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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (March 22nd)


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Very true.


The game can take about 10 hours to finally click with you but, after that you will be killing beasties like a pro.


All those who are new to the series, remember you will also have many experienced hunters on here to help you on your way. It will be nice to have some new blood playing this version.


There's nothing quite like struggling with a monster, getting better weapons and armour, learning its attacks and then going back and kicking its butt. Awesome!


10 hours? What are you smoking? It took a lot longer for me to get everything and understand it all. I played it for around 315 hours, and I only felt fully comfortable with every aspect of the game after around 100 hours!


It's very very complex but very rewarding when you finally 'get it'. It also has a really steep learning curve. It's not a matter of just going out there and hunting, it's all about preperation, crafting weapons, armour and items and every hunt requires your full attention.


It's not a pick up and play game, each encounter will test you.

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Very true.


The game can take about 10 hours to finally click with you but, after that you will be killing beasties like a pro.


All those who are new to the series, remember you will also have many experienced hunters on here to help you on your way. It will be nice to have some new blood playing this version.


There's nothing quite like struggling with a monster, getting better weapons and armour, learning its attacks and then going back and kicking its butt. Awesome!


10 Hours?! You kidding me?! It was love at first sight (when I built my first switch axe and took in online really...).


Anyways I think to really sell the online, we should list our fave online only moments:


1. Seeing I think it was @Hero\-of\-Time how to utterly destroy monsters.


5. Joining the hammer time club - learning how to use the hammer effectively is a really special moment.


6. That first time deviljho interrupts a fight.


There are more, just my memory fails me currently.


EDIT: Special mention goes to @Mokong X\-C wearing the Hellhunter jacket and blackpants like a boss (low defence - high offence) - and then carting (K-O'ed by our prey).

Edited by Deathjam
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Yup, 10 hours.Once you reach that point you know what the missions are all about and how the game works. Sure, it takes a lot longer to work certain complexities but as for how the main game works you should know by then.


Edit: Like Deathjam it clicked with me instantly back on the original PS2 game. Man I love this series soooo much.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Yup, 10 hours.Once you reach that point you know what the missions are all about and how the game works. Sure, it takes a lot longer to work certain complexities but as for how the main game works you should know by then.


Edit: Like Deathjam it clicked with me instantly back on the original PS2 game. Man I love this series soooo much.


It's weird because I only got to play a demo of the ps2 version, and I was in love back then, but had no internet connection at that time :weep:

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So the GAME shop in Stratford Westfield (arguably their flagship store, certainly in London) have started advertising the game already, running videos at the shop entrance!!......slight issue, they are playing Monster Hunter 3 Tri videos, advertising it for the Wii. If I could post a face palm gif I would. Utterly abject, who the guff is running that place.


Still hasn't dampened my enthusiasm for the game, am a MH virgin like a few of the posters on here have said, 3DS will be where I put the ground work in, Wii U where the online destruction of worlds will commence. Or whatever it is you do on Monster Hunter ;)

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Good grief, it's still one month until the launch...the demo's coming out next week, I wonder if you can save any progress from that. What was the Tri demo like, did any of the materials get saved or was it just for show?


I'm going to assume it'll be like the 3DS demo, you get a preset character (although you can choose which weapon you get) and get thrown into an area. Think this is also what they did with Tri... but don't quote me on that.

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Anyways I think to really sell the online, we should list our fave online only moments:


My mate and I were talking about a funny moment the other day.


We were doing a dual Uragaan quest and we managed to kill one of them. We then went after the second one and beat it until it was starting to limp. He limped off into the next area and we gave chase. We seen it lying down asleep so my mate trying to catch it. He placed the trap carefully but nothing happened. I started kicking off with him saying he couldnt even trap an injured Uragaan. I ran over to the thing and kicked it to wake it up. Nothing happened. All of a sudden we got blind sided by another Uragaan!


Turns out that my mate had we trying to catch the dead one. I had been kicking the cold, dead corpse and all the while this other one must have been watching us thinking "What the hell are they doing?" and used that as an opportunity to attack us.


Another great moment involved the N-E.


Zechs and the crew were wanting help with Alatreon. We decided to do a sleep bomb run. Things were going fine until we had to bomb him while he was asleep. I can't remember who it was but someone ended up waking him up before the bombing. Then someone died and everything went pear shaped. At that point I rage quit and then returned after a few mins of cooling down. :D


The first time you meet Jho is amazing, especially when he interrupts a quest, just like Deathjam said. It's great later on when you are rocking a longblade, which has no blocking ability, and taking on two at a time in the arena! Who's scared now, Jho?


Is it March yet? :)


So when this comes out shall I just play offline for a couple of weeks to get the decent stuff then join you lot online or go online straight away?


If you get it straight away then going online with people who are the same rank/level as you will be fine. You will learn the ropes and get to know how to deal with monsters yourself.

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Turns out that my mate had we trying to catch the dead one. I had been kicking the cold, dead corpse and all the while this other one must have been watching us thinking "What the hell are they doing?" and used that as an opportunity to attack us.



LMFAO! Me and a group did the EXACT SAME THING! How could I forget?! Was funny until someone died ::shrug:


EDIT: And I still remember the times when jho would have a chance of interrupting, and I would have to tell the unknowing teammates to run if they saw him. You can imagine what happens to the brave few who don't realised they are clearly outmatched at that point in their hunting careers...



So when this comes out shall I just play offline for a couple of weeks to get the decent stuff then join you lot online or go online straight away?


I pretty much went straight online. Almost everything can be obtained online (I really hope its everything now as that last boss in offline mode just takes too long to the point it gets boring...) but you miss out on so much content (and fun) if you stay in offline mode.

Edited by Deathjam
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I reckon headsets should work.


I mean once you plug one in it should push sounds from the game to the speakers so you'd think the same should be true for the mic, ie: once a headset is plugged in the mic on the gamepad shuts off and lets the headset take over.


It shouldn't be that hard a thing to implement esepcially as the main headset people have is officially licensed by Nintendo, so it's not like it is a 3rd part accessory that they and Capcom might not be aware of.


Then again I guess anything can happen these days :P

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Some of you may see this as blasphemy but I'm not too sure that I'll be getting this after all.


I just cannot be bothered hunting those monsters I've hunted before over and over again just for the same amour and weapons I've already crafted. Especially knowing just how rare some drops are! Fuck that!

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Some of you may see this as blasphemy but I'm not too sure that I'll be getting this after all.


I just cannot be bothered hunting those monsters I've hunted before over and over again just for the same amour and weapons I've already crafted. Especially knowing just how rare some drops are! Fuck that!


Bullshit! You are getting this!

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Some of you may see this as blasphemy but I'm not too sure that I'll be getting this after all.


I just cannot be bothered hunting those monsters I've hunted before over and over again just for the same amour and weapons I've already crafted. Especially knowing just how rare some drops are! Fuck that!


Haha, well just think of the Super Alatreon and how fun that was... ; D

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Some of you may see this as blasphemy but I'm not too sure that I'll be getting this after all.


I just cannot be bothered hunting those monsters I've hunted before over and over again just for the same amour and weapons I've already crafted. Especially knowing just how rare some drops are! Fuck that!


As sad as this news is, I totally understand. You spent 650 hours on this game, I spent 315. I personally can't see myself doing those numbers again for this, but I can stomach having some fun with it.


If I'd spent as much time as you, I'm not sure I could do it all over again. I also know what you mean about the rare drops. Remember how long it took me to get that black and gold suit of armour?


Actually the thought of all that effort is putting me off haha!

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Some of you may see this as blasphemy but I'm not too sure that I'll be getting this after all.


I just cannot be bothered hunting those monsters I've hunted before over and over again just for the same amour and weapons I've already crafted. Especially knowing just how rare some drops are! Fuck that!


*removes from friend list*


Same monsters? What about these guys?











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*removes from friend list*


Same monsters? What about these guys?












Hunting these would be great but from what I gather they're available to hunt as later quests. That means I'll have to go through endless fights against the other monsters to get myself equipment good enough for battling these monsters... it's that I really can't be doing with.

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Hunting these would be great but from what I gather they're available to hunt as later quests. That means I'll have to go through endless fights against the other monsters to get myself equipment good enough for battling these monsters... it's that I really can't be doing with.


I know what you mean but im planning to try some stuff i never got round to trying, such as being a gunner, or making some armours i totally skipped, maybe using sword and shield more, and then there are the other types of weapons that are included in the game that, if you remember, totally change the way you tackle a creature.


Think of it this way, you have already done the hard part which is getting the machine, so why not get the game and see how much more fun you can get out of the title.

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I know what you mean but im planning to try some stuff i never got round to trying, such as being a gunner, or making some armours i totally skipped, maybe using sword and shield more, and then there are the other types of weapons that are included in the game that, if you remember, totally change the way you tackle a creature.


Think of it this way, you have already done the hard part which is getting the machine, so why not get the game and see how much more fun you can get out of the title.


Ah! I completely forgot about the new weapon types!


So yeah, I'll probably be getting this after all. Hahahaha!

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I know what you mean but im planning to try some stuff i never got round to trying, such as being a gunner, or making some armours i totally skipped, maybe using sword and shield more, and then there are the other types of weapons that are included in the game that, if you remember, totally change the way you tackle a creature.


Think of it this way, you have already done the hard part which is getting the machine, so why not get the game and see how much more fun you can get out of the title.


That's a good idea, I might step right outside my comfort zone and try uing the Hammer or Lance in teh early parts of the game..... though my switchaxes.... they call to me......:bouncy:

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