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Wii U eShop Thread


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The file size of Metroid Prime Trilogy is one of the main reasons I won't be downloading it. I'm determined to get through this generation without having to buy an HDD for the Wii U, though part of me thinks that something is likely to come along in the next couple of years that means I'll eventually have to cave :indeed:


I suspect there may be a Wii U redesign at some stage, though, with an increase in memory to something acceptable like 128GB. It wouldn't be enough for everyone but I'd be all set :heh:


Buying the game from the eShop along with a decently sized USB HDD would still be significantly cheaper than buying the disc version from eBay ;)

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The file size of Metroid Prime Trilogy is one of the main reasons I won't be downloading it. I'm determined to get through this generation without having to buy an HDD for the Wii U, though part of me thinks that something is likely to come along in the next couple of years that means I'll eventually have to cave :indeed:


I suspect there may be a Wii U redesign at some stage, though, with an increase in memory to something acceptable like 128GB. It wouldn't be enough for everyone but I'd be all set :heh:


Wii U production is finally meant to resume this year after 2 years so we might at last now see a different model. Gamepad battery life and memory have to be first on the to improve list. Different colours, limited editions, higher resolution screen perhaps.

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Wii U production is finally meant to resume this year after 2 years so we might at last now see a different model. Gamepad battery life and memory have to be first on the to improve list. Different colours, limited editions, higher resolution screen perhaps.


The Wii U never ended production. They have been manufacturing new units all this time, that was an old rumour that Iwata himself debunked a few quarters back.

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The Wii U never ended production. They have been manufacturing new units all this time, that was an old rumour that Iwata himself debunked a few quarters back.


Not the first time I've heard this. From a link I posted the other day in anticipation of Nintendo's quarterly results.


Analysts also say that costs may rise from resuming Wii U production. The manufacturing cost for much of the Wii Us sold so far this business year was already booked, making this year’s sales of Wii U exceptionally profitable on its books.




I seriously doubt they're still producing the Basic model. They're still trying to shift the initial production run. The Wii Party with remote and other bundles are reputedly ordinary Basic models repackaged. The only bundle on sale for Christmas was the Basic model and still is on sale, Tesco shifted their last lot today, well yesterday now for £99. It's why we've had no proper bundle colour changes. Remember this cheap tat?




I'm betting if they'd sold through their stock that gamepad at least would have been a different colour instead of that horrible skin? The same goes for some of the other bundles. We'll see now later in the year if we get different colours and revised parts.

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It's amazing how well Metroid Prime has aged. Even today, there are very few games with such well designed environments, and that level of immersion. For anyone on the fence, I'd strongly recommend buying Trilogy, especially with the price it's at for the next week.

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I loved Prime, but skipped Echoes and Corruption, so the Trilogy was an easy buy for me.


Big download is big, but external HDDs aren't really that expensive now, would have preferred a new HD physical release though. For £8.99 I don't really have a lot to complain about, especially compared to some of the download (and patch) sizes on the Xbone.


Hopefully it does high enough numbers to show Nintendo there is demand for more Metroid games. Or at least, you know, maybe one more game. Ever.

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Not the first time I've heard this. From a link I posted the other day in anticipation of Nintendo's quarterly results.






I seriously doubt they're still producing the Basic model. They're still trying to shift the initial production run. The Wii Party with remote and other bundles are reputedly ordinary Basic models repackaged. The only bundle on sale for Christmas was the Basic model and still is on sale, Tesco shifted their last lot today, well yesterday now for £99. It's why we've had no proper bundle colour changes. Remember this cheap tat?




I'm betting if they'd sold through their stock that gamepad at least would have been a different colour instead of that horrible skin? The same goes for some of the other bundles. We'll see now later in the year if we get different colours and revised parts.


Yes you're right about the Basic units, they were launch models that have been repackaged, but the Premium models are not. They have continued to manufacture the Premium model consoles ever since.


They did a recall on the Basic consoles (which is why they reported negative shipments in that one quarter last year in Europe) and repackaged them in the new bundles. The Premium units are the only one that they've been manufacturing for a while now.


The reason why you aren't seeing many special edition Wii U consoles is because Nintendo is fighting for shelf space at retail right now and wouldn't really be able to convince retailers to make space for multiple colour Wii Us (that's also why the US generally doesn't get as many 3DS/3DSxl variants as we do and why they're not getting the normal sized New3DS, they wouldn't be able to get the coverplates on store shelves).


Back in the GCN era, Nintendo got around the problem of low console demand by forcing retailers to stock GCN products if they wanted to be able to sell GBA stuff. They can't get away with that in the current climate though...


That's also another reason why Amiibo is so important for Nintendo right now. As long as it continues to sell, it ensures that retailers will have to maintain a healthy amount of Nintendo shelf space if they want to continue selling them ;)

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That all? Seems tiny compared to what I download on my PS4.


Yeah true. For a Wii game it is massive (in fact, it's the largest Wii game ever made - mind you though, it is a bit of a cheat since it's actually 3 games in one of course - the actual largest single Wii game ever made is Metroid Other M - which was around 7.3GB), but these days it's actually pretty small compared to the stuff we have to download from other consoles :laughing:

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The larger downloads you're seeing on PS4/Xbox One/PC are mainly due to higher resolution textures and more complex geometry (although probably to a lesser extent). One of the main reasons for this is that the PS4 and Xbox One have a lot more memory that's available to the GPU to store textures in (compared to the Wii U/PS3/360/Older PCs). The download size is pretty reasonable for three games though. The original versions of the first two games are each just over 1 GB and Corruption is about 4.3 GB. I suspect the extra gigabyte in there comes from the lighting overhaul the Gamecube games got when trilogy was originally released.

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The larger downloads you're seeing on PS4/Xbox One/PC are mainly due to higher resolution textures and more complex geometry (although probably to a lesser extent). One of the main reasons for this is that the PS4 and Xbox One have a lot more memory that's available to the GPU to store textures in (compared to the Wii U/PS3/360/Older PCs). The download size is pretty reasonable for three games though. The original versions of the first two games are each just over 1 GB and Corruption is about 4.3 GB. I suspect the extra gigabyte in there comes from the lighting overhaul the Gamecube games got when trilogy was originally released.


Not to mention all that 1080p resolution FMV and all that recorded audio and voice acting. That's what takes up the most space after all.


I still find it really impressive just how small Nintendo's games are in general. Even when they have space to burn, they'll always go out of their way to use as little of it as possible!


As for the extra 1GB in size the MPT takes up, don't forget about the new front-end menu that was added as well. That probably takes up a large amount of space too (the original ones are still there as well, just inaccessible for the most part - MP1 and MP2 were released seperately in Japan under the New Play Control label and these are the versions that are used within MPT - in fact you can actually catch a glimpse of MP2's original menu if you choose to play the multiplayer mode ;) )


Edit: Hey, just had a thought. If they get round to re-releasing GCN games on the eShop, I wonder if they'll do some sort of deal for the games that were released on both GCN and Wii, like if you buy the Wii version of Twilight Princess, you get the GCN version for free?


Now I can perfectly understand why they wouldn't do that with the VC games, because there's a cost involved in getting the emulation working properly for each version of a game, but with these Wii/GCN re-releases, there's no cost involved at all because they're not actually being emulated, but rather are running natively...


Sounds like a solid way of increasing the value of these games at no extra expense to Nintendo ;) (not to mention that realistically, almost nobody outside of the most hardcore of the hardcore would ever buy both GCN AND Wii versions of the same game - so why not put the other versions to use in a way that adds value to the package and the service as a whole?)

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Not to mention all that 1080p resolution FMV and all that recorded audio and voice acting. That's what takes up the most space after all.


I still find it really impressive just how small Nintendo's games are in general. Even when they have space to burn, they'll always go out of their way to use as little of it as possible!


As for the extra 1GB in size the MPT takes up, don't forget about the new front-end menu that was added as well. That probably takes up a large amount of space too (the original ones are still there as well, just inaccessible for the most part - MP1 and MP2 were released seperately in Japan under the New Play Control label and these are the versions that are used within MPT - in fact you can actually catch a glimpse of MP2's original menu if you choose to play the multiplayer mode ;) )


Edit: Hey, just had a thought. If they get round to re-releasing GCN games on the eShop, I wonder if they'll do some sort of deal for the games that were released on both GCN and Wii, like if you buy the Wii version of Twilight Princess, you get the GCN version for free?


Now I can perfectly understand why they wouldn't do that with the VC games, because there's a cost involved in getting the emulation working properly for each version of a game, but with these Wii/GCN re-releases, there's no cost involved at all because they're not actually being emulated, but rather are running natively...


Sounds like a solid way of increasing the value of these games at no extra expense to Nintendo ;) (not to mention that realistically, almost nobody outside of the most hardcore of the hardcore would ever buy both GCN AND Wii versions of the same game - so why not put the other versions to use in a way that adds value to the package and the service as a whole?)


I doubt we'll get VC Gamecube titles because it's so hard to replicate analogue controls without...you know...analogue controls.

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I doubt we'll get VC Gamecube titles because it's so hard to replicate analogue controls without...you know...analogue controls.




That's what this is for ;) (and yes it is indeed possible to get it working with GCN games on Wii U, hackers have managed to get USB controllers working with GCN games on Wii U via homebrew methods)


It's only a matter of time :)

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By analogue controls do you mean L and R triggers? What games utilized them anyway? I can only think of Metroid Prime where they weren't really mandatory in any way.


From what I can recall, these games used the analogue triggers...


Luigi's Mansion

Metroid Prime

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Super Mario Sunshine

Super Smash Bros. Melee


Also several racing games such as Burnout 2 which had an excellent option to use the triggers for acceleration and braking much like most racing games do today. : peace:


I'm still not sure why Nintendo thought it was batter to just do away with analogue triggers in the main Wii U controllers, part of me now thinks it was just a ploy to create more of a demand for the GC controller adapters... :heh:



...which definitely worked but now they can't keep up with the demand. :indeed:

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Didn't Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door and F-Zero GX use analogue triggers as well? I thought almost every Nintendo GC game used them (Wind Waker is an exception)?


I remember when I got the GameCube controller in my hands, I loved the dual-analogue sticks and was amazed at the analogue triggers. It felt like true evolution, like it would actually let you do more in the game worlds.

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This weeks eShop downloads and special offers.


Wii U


Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse – €16.99/£15.99 (€8.49/£7.99 if you already downloaded the Nintendo 3DS version with the same NNID)

Alphadia Genesis – €14.99/£11.99

Frenchy Bird – €1.99/£1.79


Wii U VC


Mega Man Zero 2 (GBA) – €6.99/£6.29


Wii U Special Offers


Darts Up – €1.49/£1.34 (Ends February 26)

Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut – €8.99/£7.49 (€7.49/£6.49 if you own another Curve Digital game on Wii U. Promotion ends February 19.)

Stealth Inc. 2: A Game of Clone – €9.99/£9.49 (€8.99/£7.99 if you own another Curve Digital game on Wii U. Promotion ends February 19.)

The Swapper – €10.99/£8.99 (€9.49/£7.49 if you own another Curve Digital game on Wii U. Promotion ends February 19.)

Thomas Was Alone – €5.99/£4.99 (€4.99/£4.49 if you own another Curve Digital game on Wii U. Promotion ends February 19.)

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Putting Kirby up for £8.99 would be a good move as I think it's becoming rarer now so it would surely sell well.


But I'm sure Punch Out!! can be bought on disc for about £5 so it would need to be £8.99 to even sell despite it being a good game.


I'd buy both for £8.99 just to be able to play them both easily - I don't even own Kirby - but not £17.99 for a digital copy. :shakehead


Also is it me or does the Wii U disc drive stay active when you're playing these? I think I'll need to take the disc out to reduce wear.

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