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The Wonderful 101


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Beat operation 5-B (I think?) last night. Fun, kinda frustrating in places because I genuinely had no idea what to do next or how to avoid dying like a chump in several of the "EVERYTHING IS COLLAPSING" segments.


The difficulty seems to have ramped up a fair bit too. Like, the game is punishing me more for being sloppy.

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I genuinely had no idea what to do next or how to avoid dying like a chump in several of the "EVERYTHING IS COLLAPSING" segments.
Those are where the majority of my deaths come from. Even now... on my 3rd playthrough, they can still catch me off guard! :blush:

It's great how the game will always plonk you back exactly where you were though. Can you imagine if this had the system of restarting from the beginning of a stage each time you died?! :grin:

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Beat operation 5-B (I think?) last night. Fun, kinda frustrating in places because I genuinely had no idea what to do next or how to avoid dying like a chump in several of the "EVERYTHING IS COLLAPSING" segments.


The difficulty seems to have ramped up a fair bit too. Like, the game is punishing me more for being sloppy.


Yup same here, there's plenty of moments where I just don't know where the hell I am (and funnily enough, I just beat that same section you're on).


Ukemi is a real life saver! Am abusing the ever living hell out of it! :D


Also I've FINALLY gotten WitchHero Time. Can't wait to finally try it out!

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Wonder-Red. :hehe:

Anyway, no can do, the game is too good. :bouncy:


*cough* Sorry.... Wonddeeeerrr-RED : peace:


Anyway just beat all of Operation 4


Bloody hell everytime I finish a level I think "surely the game can't get better than that" but it does everytime (so far :)) The bosses in this game are absaloutly fantastic :D


Got WONDEEERR-WHITE on my team now too, love his claws :D


Though similar to the hammer takes awhile to get used to drawing as you can easily end up with a whip if not done right. But still as they say practice makes perfect.


That little bit of character development in Op 4-B too was nice.



Firstly gotta say I LOVED the little solo sections, great touch, really takes you out of your comfort zone too .... also odd how the Unite bar depletes

faster when not using a Unite Morph :heh:


Anyway the little fight of Red vs Blue was awesome.... hell when that started I had thought Blue was maybe revealing himself to be a double agent :D


Really glad I was wrong



Did not expect there to be any backstory character development (other than maybe Red, given his flashbacks) so WOHOO



Oh and is it just me or is that Luka kid really annoying... I'd love to load him in Greens Unite Gun and shoot him into the sun :mad:



And the Boss.... my gods did I enjoy that :D


Though I was forced to do it twice :heh:


Game froze on me right at the very end of the fight.... no idea why :heh:


Froze right here...





Odd thing was, I wasn't sure if it froze or if maybe it was a super slow-mo scene for a bit as the music kept playing and and the background was moving, just Blue and the Boss were stuck :heh:


Anyway had to close the game and load back up, had to do teh Boss fight from the start, but didn't mind as

A: was enjoying teh fight

B: I was now familiar with the bosses moves so knew exactly what to do so it took less time :D


Bring on Operation 5 tomorrow :D

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Firstly gotta say I LOVED the little solo sections, great touch, really takes you out of your comfort zone too .... also odd how the Unite bar depletes

faster when not using a Unite Morph :heh:


Anyway the little fight of Red vs Blue was awesome.... hell when that started I had thought Blue was maybe revealing himself to be a double agent :D


Really glad I was wrong

Yeah, that was a great moment. I love how their faces ended all messed up after the fight too.


How did you get on with having to control both Red and Blue simultaneously in order to restore the power? I found it really difficult as I can't multitask for shit. :D


Oh and is it just me or is that Luka kid really annoying... I'd love to load him in Greens Unite Gun and shoot him into the sun :mad:
He is, but you'll probably like him a bit more as the game nears the end. ;)


Game froze on me right at the very end of the fight.... no idea why :heh:


Froze right here...

It obviously couldn't handle the epicness! :laughing: I'm surprised the Wii U doesn't freeze every few minutes playing this game! Hell, it should be exploding on the final stage. :D


Speaking of which, I'm really looking forward to reading your reaction to that.

Hey! icon3.gif You should totally video yourself playing it. Would make a great YouTube vid I reckon. :hehe:





Odd thing was, I wasn't sure if it froze or if maybe it was a super slow-mo scene for a bit as the music kept playing and and the background was moving, just Blue and the Boss were stuck :heh:

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Yeah, that was a great moment. I love how their faces ended all messed up after the fight too.


How did you get on with having to control both Red and Blue simultaneously in order to restore the power? I found it really difficult as I can't multitask for shit. :D



Not too bad, I did make one mistake causing me to restart on my first attempt but that was cuz I didn't pay attention and made a wrong connection :heh:


On my 2nd go when I realised what was up I just alternated, Moved Red, Moved Blue, Moved Blue, Moved Red. Took awhile but had like 3 seconds to spare :D



Speaking of which, I'm really looking forward to reading your reaction to that.

Hey! icon3.gif You should totally video yourself playing it. Would make a great YouTube vid I reckon. :hehe:


There's an idea..... though I do tend to play in the dark, if I were to record myself I'd have to turn on the light else my camera wouldn't get much :heh:


OK, at the risk of upsetting myself with finding this bit of info out.... what Operation is the last Operation? So I know when to set up my camera?

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On my 2nd go when I realised what was up I just alternated, Moved Red, Moved Blue, Moved Blue, Moved Red. Took awhile but had like 3 seconds to spare

That's exactly what I had to do as well. :D

I wonder if anyone can do that part of the game as it's intended to be played.


There's an idea..... though I do tend to play in the dark, if I were to record myself I'd have to turn on the light else my camera wouldn't get much :heh:


OK, at the risk of upsetting myself with finding this bit of info out.... what Operation is the last Operation? So I know when to set up my camera?

Don't click the spoiler if you think it'll ruin the game for you :shakehead it was only an idea. : peace:

But if you do want to know, the last one is...


Operation 009.


And if you're going to do it, you should start recording from 008-C. ;)


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So having downloaded Pikmin 3 and being in a position to get this at a discounted rate... I still haven't taken the plunge...


I tried the demo and found it confusing. Didn't seem like I was going to gel with it.


Anyway, I fired up the demo again earlier and selected 'Very Easy' as I thought it might help slow things down to let me take more in. It didn't haha. It did help, but I still do not have a clue what is going on?!

What do all the buttons do?! What difference does it make if I select 3 different 'hero's' via the game pad rather than wonder Red / Blue / Green from the list in my 'party'?! What do all the strange items do?! What do the batteries do?! Is my battery gauge my life?!!

Very strange.


Having said that... I did find myself start to like it the more I played. It seemed a bit frantic and fast but I guess that's what it's all about. I am very tempted to just download it anyway at the discounted price and commit a day to it so I can make a proper judgement. I did seem to be enjoying it the more I played anyway, so I guess that's a good sign!

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..maybe I should make a video of me playing The Wonderful 101 :heh:
Yeah go on then, if you think you can handle the comments. :heh:

Someone else might tell you it's for hardcore gamers. :laughing:


So having downloaded Pikmin 3 and being in a position to get this at a discounted rate... I still haven't taken the plunge...


I tried the demo and found it confusing. Didn't seem like I was going to gel with it.


Anyway, I fired up the demo again earlier and selected 'Very Easy' as I thought it might help slow things down to let me take more in. It didn't haha. It did help, but I still do not have a clue what is going on?!

What do all the buttons do?! What difference does it make if I select 3 different 'hero's' via the game pad rather than wonder Red / Blue / Green from the list in my 'party'?! What do all the strange items do?! What do the batteries do?! Is my battery gauge my life?!!

Very strange.


Having said that... I did find myself start to like it the more I played. It seemed a bit frantic and fast but I guess that's what it's all about. I am very tempted to just download it anyway at the discounted price and commit a day to it so I can make a proper judgement. I did seem to be enjoying it the more I played anyway, so I guess that's a good sign!

It just takes time, but if you started to enjoy the demo then you should definitely enjoy the full game! :smile:
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Well damn, Operation 5 just kicked my ass


2 out of the 3 levels I got my 1st and 2nd Conosolation Prizes ever :( (and yeah I'm playing on normal)


5-A and 5-C :mad:


The boss level was pretty awesome, each indiviual part not really epic on their own but added all together it was a hell of a ride. Plus the comedy in the cut scenes and speeches was awesome :D


I guess maybe I would have enjoyed the Boss Level more had I not got my ass kicked so hard by it. I had to use 2 continues.... that's the first time I've ever had to use two continues :heh:

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You know, something just hit me like a bolt of lightning today... Why the hell didn't Nintendo make this game NFC compatible!? The game is totally made for it!


Sentai is all ABOUT merchandising! And there are 100 heroes! (Collect em all!) Think of the money they could've made on it (and it would actually enhance the game's Sentai experience very well!) Hell, there are gatchapon machines with Wondeful ones inside them in the game itself!


The characters are all basically action figures and their little quibs could be soundbites that actually play out when they're placed next to eachother (make them magnetic and you can make Unite Morphs with them! Perfect for taking out the Gearthjerk figurines (sold seperately of course).


And of course they would be NFC capable, allowing you to add them to the Wii U game itself, just like in Pokemon Rumble U.


Ugh! Makes too much sense to happen sadly :(

Edited by Dcubed
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You know, something just hit me like a bolt of lightning today... Why the hell didn't Nintendo make this game NFC compatible!? The game is totally made for it!


Sentai is all ABOUT merchandising! And there are 100 heroes! (Collect em all!) Think of the money they could've made on it (and it would actually enhance the game's Sentai experience very well!) Hell, there are gatchapon machines with Wondeful ones inside them in the game itself!


The characters are all basically action figures and their little quibs could be soundbites that actually play out when they're placed next to eachother (make them magnetic and you can make Unite Morphs with them! Perfect for taking out the Gearthjerk figurines (sold seperately of course).


And of course they would be NFC capable, allowing you to add them to the Wii U game itself, just like in Pokemon Rumble U.


Ugh! Makes too much sense to happen sadly :(

Because that'd be a terrible idea :p

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Just had to replay Operations 5-A and 5-C to redeem m

yself for the Consolation Prizes I got yesterday.


Got A up to Silver and C to Bronze :D that'll do pig, that'll do :D


On the subject of 5-A does anyone have any tips for....


Fight Prince Vorken.... dude always takes me ages.


My current tactic is to wait for him to do a hand or hammer, block/deflect it with Guts and try get in a few sword hits and maybe get in a multi morph too. But all the rest of his moves can't be blocked by Guts which can get annoying, (his sword, glider toss, claws, and even his Whip....which Guts does work for on those Block Ememy things that can morph too).


He's not even effected by Unite Bomb :mad:






Oh and forgot to mention yesterday, of course I got Wondeeerrrr-BLACK on my team now... he's pretty cool and I'm learning to use the Bomb to help make good combos....but his voice is just weird and doesn't seem right :heh:

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