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The Wonderful 101


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It did the game a lot of justice. I can see people buying it from that.


Yep, me being one of them, i have been a bit so so about it, but that trailer was epic! As soon as I've saved the world with Sam Fisher will be picking this up, considering this as my 'September' game before Wind Waker :)

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Its 4pm for uk




Thats weird normally they show the BST time first then teh CET.


I only saw DEMO and 5pm first and then went WOOOOTTT without reading the rest


I've now fired up my Wii U and will be waiting for 4pm to get the Demo... though again thinking I really should try to avoid it...but DAMN IT HYYYPPPEEEE

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Ah downloading now.


OK, I think I'll hold off on the demo and just wait until full game releases. I know I'm going to buy it so I may as well enjoy it all from the get-go.



I am thinking the same... but still downloading it... we'll see how long I last with it sittin on my Wii U tempting me :heh:

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Man, its quite the meaty demo. I was confused as hell at first but by the time it finished I was combining powers left, right and centre. :D


I know, at first I was thinking "damn there's so much going on what the hell am I doing"


When you get to the Tank like enemy I was getting my ass kicked then I learned the secret of the Jelly :D


Few things I've not worked out how I did it though was a few times when using the Unite Gun it became like a rocket launcher (or actually a Super Scope :D) instead of a pistol...how the hell did that happen?


And towards the end of the level I unlocked a new skill for the Unite Hand but it didn't tell me how to do it?


Took awhile to get used to drawing the symbols too. Every now and then I'd press the arrow that brings up the list of all your heroes and the drawing stopped working.... but got the hang of it.


Also I assume in the full game the touch screen won't be all cluttered with so much info like what the ZL and ZR buttons do?


Can't wait for the full game (even more) now :D






Also the puzzles were pretty cool too, especially the one inside the garage and the action switchs to the gamepads screen. Took me a few mins to work out what to do. I saw the numbers on the door and thought I had to rotate each knob that number of times.... it wasn't till I just happened to look at the TV screen and realised there was more info there that I *FACEPALM*

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Also the puzzles were pretty cool too, especially the one inside the garage and the action switchs to the gamepads screen. Took me a few mins to work out what to do. I saw the numbers on the door and thought I had to rotate each knob that number of times.... it wasn't till I just happened to look at the TV screen and realised there was more info there that I *FACEPALM*


lol I did the exact same thing. I was too busy staring at the pad that I didn't look up for a good five minutes. I was about to lose my patience.

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Indeed, it was so simple yet so devious at the same time. I hope there's more puzzles like that in the full game that make use of both screens in some way.


It seems like between ZombiU and now 101 the 3rd parties seem to have better ideas on how to use the Gamepad than Nintendo do :heh:

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Waaaaaaaaay too much shit going on at once in this game, it's ridiculously confusing at times! :wtf: Or perhaps I'm just getting too old to keep up. :heh:


Yeah, I hate to do a /nando/™ :D but I've never really seen the appeal of The Wonderful 101, and today's ND didn't really change my opinion. :hmm: (the constant release date reminders were the best part of the ND for me :laughing:)

However, there were sections of the demo where it started to click, so I'm going to give it a few more tries before making my mind up.


Really glad this got a demo actually, it's definitely one of those games you need to try before you buy I reckon.

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Waaaaaaaaay too much shit going on at once in this game, it's ridiculously confusing at times! :wtf: Or perhaps I'm just getting too old to keep up. :heh:


Yeah, I hate to do a /nando/™ :D but I've never really seen the appeal of The Wonderful 101, and today's ND didn't really change my opinion. :hmm: (the constant release date reminders were the best part of the ND for me :laughing:)

However, there were sections of the demo where it started to click, so I'm going to give it a few more tries before making my mind up.


Really glad this got a demo actually, it's definitely one of those games you need to try before you buy I reckon.


Really? I would have thought this game would be right up your ally with it's pure craziness?

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I heard the game may be getting an August release. Can anyone confirm?


I downloaded the demo and gave it a whiz. Looool at Kamiya for flashing up that screen quickly showing that there would be a demo available today. :bowdown:


Game is chaotic as fuck, but I like it. I have a feeling it'll be easier in the actual game itself because these things are usually "layered" so to speak, so you'll start out with very little and gradually build on top of it. Demos sometimes just throw you right in the middle of things.


It'll be a definite purchase. I like the look of it, I'm sure it'll be great fun. :)

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