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Thanks for the impressions guys!


The single worst game on the 3DS for aliasing is One Piece; worse even than Rhythm Thief and about on par with Tales. Plus the FMV is all of the worst quality imaginable. I HATE to think what that would look like on the XL :shakehead:


The issues you highlight there Dcubed are all very apparent to me on the regular 3DS - the Rayman demo was one of the most horribly compressed looking games I've ever seen! The one exception is Ocarina, which I'm rather surprised at. Hoped it would look good :(


Think I might give the Gamestop trade in deal a go next week. Good 1:1 on DS and VC is reason enough for me.


HOLY SHIT! I think that may well cause blindness! Seriously, TOTA looks jaggier than some 3D DS games on a DSiXL!


As for those other artifacts, I did see them on the original 3DS (aside from the SM3DL and RE:Revelations ones - which are really quite minor, even on the 3DSXL), but they really stand out like a sore thumb when you play them on a larger screen, so I thought it worth pointing out.


A few of those games (namely KIU and OoT 3D) really took advantage of the Original 3DS' high PPI to cover up some of their flaws (which in turn actually made them look more detailed), but they fall apart somewhat (OoT3D moreso) when you blow them up sadly.


That being said, I'd still say that RE:Revelations is the best looking 3DS game; followed by SM3DL, KIU and Monster Hunter 3G.


Is 'Near Perfect' the best the XL is going to be able to do with future 3DS games aswell, or are developers going to be optimising games better for it moving forward?


I bet you'll see more games supporting Anti Aliasing from this point on (even if its 2D only). It makes a huge difference to games like OoT3D and it's trivial to implement in 2D mode (they just take the unused 2nd image and Supersample it to do 2x SSAA in 2D for free)


Otherwise, I doubt you'll see much change.

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Basically, the only time you'll see issues in graphics on the 3DS XL is if the developer cut corners. Thankfully that is not thge case with most games (I have no issue with OoT either though tbh, and I'm a very anal person when it comes to graphics)

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MK7 & KI:U look amazing on the XL! it's amazing how much of a difference the larger screens make. I played uprising on the stand and had no problems with it, that was one of the few things I was worrying about.


MGS3D will really benefit from these huge screens.

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Hey, I just noticed something odd. Seems that the 3DSXL has no secret brightness upgrade when you plug it in (like what you got with the original 3DS when you plug it in and the screen brightness increases)


Wonder why they removed it... (Maybe it was just too much of a drain on the power adaptor? They did mention in the Iwata Asks that they were having trouble getting it to not drain the battery when playing while you had it plugged in :hmm:)

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Top screen is slightly yellow (warm?) It's not too bad though.


DQIX still a bit blurry in native resolution but better then the original but looks great in 1:1 mode.


Letting it charge and deciding if I'm OK with the top screen before transferring.

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Top screen is slightly yellow (warm?) It's not too bad though.
Yep, same on mine. Both screens are warmer than my original 3DS, but it's slightly more noticeable on the top screen.

Perhaps the anti-glare has something to do with it too? ::shrug:


Speaking of which, I'm loving that aspect of the XL. icon14.gif

It's still not perfect (far from it) but the difference compared to the original system is massive. Even compared to the touch screen on the XL too, which is much more reflective than the upper one.


I'm also liking the new select/home/start buttons. Wasn't sure at first (they seemed a bit unresponsive initially) but then I realised that if you press down on the bottom part of the buttons they work great, a lot better than the flat style on the 3DS.


Only gripes for me so far are the speaker quality, and that additional click position they've added for the top screen hinge. :hmm:

Makes opening/closing the system less smooth.

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At first I was almost like the screens are too big :) But that's just with teatrhythm. Mario kart is unbelievable...


Like RedShell, I can't believe how awful the speakers are. I've heard they're "not quite as loud" but they are so much quieter, worse still, there s alot of distortion, especially on teatrhythm... Disappointing. Though will just make me use headphones more.


Overall, loving it!

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This was worth the money just to see the Pikmin system transfer animation :D they're actually carrying all of the data across, such brilliance. :)


So yes, my 3DS XL arrived while I was at work but now that I've been back for a few hours I've confirmed that there are no dead pixels and am in the process of watching the Pikmin transfer everything.


Really impressed so far and I haven't even tried any games out on it yet. :p





the screens...


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The Kingdom of Plants 3D trailer is stunning! :o Great showcase for the XL screen. icon14.gif


Though will just make me use headphones more.
Which is a good thing really, as no matter how good the speakers may be, on a portable system they're never going to beat the quality of headphones.


So yeah, the speaker issue isn't that big of a deal actually.

It's the new screen position thing that's driving me mad at the moment! :heh: Seriously, does/will anyone even use that (almost 90 degree) screen angle when playing the XL? I highly doubt it somehow. :hmm:

Just don't get why Nintendo added a click position on the hinge for it. ::shrug:

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The one issue I have with the 3DS XL?


They didn't fix the cameras. I get that they're VGA and designed to be cut to 400x240 for the screen, but that's no excuse for the poor quality of the camera :/ They can have it at 640x480, cut to 400x240 with 3D with the cameras being prestine

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Seriously, does/will anyone even use that (almost 90 degree) screen angle when playing the XL? I highly doubt it somehow. :hmm:

Just don't get why Nintendo added a click position on the hinge for it. ::shrug:


Because the DSiXL had it. Granted it's almost useless with 3D on, but it's good for those who play in 2D/DS&DSi games I guess ::shrug:


The one issue I have with the 3DS XL?


They didn't fix the cameras. I get that they're VGA and designed to be cut to 400x240 for the screen, but that's no excuse for the poor quality of the camera :/ They can have it at 640x480, cut to 400x240 with 3D with the cameras being prestine


Wouldn't that kind of break compatibility though? You'd have to design your camera imaging with 2 different sets of specifications!

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but it's good for those who play in 2D/DS&DSi games I guess ::shrug:
Hmm... can't see it myself. :blank:

The only potential use it has is for putting the system on a table and using it like that.

If you're holding it (in the standard playing position) with that screen angle, you're just looking down on the top screen. Not good for 3D/2D/DS/anything. :hmm:

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So I made an early morning visit to my local GAME this morning and traded in my old 3ds for a SILVER 3dsXL. :D


3 other guys in the store were doing the same thing lol - the shop had only just opened as well!


Had a very brief play.

Biggest yay for me is the screen being white and crisp. Nintendo have a habit of placing great screens in their consoles - and then as the other colours and special editions come, they must use different or cheaper parts (maybe even different manufacturers) and the screen takes on a yellow tinge. It looks really dull. Nintendo seem to have done this since the DS days as I went through loads of special editions of them (like to collect :p) and it always seemed to be that the screens were yellow compared to the original batch.


Anyway, my ice white 3ds that I bought when it came out last year bundled with SM3DL also suffered the yellow tinge - which when compared to my mates black original 3ds - looked terrible!


All is well with my XL then, as the screen is much crisper than my now traded in white console! :yay:


Love the screens - 3d seems to move out of eye shot a bit more I have found - maybe it's just something I need to get used to.


Like @RedShell I'm not enjoying the screen click and viewing angles offered up on this rendition of the 3ds. It's great that the screen doesn't wobble anymore, but it isn't a smooth open and close mechanic which frustrates me somewhat! :P


I am not crazy on the look of the console - it's 'nice'. I would have much much much preferred a glossy lid and matte inside - but that's just me. Or that all white one those lucky Japanese are getting!


I am not a fan at all of the new 'Home' 'Start' and 'Select' buttons. They look easier to press - but they're not! The console also feels a little cheap. :shakehead


I sound like I'm hating on the system lol. I'm not - I'm just pointing out what I like and dislike thus far.


The good far outweighs the bad however, and the fact I no longer have to wipe smudgy paw prints off my glistening console is a big plus! Throw in a much sterdier feeling console (if a little plasticky) those HUGE amazingly white screens and a stylus that is now easier to get out (lol) and you have one pleased Nintendo fan. :)


Definitely glad I made the upgrade, also glad that I utilised GAME's trade in which was a good offer for those who didn't want to have to sell their previous 3ds etc.


Now to play some games! Will report back once I've had some time with them!



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So I made an early morning visit to my local GAME this morning and traded in my old 3ds for a SILVER 3dsXL. :D


3 other guys in the store were doing the same thing lol - the shop had only just opened as well!


Had a very brief play.

Biggest yay for me is the screen being white and crisp. Nintendo have a habit of placing great screens in their consoles - and then as the other colours and special editions come, they must use different or cheaper parts (maybe even different manufacturers) and the screen takes on a yellow tinge. It looks really dull. Nintendo seem to have done this since the DS days as I went through loads of special editions of them (like to collect :p) and it always seemed to be that the screens were yellow compared to the original batch.


Anyway, my ice white 3ds that I bought when it came out last year bundled with SM3DL also suffered the yellow tinge - which when compared to my mates black original 3ds - looked terrible!


All is well with my XL then, as the screen is much crisper than my now traded in white console! :yay:


Love the screens - 3d seems to move out of eye shot a bit more I have found - maybe it's just something I need to get used to.


Like @RedShell I'm not enjoying the screen click and viewing angles offered up on this rendition of the 3ds. It's great that the screen doesn't wobble anymore, but it isn't a smooth open and close mechanic which frustrates me somewhat! :P


I am not crazy on the look of the console - it's 'nice'. I would have much much much preferred a glossy lid and matte inside - but that's just me. Or that all white one those lucky Japanese are getting!


I am not a fan at all of the new 'Home' 'Start' and 'Select' buttons. They look easier to press - but they're not! The console also feels a little cheap. :shakehead


I sound like I'm hating on the system lol. I'm not - I'm just pointing out what I like and dislike thus far.


The good far outweighs the bad however, and the fact I no longer have to wipe smudgy paw prints off my glistening console is a big plus! Throw in a much sterdier feeling console (if a little plasticky) those HUGE amazingly white screens and a stylus that is now easier to get out (lol) and you have one pleased Nintendo fan. :)


Definitely glad I made the upgrade, also glad that I utilised GAME's trade in which was a good offer for those who didn't want to have to sell their previous 3ds etc.


Now to play some games! Will report back once I've had some time with them!




so you didnt transfer your games and saves from your 3DS?

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Hazaa, red 3DS XL Red bagged! And what a nice beast it is! The top screen is indeed warmer thet the original, but it's mostly just noticable on the menu screen. Ingame, it's not really an issue.


Transfer went smoothly. Not an ounce of data lost, and there was lots of it to get lost.


I've checked out the games which reportedly aren't quite so hot on the new screens. Haven't noticed anything worse in comparison with other 'good' games. Maybe it are me olde eyeballs playing tricks on me, though.


Since I couldn't go with the exchance program, I still have my old 3DS, and I have a cunning plan... I made another player on the formatted 3DS and activated streetpass. Which means soon I'll have a Level 7 hero with a nasty firespell on a daily basis for Streetpass Quest II (which I've only just begun...).


I was wondering, untill now I've always bought a protection-sticker for the touchscreen. They aren't available yet for 3DS XL, but is it actually worth it? How bad are the scratches from normal use? The sticker from my original 3DS is pretty beaten up, but that might be becaue of the quality of the sticker itself.


So, do you use protection? (Disclaimer: For the 3DS touchscreen! Perverts...)

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Not really a XL question but more of a System Transfer question, since ye guys upgrading will be most familiar with it.


Does it work from a normal 3DS to another normal 3DS.


Just wondering cause I noticed lately on my own 3DS the R button seems to be getting dodgey and not working properly. Most noticably when playing Marvel or Zen Pinball and I press R and nothing happens. Usually if I just keep trying after about 5 mins it'll seem to correct itself and start working normally again but who knows it could just go completely any time I guess.


Was thinking if I sent the 3DS to Nintendo for repair would they actually repair it and return to me the same 3DS or would they just send me a new one and transfer my eShop and Nintendo VIP info to the new 3DS?


But if they did that would they be able to transfer my Street Pass Plaza puzzles and Quests info too? And my Friend Code?



Does the System Transfer to the XL also carry over the Street Pass Plaza stuff?


I know I saw a post earlier here that said the System Transfer will transfer the Friend Code too... but I remember back when the 3DS first came out and some people here said they sent theirs to NIntendo for repair and ended up with a new system with new Friend Codes (why didn't Nintendo use the System Transfer... or does it not work between two normal 3DS's?)

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Does it work from a normal 3DS to another normal 3DS.

Yes it does.

Does the System Transfer to the XL also carry over the Street Pass Plaza stuff?

Everything is transferred along with your FC and all of the friends on your list.

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So if I sent my 3DS in for repair and if Nintendo decided to just swap it for a new one they should be able to transfer everything over no fuss?


Why do I remember people saying then that they sent theirs in for repair and got a new one back with new FC's?

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