Daniels has to put together a team for the Barksdale/Wiretap case, and all the captains are basically told to give him their weakest staff, hence he gets offloaded with loads of shit. however, Grunch's character WAS a kick-ass detective in his day, buy pissed people off and got relegated to paperwork for the rest of his career. As to whether it's worth knowing about the grayscale morality of the guys on teh show - I would argue that it is. The show basically says that not all cops are good and not all drug dealers are bad - there are distinctly nasty pieces of work in the police force and forces of good on the street. I think if someone is identified as omar, for example, then we'll know that we have a strong candidate for a neutral, at the least :P
Mr-Paul Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 I am again sorry for my lack of knowledge! I don't have a lot of work next week so I will try to watch some Wire so I can at least get an idea of who the characters are and what their motivations are.
DuD Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 Peeps.. I am town (not neutral) and I too have to do a certain thing during the game. not got a clue whether it will benefit me though.. I would assume it would otherwise what would be the point in me doing so?
The Peeps Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 So I'm guessing that certain character interactions will result in some benefit to certain characters if it goes the same way as in the show. Chairdriver ran a Battlestar Galactica mafia on another forum where players were rewarded for acting like their characters and for re-enacting scenarios from the show. So I think Yvonne has put something similar in place for this game.
Rummy Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 mr-paul said: I am again sorry for my lack of knowledge! I don't have a lot of work next week so I will try to watch some Wire so I can at least get an idea of who the characters are and what their motivations are. Hahahahahahah...some.
Sheikah Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 It feels like this day has dragged on for eternity. Ca'man guys. Vote: No lynch
Jonnas Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 All I got from this discussion was that there's a redirector around (where you can choose to not be redirected, but are penalised if you do), and that The Peeps must choose the option "disobey" at least once (maybe he even gets to forgoe the penalty, but that's mere conjecture) That, and that I should push The Wire up my "shows to watch" list.
Sheikah Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 I'm guessing you're a role blocker? Or did you forget to target anyone?
Tales Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 I'm not a roleblocker and I didn't forget. I'll be honest, it had to do with my additional win condition, but unlike the above I had to do it at least once in order to win, which is to go to the bar and get drunk. It prevents from voting the following day. I decided to just get it out of the way. Before you ask, I'm town of course :p It was just an additional requirement other than defeat the mafia. I assume the guy drinks a lot on the show or something.
Yvonne Posted October 5, 2012 Author Posted October 5, 2012 (edited) -- votes -- Majority was 9 votes. Rummy (1): The Peeps No Lynch (5): mr-paul, DuD, Jon Dedede, Sheika, ReZourceman Day 2 Ends No one was arrested. -- alive (17) -- Cube Diageo DuD heroicjanitor Jimbob Jon Dedede Jonnas Marcamillian mr-paul Nintendohnut ReZourceman Rummy Sheikah Tales The Peeps uəʌəsʎɐɾ Zell -- arrested/dead (2) -- Gant dead Supergrunch/Freamon dead Night 2 begins Send your PMs. PM lock at 14:00 Sunday. Edited October 8, 2012 by Yvonne
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