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Pikmin 3


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I doubt you could use the wii mote, but even if you could, if the its next to the tele then it would easily pick it up and you'll start clicking both things at the same time.


I believe something similar was certainly talked about in regards to Wii U in the past where one minute you could point at the TV and the next at the Gamepad. It may not even have been in relation to Pikmin 3 but I do recall questioning that possibility myself at the time due to the way the Wii Remote works and how if it basically only sees lights in order to allow you to point, how would it possibly know what device you were pointing at anyway :heh:


I guess I never really expected it to happen but liked the idea of the map right beside my TV. It's a bit of a frustration that you have to almost choose between the benefits of pointer control with the Wii Remote and the interactive possibilites of the map oon the Gamepad :hmm: Sure.. you can have both, but it doesn't seem entirely convenient!


It sort of brings up the argument of 'too many control schemes' again :indeed:

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I guess I never really expected it to happen but liked the idea of the map right beside my TV. It's a bit of a frustration that you have to almost choose between the benefits of pointer control with the Wii Remote and the interactive possibilites of the map oon the Gamepad :hmm: Sure.. you can have both, but it doesn't seem entirely convenient!


I've had no problem juggling the remote and GamePad, which I've had sitting on my lap. As soon as you do anything with it the game pauses anyway, so it's not like ZombiU where you have to keep an eye on both screens at once. A really neat use of the dual-screen setup.

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From reading the various reviews probably not. One of the main criticisms of the game is that it's far too familiar and plays just like the rest.


Seeing that Ive not played a Pikmin game since the release of the first one on the GC im not too concerned about this.


What is unfortunate is the likelihood that the game is not going to be as good as everyone is expecting it to be.


Nevertheless I will enjoy the game for what it is. Im positive its going to be a lot of fun!

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I don't mind more of the same, especially if it's fun to play. I'm a huge fan of the Ratchet and Clank series and they hardly stray from the tried and tested formula which gave the series it's success.


Roll on Friday...or hopefully Thursday if Shopto do their magic.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Re: length and 'newness'.


I think its about expectations. In terms of length the average game seems to be shorter than it used to be in 2004. Yes, that's an issue in itself but unless you rush through it's going to last a reasonable length, particularly if you try to get all the fruit. My final game time was around 16 hours and I didn't get all the fruit.


I personally felt that the new captains, and being able to flip between the three, helped keep things fresh. Along with the new Pikmin, it's as new as I expected.


Ultimately I feel that it is an enjoyable game and that's exactly what we need right now.

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From reading the various reviews probably not. One of the main criticisms of the game is that it's far too familiar and plays just like the rest.

If this was a game with 10 iterations, I'd be worried about that. However, considering this is the third and there hasn't been one for 9 years...I'm ok with it

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From reading the various reviews probably not. One of the main criticisms of the game is that it's far too familiar and plays just like the rest.


I'm not sure why people level of the criticism of being similar at sequels. Barring the jump from SNES to N64 (2D to 3D) when everything natural changed, most franchises retain their core game play and gently evolve adding new features and polishing certain aspects rather than going for an overhaul.


The only game I can think of off the top of my head that went for a significant overhaul that wasn't due to the jump from 2D to 3D was Resident Evil when it moved from Zero to Four on the GC.


I mean just look at Halo, COD, Killzone, Uncharted or Gears of War - all of those games see incremental changes but none of them really rewrite the series with each new iteration, they simply polish what is already there and try to improve on the formula.

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Pretty happy to hear this is fairly short. I'm more likely to play through shorter games these days.


Still undecided if I'm day one for Pikmin 3 though. Kinda excited for a new first party Nintendo game, but my 3DS is full of quality first party Nintendo games I still need to beat.

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I too enjoy the odd shorter game. Sometimes a shorter, but more focused and highly enjoyable game is just what I need to break up the larger games I play. Also, as I'm a fan of multiple play throughs I enjoy shorter games.


I also find that some games that claim to be much longer are only that length due to the incredible amount of padding and 'extras'. Take Arkham City as an example, I LOVED that game and it blew my mind, but the length was dramatically increased by the Riddler Challenges which by the end I gave up on because they became so tedious.


Anyway, my copy has been pre-ordered, so I'm looking forward to giving it a blast this weekend.

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I'm not sure why people level of the criticism of being similar at sequels. Barring the jump from SNES to N64 (2D to 3D) when everything natural changed, most franchises retain their core game play and gently evolve adding new features and polishing certain aspects rather than going for an overhaul.


The only game I can think of off the top of my head that went for a significant overhaul that wasn't due to the jump from 2D to 3D was Resident Evil when it moved from Zero to Four on the GC.


I mean just look at Halo, COD, Killzone, Uncharted or Gears of War - all of those games see incremental changes but none of them really rewrite the series with each new iteration, they simply polish what is already there and try to improve on the formula.

Plus, those games don't get marked down for being so similar to past games like Nintendo games do. Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but it's true.

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Plus, those games don't get marked down for being so similar to past games like Nintendo games do. Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but it's true.


To be fair I don't think Pikmin has been either. Most of the reviews mention it as a criticism and leave it at that. For the most part the game has been getting very high scores, just like the original 2 games.

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To be fair I don't think Pikmin has been either. Most of the reviews mention it as a criticism and leave it at that. For the most part the game has been getting very high scores, just like the original 2 games.

Well it's a common thing I see around the net. For every other company, it's a sequel. If it's Nintendo, it's a rehash.


Hell, I've seen loads of people call this game a rehash.


But I digress, hope ShopTo start processing

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Well it's a common thing I see around the net. For every other company, it's a sequel. If it's Nintendo, it's a rehash.


Hell, I've seen loads of people call this game a rehash.


But I digress, hope ShopTo start processing


As you said earlier, it's hardly a rehash when it's been 9 loooooooonnnng years since our last game. It your characters has a gun then apparently you get a pass by most the internet. :D

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As you said earlier, it's hardly a rehash when it's been 9 loooooooonnnng years since our last game. It your characters has a gun then apparently you get a pass by most the internet. :D

God bless America.


Nintendo really should have included artillery Pikmin, and Olimar/Alph etc. have a gun that fires them, rather than throwing.

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Well it's a common thing I see around the net. For every other company, it's a sequel. If it's Nintendo, it's a rehash.


Hell, I've seen loads of people call this game a rehash.


But I digress, hope ShopTo start processing


You need to stop letting a few people who comment on neogaf hurt you so much. People always talk shit, it doesn't mean you listen to it.


To be fair, I was hoping the game would be a bit longer as I've heard it's fairly short but those reviews really are great. I hope it gets over 10K sales here in the UK as that should easily put it at the top of the charts.

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Seems like a perfect summer game, who wants a 50 hour game at this time of year



I would rather a short and sweet game with high quality and one which will be replayed many times.



edit,.... get in Game have shipped my order + pre order bonus :)

Edited by yesteryeargames
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In an interview, it has apparently been confirmed that various bits of new content will be offered for Pikmin 3 at a later date


Nintendo is working on new content for Pikmin 3. In an interview with Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun, it was revealed that a new map and mission are scheduled for delivery in the future.


When these items will be available are not yet known. It’s also unclear if the DLC will be available for free or for a certain cost.


Update: A translation posted on NeoGAF indicates that multiple missions/maps are likely to be involved, as opposed to just one of each.


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