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Is it quiet in here? Or is it just me?


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Visitor message. Or tag him in the edit.


Visitor message wouldnt exactly help with conversation and having others join in and yes tagging him would help, its still not exactly brilliant. The double posting rule being as long as it is doesnt help either. I understand needing to stop spam but anything over an hour seems overkill to me.


All I am saying is that I dont think they help keep conversations going in certain situations, im not asking for them to be removed or anything.

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If the thanks was not there, the conversation would not be furthered. Would it?


Any ifs or buts you have... Could they not have replied those as well as thanking?


Can't blame the effort-relieving tools for users not being arsed to put more effort in. It's not a conspiracy. People just suck.

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Well, yes. If tehre were no thanks we would have;


a) "thanks" (unlikely)

b) "lol I agree"

c) "I have little else to offer, but found your post informative"

d) "The secret to dodecahedron calculations is in remembering the qualitative definition of a dodecalakasha; as defined by Ali G et al (2005), the shape is concurhaisdfapsgndasdgbalse ashdgf ash dfi


The argument is; In most cases, if a reply is worth making then a thanked post will not prevent that reply. If someone finds that thanking a post somehow summarises what they were going to say anyway... then are we really missing anything?


Think of it like this;


[Without(, or before) thanks (existed)], what are the likely replies to a post/thread/comment? Attribute each of the following a percentage probability of occurrance.


- Lol

- I agree

- I have nothing forther to add, but I wanted my name to be known

- I disagree

- Something you said was interesting, and I feel I can expand upon it

- This conversation could be furthered, but I have not the words


The point is; if someone thinks they can further the discussion, they will. The thanks button is how people deal with the fact that they have nothing extra to say - but want the rest of the forum to know that they agree with what's been said, and that they at least tried to think of something extra to say.


Maybe make it a personal rule of yours, to reply as well as thank a post. I personally prefer to see the added benefits that the thanks bring to the forum rather than assume they're too new, therefore to blame for rubbish nonsense such as 'forum being shit'. Make more threads. Make more posts. Do your bit.

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I just dont really know how to reply to that post.


Im not asking for the thanks button to be removed, im not blaming it for all the problems the forum has. It was simply a thought I had that I thought I would post and the only reason I carried on with defending it was that people came out with some odd (to me anyway with regards to keeping conversations going) replies.

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I agree with Jay, I generally use it when the response would be small and not really worth posting (unless I thank and reply) or to simply use it as a "lol/like" button. Or in the rare case where thanking would be ironic.

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I just dont really know how to reply to that post.


Im not asking for the thanks button to be removed, im not blaming it for all the problems the forum has. It was simply a thought I had that I thought I would post and the only reason I carried on with defending it was that people came out with some odd (to me anyway with regards to keeping conversations going) replies.

All words or just thanks. What do you want? I like words.

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The point is; if someone thinks they can further the discussion' date=' [i']they will[/i].


I think you're underestimating people's laziness.


I think if the Thanks button wasn't there, it might encourage people to come up with substance to justify their "Lol I agree" post, which might in turn further the discussion.


Hell, even if there were just "Lol I agree" posts, it would still make the forum look busy and maybe encourage the odd passer by to join up. People are more likely to join a forum that looks busy than one that doesn't. I've found various forums before where I haven't joined because some of the topics on the first page haven't been posted in for a few weeks. A slow forum is a boring one.


That said, I don't really care either way. The forum has bigger problems than a button.

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I think you're underestimating people's laziness.


I think if the Thanks button wasn't there, it might encourage people to come up with substance to justify their "Lol I agree" post, which might in turn further the discussion.


Hell, even if there were just "Lol I agree" posts, it would still make the forum look busy and maybe encourage the odd passer by to join up. People are more likely to join a forum that looks busy than one that doesn't. I've found various forums before where I haven't joined because some of the topics on the first page haven't been posted in for a few weeks. A slow forum is a boring one.


That said, I don't really care either way. The forum has bigger problems than a button.

Agree with all this.


Ideas for a bit of a forum re-structuring/shake-up of boards have also been brought up by some of us Mods, and @Charlie.

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1. I have been on this forum many-a-year. I have experienced the specific "lol I have nothing to say but I want to say somethiing" posts

2. Coming up wth substance is always a good thing, ja?

3. Looking busy is far more important that being busy.

4. lol. People aren't joining the forum because this is a nintendo forum, and nintendo have made it their entire purpose to exclude the sort of individual who would normally spend their social lives online.


The real reason this forum is sucking is not to do with the people who are here already, it's more to do with Nintendo's approach to gaming this generation!


This generation is the longest so far.

This generation has the most females.

The most grandparents.

The most non-forum-user gamers.


The biggest change since n64-europe has been the fact that most people who play on the nintendo consore ARE NOT TEENAGE BOYS.


Stop blaming ANY facet of this website and start looking at the fucking industry. This site was founded on 13 year old gamers. Modern 13 year old gamers would not be seen DEAD with a wii. If we change this to a MW3 forum then perhaps we'll see the sort of buzz that you're demanding.


tl;dr: let's fucking blame nintendo this time.

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The real reason this forum is sucking is not to do with the people who are here already' date=' it's more to do with Nintendo's approach to gaming this generation!


This generation is the longest so far.

This generation has the most females.

The most grandparents.

The most non-forum-user gamers.


The biggest change since n64-europe has been the fact that most people who play on the nintendo consore ARE NOT TEENAGE BOYS.


Stop blaming ANY facet of this website and start looking at the fucking industry. This site was founded on 13 year old gamers. Modern 13 year old gamers would not be seen DEAD with a wii. If we change this to a MW3 forum then perhaps we'll see the sort of buzz that you're demanding.


tl;dr: let's fucking blame nintendo this time.[/quote']


And that has been said already in this thread by other members, including myself.


You just seem to be blowing this entire thing way out of proportion. Even in my original post about the thanks button I made sure I said that its obviously not a main reason because I know there are much bigger issues as to why things had quieted down, it doesnt mean the smaller stuff cant be discussed.

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Agree with all this.


Ideas for a bit of a forum re-structuring/shake-up of boards have also been brought up by some of us Mods, and @Charlie.


I've noticed that the Creative and tech boards aren't really that busy. Do they really need separate sections?


And the Online Gaming subforum in tech? Perhaps move that over to Other Consoles.


Wii Channels can also go, the Wii Shop and eShop discussions can just take place in the Wii and 3DS boards. Game Help/High Scores and Import Gaming are pretty much non-existent, too.


I know I've pretty much said "delete a ton of stuff", but I think people would be more likely to join in on stuff like Android/Apple discussions and comment on artwork if they didn't have to go elsewhere to look at it.


Edit: and on the "looking busier" thing, I think that less boards with "Last post: Today" is better than more with "Last post: Last Weak" or "Last post: sometime in the last year".

Edited by Cube
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That post is exactly what I'm on about by bigger problems. Confrontational/cynical posts are becoming far too common on here and it's the reason I left at the beginning of the year. I'm sure I'm not the only person who's noticed it either, judging by how many people hardly post anymore.


It's just not a nice place to be anymore.

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tl;dr: let's fucking blame nintendo this time.


Or people on here just don't care for or have time for gaming anymore. Take a look at how many members who post in general compared to the gaming sections. Also we have members on here, myself included, who have consoles other than Nintendos offerings, yet the Other Console board is just as dead as the Nintendo boards.

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I've noticed that the Creative and tech boards aren't really that busy. Do they really need separate sections?



That was one of my points a few months ago. There was a stage when they did justify their own forum. Not any more. I remember when Jordan and Offerman first created their "PC Help Thread" from which eventually spawned the Tech Board. The forums were bustling back then but as Jay said, Nintendo have lost the core userbase of people who visit forums.

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Or people on here just don't care for or have time for gaming anymore. Take a look at how many members who post in general compared to the gaming sections. Also we have members on here, myself included, who have consoles other than Nintendos offerings, yet the Other Console board is just as dead as the Nintendo boards.


Yeah, been playing at least as much on the 360 & PC as on the Wii & NDS. Has the "other consoles" section always been that quiet?

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ReZ just abuses the thanks button. This is the person that wants unlimited thanks after all.


It's nice he's so grateful, but we shouldn't read too much into his actions. After all, do you think there's any meaning behind the actions of Yakko, Wakko and Dot?

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We have a teeming thread full of people agreeing that it's quiet. It's like people sitting in a traffic jam unaware that they are part of the traffic jam ("Sorry, I'm going to be late for work. I AM TRAFFIC").


@Happenstance I was soapboxing as much as I was replying directly to you, and I have to use lots of words to say stuff.


Initially I said "Any ifs or buts you have... Could they not have replied those as well as thanking?" To which you replied "but... if..." so I figured "hey, he's either not reading my post or I'm not being clear here. I'll go with the majority vote and assume I'm being dense, and I'll write that new chapter!" So I go and spew words which, due to taking longer, means I hit on a few tangents as I go and then they come to the fore and any anger I get from thinking about them APPEAR IN THE FORM OF OBLIQUENESS AND CAPS LOCK!


Perhaps the thanks button brings out the lazy in us, but the amount of shitty replies that don't further the topic versus the occasional "and now for something completely different" is huge. Don't you hate clicking a thread link and the reply is "lol true" ...? That's all done in my above post. It's long and 'blown out of proportion' because I disagree with you and I don't like disagreeing with people because that means one of us doesn't understand the other and it could be me but it could be you. It's not an attack at you.


@Goafer I don't know whether I want to slap you or doubt what you are saying... Also you picked a bad time to stop posting, and a worse time to start again.

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I cant really be arsed anymore anyway. I'll admit, I dont really like you Jay, I think you talk down to people on here way too often and I think you have been doing it to me in this thread for absolutely no reason.


As for NE, I think im done. As Goafer said its just not a nice place to be and while this is going to seem like a stupid thing to leave over, its not really this, I just dont like NE anymore and its simple stuff like this thats proving it to me.


Most of the people I enjoy talking to I can do elsewhere so I dont see the point in coming back to a forum that time and time again just gets me wound up reading posts instead of enjoying them. Others who I dont just add me on twitter or Steam or something if you wanna talk.

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Condescending is what I do with a screen between me and people. I have a habit of trying to clarify myself, which further makes it seem like I'm obnoxious whereas it's simply that I'm not good at expressing myself in teh first place.


Sorry if it's the last straw.

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Cute, very cute indeed.


Maybe it's based on a variety of reasons as to why N-E seems quiet. Could be because most of us have grown up and have busier lives to fill and don't have the time to visit as often as once was. Maybe, like Happenstance and Goafer have been talking about, it's the confrontation and the "can't be arsed" attitude that's around. Who knows really.


All i know is that i like to visit as often as i can, i do notice at times there are a lot of people signed on but not talking as much. And to be perfectly honest, i am like that sometimes.


I do post mostly in the gaming area, and the occasional post in the 3DS and Other Gaming sections. Even throw a few posts in the "General" section. But i don't post as often as i used to, that is for certain.


Anyway, enough depressive chatter. Cheer up.


I do agree, N-E needs re-organising. Some areas don't get the love they used to get.

Edited by Jimbob
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