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People getting mad over things you don't get..

mcj metroid

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Well yeah' date=' I mean you and a bunch of mates made fun of him, using [i']his own facebook[/i], whilst in his own home and using his own computer. It can be understandable.


I have certain friends where this would be hilarious, and others who would simply destroy my life. But yeah - it's fair enough.




A few colleagues at work fraped me a while ago, I can't remember the exact message, but it was something to do with a fetish.


Needless to say, my parents saw it (I have both my parents on Facebook as my sister and I both live a considerable amount of distance away and its just easier than calling at stupid times, I do shift work, my sister lives in Malta etc.) and I wasn't able to get rid of it in time. It resulted in a very awkward conversation and I yelled at the colleague who fraped me. Since then nobody at work has touched my Facebook.


This could easily be solved by having a password on my computer, but we hot desk and we need both Facebook and Twitter in our line of work. So it never should have been touched in the first place.


I guess it depends on the circumstance however, in my case, I hadn't expected a colleague to think that was ok, especially by someone I wasn't close too. A friend might have been different.

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I can understand why he was pissed off, he was from what I can tell, completely asleep for the whole affair?!


If it had been me, well...people getting my laptop without my permission would bother me any way if it was in my room or something. I do NOT like people going in my room without permission, but yeah. The frape, meh, it happens. I once had my laptop at a gathering and fell asleep, I got fraped, my fault. It ISN'T the same as this though, if I'd been asleep completely to awake to this, I'd be mega-pissed and probably someone'd get a slap.


(thinking about it more, the worse I actually think it is, it's just such an absolute invasion of privacy)

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"holy shit he's an asshole, came to my house at 4 in the morning took me laptop without asking me and without waking me and fraped me"


I don't know the whole situation, but going just off that, it looks like it isn't just a tacked on thing. You do say he wouldn't have minded if it was just for music, though, so...I dunno. Personally I'd be much bothered about the rest as foundation with the frape on top, than the frape itself.

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So two of the people who crept into his house while he was asleep, stole his laptop and fraped him were complete strangers?


I think i'm starting to come around to his point of view...:heh:


haha I'm digging a hell of a hole here :D


I took his laptop from his room :) ( and his runners but shhh he doesn't know about that yet)

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Whenever someone writes a silly facebook status on my account no one even notices it as a frape :D But yeah some people just don't like it especially if they have family or employers etc. added as friends, it can create a lot of trouble for them.

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