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Who thinks that doing short course Food tech GCSE is a complete waste of time?

The fish

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At my school everyone has to do a GCSE technology subject, at least as a short course. The thing is, at the end of this school I will proberbly get no more than a C for food tech, which I foolishly chose, and thats if im lucky. The name is misleading : its not cooking or how to cook, or really about food, but its about how to design food. Can you seriously see anyway in which having half a GCSE in food design will help me get a job or into Uni?

Oh, and the coursework, which is worth only 30%, is a minimum of 30 A3 pages.


The thing is though, when I asked if I could drop it last December, on the grounds that it was completly useless to me and i had only done 8 pages and it was due in in Febuary, and that my class hasen't had a proper teacher for 1 and a half terms, and that I could spend the time doing other coursework(such as Maths, English, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History, ICT, German and RE) instead of wasting my time doing a subject which I proberbly wont pass and wont be of use to me as it's only half a GCSE and is a pointless subject, I was told that I HAD to do it becasue the school is a "Technolagy Collage".


The thing is though, I have just discovered that my school is LYING, so im now really pissed of, which is also becasue i go back to school tommorow.


I'm going to ask if i can drop it again, as i've now only done 11 pages, and i was wandering if any of you guys are in a similar situation, and if anyone is sympathetic towards me.

</end rant>

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Just don't bother it's not worth it. Why take time away from other subjects you care about to do something so pointless. I did food tech but didn't care about it so I didn't put that much effort in with the work (and we didn't do anywhere near 30 A3 pages) I got a D in the end but I can't say I care, I just took the course because I had to.

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i took Graphic Products for my tech, it is awesome, though i am kinda behind.




If the school doesn't let you drop it, ask the teacher if you could maybe just do other coursework during the lesson.


Or see if you can drop it for a different tech, (i dropped religious studies for Art, on the grounds it was boring as fuck, and i don't really give two shits what original sin is, and i sure as hell don't wanna right 1500 words on it.)

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I am in EXACTLY the same possition. exactly! Ive done like no coursework because i hate the subject so much, they wouldnt let me change or swap it last year because i was too far into it. I hate it so much, theres no food involved, its typing about food..designing food..looking at pictured of food and anysilsing. its shit. tripe. dont bother.

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Wow...I never knew people have to do work for short courses. When I did my Welsh (had to chose between welsh and RE for full, taking the other as short) Short Course GCSE, all i did in lessons was work for other subjects. We didn't even have an exam at the end, and we still got a qualification.


Still, I think you should either drop it, or do no work for it and decline your grade at the end (can you do that at GCSE?)

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Guest Jordan

I took full course for Food Tech at GCSE, i got a C. But I bloody hated it. Teacher was a total fucking bitch and what you were allowed to cook was very restrictive...

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Thanks for your support guys!

Btw, I found out earlier today I got an F in my mock exam for food tech, but I've asked and im still not allowed to drop it because it's a technolagy collage so you have to do it (I've looked it up and I don't) and every little grade will help you get a job (How many employers are going to be swung in my direction over somone else becasue of a failed 1/2 GCSE food tech course? Short answer: Approxomatly 1, and that's my food tech teacher...)

Oh, and if my school wasnt bad enough already, girls have to wear a skirt, their whole uniform is a rather sickening shade of green, and boys arn't allowed to have hair bellow the top of the collar, and I was told today to get mine cut. Don't you just love the idea of a school that is sexist, elitist and lying, drops people from A level course's if it looks like they arn't going to get above a B(it happened to my sister's friend, and she couldn't get into university becasue she was left with only 2 A levels), hates you if you don't participate in "house events" (don't ask), assumes you are christian and forces you to go to chapel as it is a christian foundation school, and thinks of itself as a 1928 boarding school? What fun!

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Thanks for your support guys!

Btw, I found out earlier today I got an F in my mock exam for food tech, but I've asked and im still not allowed to drop it because it's a technolagy collage so you have to do it (I've looked it up and I don't) and every little grade will help you get a job (How many employers are going to be swung in my direction over somone else becasue of a failed 1/2 GCSE food tech course? Short answer: Approxomatly 1, and that's my food tech teacher...)

Oh, and if my school wasnt bad enough already, girls have to wear a skirt, their whole uniform is a rather sickening shade of green, and boys arn't allowed to have hair bellow the top of the collar, and I was told today to get mine cut. Don't you just love the idea of a school that is sexist, elitist and lying, drops people from A level course's if it looks like they arn't going to get above a B(it happened to my sister's friend, and she couldn't get into university becasue she was left with only 2 A levels), hates you if you don't participate in "house events" (don't ask), assumes you are christian and forces you to go to chapel as it is a christian foundation school, and thinks of itself as a 1928 boarding school? What fun!


At least you have the oppurtunity to receive education mate.


Why don't you ask for a meeting with your Head of Year or someone, and formally ask to stop the subject. At the end of the day it's what, 1 or 2 hours a week of your life? It's hardly major. And you're right, you're future employer(s) won't give a fuck about it, but that's life.

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Thanks for your support guys!

Btw, I found out earlier today I got an F in my mock exam for food tech, but I've asked and im still not allowed to drop it because it's a technolagy collage so you have to do it (I've looked it up and I don't) and every little grade will help you get a job (How many employers are going to be swung in my direction over somone else becasue of a failed 1/2 GCSE food tech course? Short answer: Approxomatly 1, and that's my food tech teacher...)

Oh, and if my school wasnt bad enough already, girls have to wear a skirt, their whole uniform is a rather sickening shade of green, and boys arn't allowed to have hair bellow the top of the collar, and I was told today to get mine cut. Don't you just love the idea of a school that is sexist, elitist and lying, drops people from A level course's if it looks like they arn't going to get above a B(it happened to my sister's friend, and she couldn't get into university becasue she was left with only 2 A levels), hates you if you don't participate in "house events" (don't ask), assumes you are christian and forces you to go to chapel as it is a christian foundation school, and thinks of itself as a 1928 boarding school? What fun!



You my friend are going to a private school.... Right? Public schools > private. =P


Oh and ermm why do so many people pick food tech? Damn. v.v


Ok 30 pages of A3 in a course like this is NOTHING! You just need to know how to use the space. You can easilly do 1 page in 20 mins (prob less) so that's what 10 hours max? Serious just get it done in one day and be done with it. Don't bother with bs tiny writting, that's not the way to go in these kinds of projects...... Anything to do with design has to be BIG! Serious, in some cases it's less about the content and more the presentation of your work. For example a nice big pretty graph type thing can take up a whole page if you want.... Just make it look nice. lol


Seriously, I got a C doing graphics in GCSE's which was the max mark I could get because my teacher assumed I wouldn't finish my coursework and put me in for the lower exam >.>........ Then again I had nothing done with 3 days left..... And this was a full course where you had to do a lot more then 30 pages.. I got it done though... But yeah, my point is it can be done.... At the end of the day, when you go to get your results, seeing one more good mark will make you smile, no matter how pointless you think it is....


Oh and lets just say you get a job interview.. You and some other guy are the top applicants, you did same courses he got same marks as you, but, he got a C in food tech whilst you failed, which sounds better?


Also just the fact that you actually bother to get a good mark in a meaningless subject means you are willing to work hard and this stands out. ;)




BTW, I in general suck at school..... So yeah, I'm pretty much telling you, don't do what I did for most my subjects. XD (half truth)

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The way I see it... food is good. The more people who know how to cool good food, better chance I'll run into them someday and a better chance I'll eat well on said day.


Giving up your GCSE dreams to feed me is no frail matter. And there is never anything wrong with girls in skirts. Ever. Unless they are beasts.

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I was forced to do Graphics full GCSE, and I fucking hated it. It was so boring, and quite difficult. Anyway, I didn't hand in any coursework in the end, did the foundation paper and ended up getting an F :D. I've chosen not to put it on any job applications since lol....but I had to put it on my UCAS form...and I have 3 offers so far.


Bmw S65

Edited by the_mars_volta
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Ive took graphics, and up to yet im quite enjoying it. I remember in year 9 and below when you swapped between all the different tech subjects, and food was crap.."you work for a pizza company, design a logo" what the hells does that have to do with food. Graphics is good though because i know my way around photoshop which others dont mwwohahaha

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Was I the only one who liked technology?


I just worked hard in my coursework and got an A. Just put lots of effort into the coursework and keep getting it checked by the teacher.


I loved doing Graphic Communication. We just pissed around on the internet for 2 years and then on the last week of term we did all the coursework during class and at lunch.

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You my friend are going to a private school.... Right? Public schools > private. =P


Oh and ermm why do so many people pick food tech? Damn. v.v


Ok 30 pages of A3 in a course like this is NOTHING!



Ok, first I don't go to I private school, but my school wants to be one, you can tell.


People pick food tech becasue they think it's cookery, which is useful.


30 pages of A3 may be nothing , but when you are doing history,maths,chemistry,english,geography, RE,physics,biology, and ICT coursework at the same time it is not something you want to have left after all that.

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You fogot to tell us what grade you eventually got?


A 3, which is the equivelent of a B in England I think.


Like someone said before, my teacher marked my coursework on what he thought I would've got because I had hardly done any when he was marking it. I did well in the final exam.

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I loved technology, I did Electronics. I hated my teacher, I think he got jealous of me because I picked up on the subject so well. I got a B, when I should have got an A, I asked him the day of my results why I didn't, he said my project didn't work so he gave it a B.


My friend went back to school last year and picked up my project for me, it works perfectly. What a ****.

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