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This game is still lying around, unopened. I need to get into it after Captain Toad, I think, but I'm not that fond of zombies in general.


However, the above posts gave me a desire to play it, it sounds good. :)


do it, it's a really great game. I got the Premium ZombiU bundle at launch and only started playing the game a couple of weeks ago and that was only because I wanted to play it as a a kind of warm up for Alien on PS4, but it is a very good game.

I'm in my 26th survivor, so will go back through it again in a few months and try and keep it to single figures.


I remember getting pissed off at this game and didn't really go back to it as a result. I was on some sort of ledge or plank or scaffolding or something and ended up falling off. Instant kill. Didn't seem that high up to me. I was so annoyed and wasn't sure how it actually happened. Anyway, I went back to get my weapons and didn't see a ZombiMe and realised that I had lost all everything. Didn't play for much after that.


losing all your items, especially at the wrong time can really fuck you up. Sometimes 6 bullets and a cricket bat are no match for a bunch of zombies, no matter how stealthy you are.

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Cancelled ZombiU 2 would have introduced co-op




In a recent podcast, Unseen64’s Liam Robertson (known for digging up information on canned games) revealed that ZombiU 2 was in development for a short period back in early 2013. A team of roughly 5-10 staffers worked on the project, which never left pre-production. Robertson said that it likely didn’t take long “before Ubisoft put their foot down” and cancelled plans for the game.


Robertson has seen one image from ZombiU 2 that offered a similar aesthetic as its predecessor. That means players would have been exploring a “run-down, zombie apocalypse setting” once again – hardly surprising!


ZombiU 2’s big hook would have been the introduction of co-op. A developer Robertson spoke to was “very adamant about trying to do co-op survival horror properly without compromising the tension and the horror factor of it.”


With ZombiU 2’s co-op, one player would control the GamePad, while the other would use the Pro Controller. Adding multiple routes was “one idea they had for maintaining the survival aspect”, so players would get split up throughout the campaign.


Co-op may have been a local-only affair. None of the documents Robertson saw mentioned anything about online play, but since it was a prototype, it’s possible that the feature could have been added in had the project progressed.


ZombiU 2’s developers were also interested in introducing more melee weapons. Players would have been able to wield more than just a cricket bat.


And that’s everything we know about the short-lived development cycle of ZombiU 2. It’s a shame that it won’t be seeing the light of day!





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Rumor: ZombiU might not be a Wii U exclusive any more


Update (6/20): Brian here, and I’m bumping this to the top to give an update on things. This rumor is looking likely, as an Xbox One version of “Zombi” has been rated in Australia.


ZombiU was an exclusive to the Wii U at launch, but was never able to really gain any traction on the console and never generated a profit for publisher Ubisoft. Originally there had even been talk of a sequel but due to lackluster performance in sales that idea had to be scrapped. Now according to Unseen64, Ubisoft might be looking for another alternative for the title. It would appear as if Unseen64 has heard from a very reliable source that Ubisoft might be looking to port the game over to Playstation 4 and Xbox One, which could mean pretty significant changes to the gameplay not to mention the title needing to happen if that were done. At the moment this is still a rumor but considering Unseen64’s track record, you just might see this happening in the future.





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If they do it, they would need ti change a bit more as the game is good, but the gamepad improves it a lot.


What I am interested in is if they would update the Wii U version if they add some extra content to PS and XB versions?

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If they do it, they would need ti change a bit more as the game is good, but the gamepad improves it a lot.


I'm curious if they'd use the second screen part of Xbox One (forget it's actual name) to try and replicate the GamePad, or try changing it to be better suited for the console itself.

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Coming to Xbox One/PS4/PC in 3 weeks time.



I'm pretty sure that the first half of that trailer is exactly the same as the God Save The Queen trailer for this game when it originally came out.


I heard that this was coming out on other systems, but I'm disappointed that it pretty much looks to be a straightforward port with no improvements. It'll sell about two copies.

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Are they not upgrading the graphics on it?


Must be why its not getting a Retail release.


Be interesting to see what they use instead of the Gamepad mechanic for scanning... like will XboxOne use the Smartglass feature? PS4 use the Vita? Or are they just using an on screen menu but the game doesnt pause?


I think with the WiiU having to look at the gamepad to check items etc added loads to the atmosphere as you'd be a little on edge having taken attention away from the TV knowing its not paused. Added to teh fear of it.


Hope though it does well on the other systems, its a fantastic survival horror experience in an age where survival horror has become more action than horror.

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Without the Gamepad, it's literally only half a game.


It's a bit sad that many people will only end up playing a truncated version of the experience :(


I only really enjoyed the gamepad for the inventory changes, looking down whilst the game still continued.


The waving the gamepad around the room trying to scan stuff was alright for a while but annoyed me so much on subsequent playthrough attempts I never bothered that long.


Looks like there are new melee weapons in now, although they're probably just cricket back reskins. Hopefully it'll sell better so we can get a bigger more expansive sequel, also in London!

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Without the Gamepad, it's literally only half a game.


It's a bit sad that many people will only end up playing a truncated version of the experience :(


It's not really though, is it? The second screen stuff was an interesting idea but did it make the game? No, it was just different; it might have been a great showcase for the Gamepad but that certainly isn't the reason why it's a good game. I think that's more to do with excellent controls, great atmosphere and setting, nice design and some fairly unique ideas.


Some people - like me - actually felt the second screen scanning and inventory broke the immersion. I don't know if this'll be a better game for (probably) jettisoning the second screen gumph, but it won't be a worse game for it either. Just... different.

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I was gonna say off the end of that trailer that it had better be download only if they're not gonna bother updating it at all, but that's the case so fair enough; it'll probably be £19.99 or something.


Have to say I can't see it selling all that well when someone could probably pick up Dying Light for the same price, but it's clear Ubisoft didn't really put any effort into this port so.

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The Eurogamer review is up and for those wondering how it works sans GamePad:


And now, of course, that pad is gone. With a port to PS4, Xbox One and PC, Ubisoft has wisely spent most of its time and effort encouraging you to forget that it was ever there. The minimap's permanently on-screen now, its regular radar ping adding to the dripping-tap tension even if its presence means that one of the game's meanest tricks has been removed. Elsewhere the compromises are skilfully minimised. The scanner, now accessed via a button, still roots you to the spot while you survey the landscape, and the inventory - another button - still fills the screen without pausing the action. Zombi still has it in for you, then, even if the field of view is wider, and the torch comes with a new high-beam mode. (The torch is a great example of the checks and balances, actually: extra light eats through the batteries that much faster, and attracts zombies that much quicker. Run out of juice, and you're in for a truly agonising wait, often in pitch black surroundings, while it recharges.)



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Have been putting in a bit of time on the re-release of this on the PS4 over the weekend. Never played it on the WiiU but thought I'd give it a go and see what all the fuss that people were making about this at launch was about.


First things first, if they've updated the graphics over the original version, they've not done a very good job because it looks pretty ropey. It's grainy with muddy textures and is just generally visually lifeless, which is appropriate for a game about zombies. It's also very clear to see its WiiU origins here as the overuse of bloom lighting is horrendous. They really should have dialled that back a bit as I know they used it a lot a few years back to cover up blemishes and make everything look "nice" but in this day and age, it looks atrocious.


As far as gameplay is concerned, it's ok, serviceable but that's about it. They haven't really touched the gameplay from what I can find out from impressions and reviews other that incorporating the scanner to a button press and hold and putting your inventory on a touch of the trackpad. Think those work absolutely fine so don't really see the necessity for the gamepad from the time I've put in but then having not played it on the WiiU, it may be that it does play different but I don't personally feel that I'm missing out on anything but not having it here.


It does feel decidedly clunky though. Movement, shooting, hitting things, it's not very fluid and I get that it may be on purpose to create tension but it's actually putting me off a little. If this is how it played on the WiiU, which seems to be the case, I don't really get why it had such a free pass other than being a launch title but even then, the likes of Left 4 Dead had come before it and didn't feel anywhere near as clunky as this.


Up to Buckingham Palace at the moment on my playthrough, on my 3rd survivor, and it's ok. I do like that you can go back and retrieve your stuff from your old survivor when you die but it does feel a little cheap in that one lunge at you from a zombie, and not being able to wrestle them off, and your dead. Doesn't really make sense when you can shove and such in the game.


The lack of multiplayer is laziness on Ubisoft's part. That could easily have been done with a standard controller, it would just mean the overwatch person would be switching between top down view and street view but it could easily have worked.


So yeah, it's a serviceable game that I'll see through to the end but really not getting a lot of the fuss that was made for it. It's a 6, maybe a 6.5 at best in terms of score.

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