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Watch Dogs


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I found the driving frustrating at the beginning but it definitely improves as you add more skill points and hacks, would of liked the ability to drive and shoot for certain situations but i guess they were trying to distinguish itself away from something like GTAV and push the hacking elements of the game.

Saying all that I did love the motorbikes for getting about swiftly and for taking jumps off raised bridges, great fun!

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I only had issues with the driving at the very beginning and I'm putting that down to overplaying Mario Kart. The bikes are definitely the most fun!


Doing QR code missions at the moment. Some of them are really tricky.

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@Map, I've sent you a friend request. :D


I've had my first dose of the online modes today when somebody infiltrated my game. Tried a few races, too. Looking forward to seeing more of this.


Cheers, added you back. :)


Yeah, the online modes can get pretty tense!

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Had a proper herp-derp moment earlier today. I just figured out how to select alternative pistols, the grenade launcher, etc. I don't know why, but I never saw the arrows next to the weapons when hitting L1. Tested out the grenade launcher when being chased by the police earlier. Was gurrrrrrrd.


Also checked out ctOS Mobile Challenge mode today. Really enjoyed that. I love how seamless the online in, the hacking into other people's games aspect is awesome.


Overall, I'm loving the game. I'm hopeful that Ubisoft can iron out the flaws and make this even better for the inevitable sequel. There's so much scope and potential here for future games.

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Overall, I'm loving the game. I'm hopeful that Ubisoft can iron out the flaws and make this even better for the inevitable sequel. There's so much scope and potential here for future games.


Yeah, a sequel is inevitable. However, since it's Ubisoft I can't see the game getting a lot of changes in the setting. :(


I want the hacking to be ditched. Already mentioned it once: Make it Drive-esque.



Come on Ubisoft...the driving mechanics from Watch Dogs and the stealth gameplay are a perfect fit.


Give me a Neo-noir crime setting with a great main character and a story only about him (or her).

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Yeah, a sequel is inevitable. However, since it's Ubisoft I can't see the game getting a lot of changes in the setting. :(


I want the hacking to be ditched. Already mentioned it once: Make it Drive-esque.



Come on Ubisoft...the driving mechanics from Watch Dogs and the stealth gameplay are a perfect fit.


Give me a Neo-noir crime setting with a great main character and a story only about him (or her).


Drop the hacking? You crazy, brah? That's the essence of the game. I love the hacking, I do feel like some kind of master thief whilst running around the city.


The car mechanics need to stay, as do the stealth/open ended gameplay. For that, I'd like to see them keep the hacking because it just gives you more ways to approach a mission. One thing I'd love to have is the ability to drag bodies out of sight once you've knocked somebody down. That could even be a tactic or hindrance in itself, because you could move slower whilst doing this or could be easy to spot due to the noise of the body dragging. Things like that, just to make the experience even better.


I'm finding that there's tons of stuff to do. No idea how much time I've spent in the game (is there a way to do this?) but I've hardly touched the story mode. I've spent hours just wandering around and finding things to do, stopping random crimes, being hacked into, etc.

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Won my first ctOS Mobile Challenge game, fuck yeeeeah. Fuark, it was tough. I made it to the last checkpoint with 2 seconds to spare. Two Police SUVs were ramming me at the end and I got snipered from the gunner in the helicopter about 20 seconds or so before the end. It took out my back window of the car I was driving and I thought, "that's it, I'm fucked."


Somehow I managed to turn the car around, dodge the SUVs and get to it. Awesome. A great online mode. I really like Decryption but there was some weird shit going on last night. I somehow managed to get into a game where I was against 2 players. Then, a third joined and so it was 3 vs. 1. The game fucked up before that match, too. In the previous game, I got dropped into it and couldn't move or look around, or do anything basically. So, we had to drop out of it. The next game was laggy as fuck. Not sure what was going on there. Everything before that wtf moment was awesome.

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I'm finding that there's tons of stuff to do. No idea how much time I've spent in the game (is there a way to do this?) but I've hardly touched the story mode.


Go to XMB and check the save file. Usually it will show how long you have played.


Completed the game today, with all sidequests done. Only got some miscellenious trophies left. Loved the game. Hacking, driving, it's all been a whole lot of fun :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't put this down. I've just done some trophy hunting stuff. 10 online tails and 10 online races, which is harder than it sounds. I tell you what, I really enjoyed doing the online tails, although it is obviously hit and miss with how difficult it will be. I had two that were either away from the game for a few moments or weren't paying attention. I literally stood a few paces away from somebody and then just hid behind a car. However, I got dropped into a game right next to another player and they clearly saw me. Another one almost knew that I was going to be there because he was on top of a building and just took me out within the first 15 or so seconds that I was there.


Definitely getting my money's worth out of this. Tried some of the digital trips yesterday. They were lol.

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I can't put this down. I've just done some trophy hunting stuff. 10 online tails and 10 online races, which is harder than it sounds. I tell you what, I really enjoyed doing the online tails, although it is obviously hit and miss with how difficult it will be. I had two that were either away from the game for a few moments or weren't paying attention. I literally stood a few paces away from somebody and then just hid behind a car. However, I got dropped into a game right next to another player and they clearly saw me. Another one almost knew that I was going to be there because he was on top of a building and just took me out within the first 15 or so seconds that I was there.


Definitely getting my money's worth out of this. Tried some of the digital trips yesterday. They were lol.


Glad we convinced you to get it now then!

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I can't put this down. I've just done some trophy hunting stuff. 10 online tails and 10 online races, which is harder than it sounds. I tell you what, I really enjoyed doing the online tails, although it is obviously hit and miss with how difficult it will be. I had two that were either away from the game for a few moments or weren't paying attention. I literally stood a few paces away from somebody and then just hid behind a car. However, I got dropped into a game right next to another player and they clearly saw me. Another one almost knew that I was going to be there because he was on top of a building and just took me out within the first 15 or so seconds that I was there.


Definitely getting my money's worth out of this. Tried some of the digital trips yesterday. They were lol.


Good. Get it all out of your system so you're ready for Friday....

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Glad we convinced you to get it now then!


Oh hells yeah. I haven't even finished Act 2 yet...I just enjoy all of the other stuff. It feels like it's the size of three games, the depth in this is immense. It probably is just me being naive and maybe this is common-place in Open World games. But, there seems to be so much to do. I'm loving it. I spent an hour the other day just playing chess...spent maybe two doing the digital trips. It's a real time sucker.


Good. Get it all out of your system so you're ready for Friday....


My body ees ready.

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I can't put this down. I've just done some trophy hunting stuff. 10 online tails and 10 online races, which is harder than it sounds. I tell you what, I really enjoyed doing the online tails, although it is obviously hit and miss with how difficult it will be. I had two that were either away from the game for a few moments or weren't paying attention. I literally stood a few paces away from somebody and then just hid behind a car. However, I got dropped into a game right next to another player and they clearly saw me. Another one almost knew that I was going to be there because he was on top of a building and just took me out within the first 15 or so seconds that I was there.


Definitely getting my money's worth out of this. Tried some of the digital trips yesterday. They were lol.


Your post about Zelda going open-world suggested to me that the concept is still somewhat fresh to you. Seeing you lose your shit over Watchdogs makes me wonder how you would've reacted to Fallout 3 when that came out. You have no idea, son.

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Dude, you should have played AC4 first. So much better.


I planned this out. :)


I knew I'd have more time to play Watch Dogs in July, so I went with that first. So, if the game turned out to be shite, I would have ACIV to fall back on. If the game turns out to be good, then I go into ACIV a happy gamer, knowing that I'll be playing an even better game.


Win-win, really. :D

I did this with Skyward Sword and Xenoblade. Played what I thought would be the not-so-good game first and saved the main event til later. Worked a treat. Doing it the other way around (Xeno then SS) would have ruined SS even more for me.


I'm excited about ACIV, my first Assassin's Creed game. :D Not sure at all what to expect. I'm going to clean up with Watch Dogs, power through it this week in time for The Last of Us, then get on with AC.



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Your post about Zelda going open-world suggested to me that the concept is still somewhat fresh to you. Seeing you lose your shit over Watchdogs makes me wonder how you would've reacted to Fallout 3 when that came out. You have no idea, son.


I have lost my shit, you are right.

It probably would have killed me.

The most satisfying feel you can get when gaming is the "pump". It's as satisfying to me as "cumming" is, y'know? As having sex with a woman and cumming. So can you believe how much I am in heaven? I'm like getting the feeling of cumming in the gym, getting the feeling of cumming at home, and cumming backstage when I pump up and when I pose out in front of 5000 viewers, I get the same feeling, so I'm cumming day and night! I mean it's terrific...right?




I do that with my food. But by the time I get to the steak I'm already full as fuck from all the gross ass boiled carrots and caramelised onions. Don't do that with AC4 Flink.


That's because you have no appetite, brah.

Also, hnnnnnng at caramelised onions and steak. Fuck your carrots.

Tbh, I've played a few games so far and they've all wowed me in some way. It's all new and fresh. I'm easily pleased. <insert Ine joked here>

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I have lost my shit, you are right.

It probably would have killed me.

The most satisfying feel you can get when gaming is the "pump". It's as satisfying to me as "cumming" is, y'know? As having sex with a woman and cumming. So can you believe how much I am in heaven? I'm like getting the feeling of cumming in the gym, getting the feeling of cumming at home, and cumming backstage when I pump up and when I pose out in front of 5000 viewers, I get the same feeling, so I'm cumming day and night! I mean it's terrific...right?



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  • 2 weeks later...
The more I play this the more I enjoy it. I've not even began to do the side missions yet too, I'll have plenty to do in this game. I love the hacking aspect!


u wot m8?


I probably more time on the side missions than the actual story stuff. You mean you haven't done any gang hideouts, convoys or fixer contracts yet? Or digital trips? They're great fun, all of them. :D

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u wot m8?


I probably more time on the side missions than the actual story stuff. You mean you haven't done any gang hideouts, convoys or fixer contracts yet? Or digital trips? They're great fun, all of them. :D


None. I was the same for Xenoblade, hardly did any side-quests in that.

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None. I was the same for Xenoblade, hardly did any side-quests in that.


Aww, you're breaking my balls here. Try a gang hideout. I don't even do them for any reward really, I just like going in either all stealthy, stealthy or shooty shooty. The story is alright, but the missions/fixer contracts make it all fleshed out. It's where the fun is. :D


Plus, it gives you an excuse to use some of the awesome weapons without just using them on civilians. (Ine shouted at me when I did this)

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