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IT IS DONE :yay: :yay::yay::yay::yay:







Nerves are wrecked after doing the final parts


Going back to teh Palace for the Panacea and then the escape back to the safe house (the LONG WAY) and of course that final bit at the tower.


Oh and the bit when leaving the safe house that last time and you finally get to use the turrent. I actually almost screwed that up haha. Was looking at the scope image on the gamepad to aim the turrent and shooting the horde down below. Then I happened by pure luck glanced up at the TV and spotted a Zombie just reaching the top of the stairs and coming for me....guess I missed him with the turrent.


Saw him just in time to be able to leave go of the turrent and get my handgun out, phew. Imagine had I not seen him and died there :heh:




Got kinda lucky and found a few zombies on the way that had flares to loot so that helped a ton. And went mad on ammo usage of assualt rifles, shotguns and even my magnum in parts as I knew I was near the end :D



The servers seemed to be down again tonight though. Again no dev wall messages in teh safe house and I wasn't able to spray paint any of my own. Leaderboards down too.

I REALLY hope when they do start working again/are fixed that my score isn't lost. Would like to know where I rank on Survivor mode and most important my name BETTER end up on the wall list of people who have finished Survivor mode or I'll be well upset.


Note: If anyone here is playing and sees that list and my name is there (MokongX3M) take a pic a post for me :D



Oh and what I think is extra awesome bout finishing it now...my character, Mr. Riley Stevens, occupation: Lifeguard

He saved lives before the zombie outbreak and he just saved the world tonight! :D

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just checked my new normal mode file. Dev wall posts are back so seems servers are fixed.


But when I checked the leaderboards it still showing my score from my previous failed attempt. :mad:


I hope it just takes time for them to update the leaderboards and my score from last nights completion gets updated soon.... and of course my name gets added to the wall post of people who finished Survivor mode!


If it turns out my data got lost cause I finished it while servers were down I'll be so pissed off.


I was planning to try a speed run on normal mode (after a weeks break from the game) and maybe replay survivor mode in a few months time.


but if my accomplishment doesn't get recognised I guess I'll be forced to do it all again :heh:


I knew last night I should have waited for servers to be fixed before I finished it but the game was calling to me to finish it, I couldn't resist :heh:


Figures they would then fix the servers the day after I finish it:mad:

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Well done @Mokong X\-C, I'll be getting back into this when I've finished Sonic Racing & Mario U.


Also, I think if you start a new survival mode, it adds to your survival score.




Hadn't thought of that given how you have to delete the file to start a new one.


But if true that would be awesome....and would explain the rediculously high scores on the leaderboards. 1st place on Survival Mode is something like 70,000 plus WTF


Just checked the leader boards now and my Survival mode score still isn't updated.


But when I put on the normal mode file I noticed dev wall messages were missing again :heh:...but other online features were working such as being able to spray paint and the friend notification thing.


So maybe they still fixing things :heh:



I'm thinking if tomorrow my score hasn't updated yet and the online stuff seems to be working I might just allow myself to die in that Normal mode file.


I'm thinking the game only sends score and completion data in 2 situations, when you die and when you finish the game. So I'm thinking if I allow my character to die in normal mode my game will try connect and exchange score data with the server and hoepfully bring the Survival Mode completion score with it.


(Note: If I do this I'll do it at the safe house raid so if you find "me" at your safe house I'll have 20+ handgun bullets, some med kits and mines on me :wink:...but as I said will wait till to tomorrow to see if I'll try that...and if servers appear to be working fine)


If that doesn't work I'll just have to finish Survivor mode again :heh:

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As soon as I have completed Assassins Creed 3 I am going to pick this up, in no small part thanks to @Mokong X\-C 's enthusiastic and brilliant updates, and how everyone else on here has been describing the game. Bear in mind I hate, absolutely hate horror movies and games, not because of the quality, but because I get scared shitless by them (went to see Sinister, thought it was rubbish but couldn't sleep properly because of the bloody evil guy, Bagul, in it!) and you should all feel responsible for my poor health in the coming months. Roll on the pretty colours and fun of Pikmin 3 already...:D

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As soon as I have completed Assassins Creed 3 I am going to pick this up, in no small part thanks to @Mokong X\-C 's enthusiastic and brilliant updates, and how everyone else on here has been describing the game. Bear in mind I hate, absolutely hate horror movies and games, not because of the quality, but because I get scared shitless by them (went to see Sinister, thought it was rubbish but couldn't sleep properly because of the bloody evil guy, Bagul, in it!) and you should all feel responsible for my poor health in the coming months. Roll on the pretty colours and fun of Pikmin 3 already...:D


Oh boy are you in for a treat. I'm not that easily scared, but this game man :weep:...

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Oh boy are you in for a treat. I'm not that easily scared, but this game man :weep:...


Yeah alright don't make it worse, I haven't bought it yet.. ;)


Shadowman did this to me. One Easter day I played that game for 8 hours (Easter Monday was a day off school the next day) and seriously did not get a wink of sleep, all I could think about was Legion, "for we are many" and Avery bloody Marx, the home improvement killer being downstairs re arranging the furniture in my house. The nursery section in that still sends shivers down my spine, and I hear there is something similar in this game... already talking myself out of it!! :)

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I got this yesterday and ive played it for about an hour. Im on my second survivor as i didnt know what i was doing when the game first started so i died instantly. The atmosphere is terrific and the game is quite literally terrifying. Love it!

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OK just went on and loaded up my new normal mode file.


Servers seemed to be working, leaderboards were working and in game had the dev wall posts in the safe house and had 3 "friend death" notifications too.


So let the horde attacking the safe house kill me...hoping the game then tried to send score data to the ubisoft servers and with it hopefully my seemingly lost Surivor Mode score (and completion status) will have been sent too.


If I don't see my score on the leaderboard update by Monday I'm gonna replay Survivor Mode...cause that's how I roll...gluten for punishment :heh:



Also if anyone is currently playing Normal Mode and has me added as a Friend and you need some ammo and equipement. You should hopefully be able to find "me" just outside the safe house door. I had about 27 handgun bullets, some med packs, 3 landmines, 2 or 3 flares and 2 molotovs. All there for you to take from "me".


@Ashley I saw you were playing (and dying) so you might need the equipment :wink:

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Uuuurm, excuse moi? I died once and got the Personal Best Score. I kicked ZombiU ass.


Sorry, it was also Bard.


There seems to be an opinion that dying = bad on this game. Screw it, I've got unlimited people to kill. It's just a shame they're all the same people with different skins.

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That was actually Daft :heh:


Oh he was round at yours playing last night?


Well if he needed the ammo hope my zombie spawned in for him




Anyway, Joy and Oisín have both gone out for the day for a spin with one of Joys friends.


SO I'm gonna use the alone time in the house to restart Survivor Mode now :heh:


My Survivor Mode score still hasn't updated yet I can see the leaderboards have updated as my now "old" score that is still there has been going down in rank. So obviously other peoples scores have been uploading fine last few days and I guess mine was indeed lost :(


Though really hope Lost is right and that if I finish Survivor Mode in the one go again it'll add the scores of the last run and this next run together...that would put me well up the rankings :D




Righty that didn't go well.... trying to rush through the game = you get sloppy :heh:


Was outside the Palace in the place with the CCTV box. One zombie comes in, decide to shoot it to level up teh handgun... noise attracted 2 zombies I never encountered before they came from behind me and I forgot to close the door...didn't know they were there as I was focused on the one in front... till they both hit and grabbed me :mad:


So guess I can forget about getting my previous score added on to my next one :P


this game will prolly be the death of me :heh:




I don't believe this shit


Just blew myself up with a gernade during the nursery escape :mad:

I was chucking it from behind a pillar guess I wasn't away from the pillar enough, I figure it hit the pillar and landed beside me and I didn't know.... I was also at half health...had I used my med pack to get to full health I prolly would have survived... but the door was almost open and figured I'd just heal at the safe house :(


That's my entire day of play wasted :cry:


Think I'm obsessing over this game too much now :heh:

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Turned up for work today, someone bought this for me as a (belated) secret santa present! Chuffed to pieces!! :Dalthough there was supposed to be a £5 limit on presents...


Either they got it for free or someone really loves ya, haha, that is awesome.


Anyway I just checked the leaderboards and I am 100% certain now that my score of 18950 when I finished Survivor mode...aswell as my completion status were lost.


My score on teh survivor mode leaderboard has updated but it is showing the score I had when I killed myself with the gernade on Saturday :heh:


So yeah my actually completed Survivor mode run has no record on the Ubisoft servers.... even more incentive to now finish the Survivor mode again :D



Also for anyone trying to get a good score I've noticed a few things.


Kills made from a land mine do not give you any points at all, your number of "infected killed" also does not increase...even if it is a landmine you put down yourself :mad:


Also if you shoot an exploding zombie to make him explode and the explosion takes out a few other zombies that were near him you get ZERO points also and again no increase to the "number of infected killed" stat not even for the 1 kill on the exploder :mad:


Kills made from shooting a gas tank/oil drum and making them explode to kill zombies do count towards score and kill count though. :)

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I don't see a demo for it?


Maybe cause I have the game?


I just want to compare it with the full game :heh:




Oh it has no "demo available" banner on the front but appears on the list of "Wii U Demos" if you click on that at the bottom...but of course can't be viewed till 11pm.


Meh I'm tired maybe I'll stay up for it tomorrow :heh:

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I don't see a demo for it?


Maybe cause I have the game?

Well it's definitely there, as I set my Wii U downloading it at 23:00 last night. ;)

Used the auto-power off once download complete feature, (very handy for large downloads icon14.gif) and sure enough, the ZombiU demo was downloaded and installed when I powered up my Wii U this morning. :awesome:


Had a quick go on the demo earlier (you get 30 uses BTW), but will try it out properly tonight, dark room + headphones. :grin:

Anyway, from what I played it seems pretty awesome, and difficult (which is good). The demo is in a nursery, and you're limited to 3 survivors.


I think it'll take me a while to get used to the controls though, especially the delay when using a cricket bat. But yeah, I reckon this demo has confirmed that I'll be picking up the full version sometime soon. :smile:

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The Nursery area? Tat a hell of an area to have the demo on (it's about 75% into the game)


But I guess it is a good area for getting across the atmosphere and fear the game instills.


Anyway I found on Miiverse the guy who is top of teh Survivor Mode leaderboard with 70,000+ points and asked how it did that, if scores stacked on successive plays/completions.


He confirmed scores do not stacked and he just spent hours at the end of the game avoiding the point of no return and revisiting areas killing zombies and inflating his score.


I'm tempted to do that with my current survivor mode play as I am getting near the point of no return mark soon.


Though I have done it a bit in returning to areas looking for flares and ammo...and to make sure I get a higher score than my 1st survivor mode completion (which didn't upload to leaderboards).


I might try for top of the leaderboards after I finish survivor mode again (and see my name on the wall :D)

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