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What a patriotic country you have.


In fairness there are taxis like that except its made up of words. It's for a phone company I believe.


Besides, this is during the Olympics. Wouldn't be surprised to see them.


Anyway, I'm taking bets this all started in Lewisham.


Oh God I hope the Catford cat is in this game!

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This has been getting some great write ups. But no one seems to be mentioning its biggest problem. Of course it's good when you first play it, but the nature of the gameplay mean the more you playit the more boring It will become. You repeating the same stuff over and over again, replaying the same bits over and over. Story basedgamestake you through and develop over hours. But once you've played this a few times you'll know everything, you'll know the scared, how to get past bits. The boring bit is playing it over And over again. It's like when you're amazing at tetris, the first 50 lines are a chore, this game will get boring so quickly surely. I can't believe this isn't just an extra mode, as that it would've an excellent addition, as there are Somerset ideas in in.but surely it needs a single play adventure that is constantly surprising.


Unless I'm being really naive. Can anyone think how this concept can sustain interest?


Personally I'm a bit gutted it isn't killer freaks any more...


Oh, and the graphics are being referred to as hd wii graphics and not even up to current hd standards....

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Game sounds amazing. Proper survival horror and RE4-style suitcase are enough to sell me on this.


Of course, I've seen some valid complaints*, so I'll keep an eye out for info on this game. Hopefully it ends up being as amazing as it sounds now.


*"This is only time trial!" is not a valid complaint, btw

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Game sounds amazing. Proper survival horror and RE4-style suitcase are enough to sell me on this.


Of course, I've seen some valid complaints*, so I'll keep an eye out for info on this game. Hopefully it ends up being as amazing as it sounds now.


*"This is only time trial!" is not a valid complaint, btw


Okay. Tell me why. Explain to me how this game stays interesting after a few plays. I'm dying to be convinced as I love some of the gameplay ideas!

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I am sold, it looks brilliant. Its right up my alley




I also love the fact that when one of your characters dies he/she turns into a zombie and as another character you can find your zombie character kill it and get your shit back. Day one.


HD Wii visuals my arse, it looks great. The lighting is really nice in places.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Okay. Tell me why. Explain to me how this game stays interesting after a few plays. I'm dying to be convinced as I love some of the gameplay ideas!


It's not a valid complaint because we don't know if it really is just that. Ubisoft showed us this "Time Trial" business because it's different enough to be a selling point. But the fact of the matter is, we don't know exactly how extensive the game is.


Take Portal 2 for example. Before it was released, there was a lot publicity on the Co-op mode. I even thought it was going to be Co-op only, before release. It ended up not being the case.


Sure, you might end up being correct, and the game might end up being limited. But we shouldn't assume things exist only as far as we can see them. Remember when you thought Kid Icarus wouldn't have online multiplayer?

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Okay. Tell me why. Explain to me how this game stays interesting after a few plays. I'm dying to be convinced as I love some of the gameplay ideas!


L4D consisted of a few short levels and that was fun to play again and again and again.


Although that was due to online co-op, random enemy placements and the conversations between the survivors.

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It's not a valid complaint because we don't know if it really is just that. Ubisoft showed us this "Time Trial" business because it's different enough to be a selling point. But the fact of the matter is, we don't know exactly how extensive the game is.


Take Portal 2 for example. Before it was released, there was a lot publicity on the Co-op mode. I even thought it was going to be Co-op only, before release. It ended up not being the case.


Sure, you might end up being correct, and the game might end up being limited. But we shouldn't assume things exist only as far as we can see them. Remember when you thought Kid Icarus wouldn't have online multiplayer?


This is what Ubisoft said the game was in the game trailers interview. So that's why I think that's what it is. Plus the games been in development for years, if it had a comprehensive single player why WOULDN'T they show it off? And if it IS just a time trial game, what do you think to it? And how does a game like this sustain interest?


And again it's nothing like Kid Icarus, we knew it would have multiplayer, and we knew they were trying to get it working. We knew exactly the situation, it's not like it was a massive surprise.

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You don't know Dazzy. If there are missions, if you die at the end of one mission, your next survivor could just carry on to the next mission. Or maybe that nursery mission is just one level, and when you finish that, that's the end of that level. And you start a new one in a new area.


If I have to keep playing that nursery level over and over again though because I keep dying, then it would be silly, because the special zombies have died already (like the nursery manager) and it's like you're just going back in time and it doesn't make sense. I hope that's not the case though.

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Okay, so basically if it is an epic single player and the gimmick is when you die you play someone knew, then that is a great great idea. They mention that you build up skills in weapons (mild RPG elements?) and you lose them if you die, this could have so much weight to characters you get attached to; but how does that affect the difficulty of the game? If you get to the end and you have to have the basic character, will it to be too hard? Will it be too easy if you build a character up to counteract that problem? Will it have dynamic difficulty?


This game sounds like an absolute nightmare to develop and programme. So many variables and such.

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Okay, so basically if it is an epic single player and the gimmick is when you die you play someone knew, then that is a great great idea. They mention that you build up skills in weapons (mild RPG elements?) and you lose them if you die, this could have so much weight to characters you get attached to; but how does that affect the difficulty of the game? If you get to the end and you have to have the basic character, will it to be too hard? Will it be too easy if you build a character up to counteract that problem? Will it have dynamic difficulty?


This game sounds like an absolute nightmare to develop and programme. So many variables and such.


You can go back to your previous dead/zombie character and get your weapons back if you're brave enough that is.

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Visually the game looks really nice!


Really enjoyed that video above, man it's dark and tense at times, I was getting a bit nervy just watching it as he was exploring the rooms with just a flashlight!


For me one of the best things about this game is the use of the Game Pad and yet still showing your character on the TV in a 3rd person position! It will be EXTREMELY tense at times as you work away at a puzzles on your Game Pad, but each constantly having to glance back at the TV in fear that a Zombie is about to enter into the picture and gradually ince toward you! :shakehead


Have to say I'm a bit confused too as to what the final game is.

The woman from Ubisoft was asked on gametrailers 'so what's the end game/what's are you working towards' and she didn't really seem to answer the question.


Maybe it's a case that it's just a HUGE map with plenty of respawn points, and maybe the person on the radio is the link between every character; maybe he's someone safe in a camp somewhere radioing to find survivors and telling them how to get to safety, and as a player that means working through a narative, but if your character dies, then as the next character you're still following the same path/mission (because that's the way radio guy is getting survivors out of London), but you'll come across the last person you played as following that path and continue along the path they would have taken.

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Okay. Tell me why. Explain to me how this game stays interesting after a few plays. I'm dying to be convinced as I love some of the gameplay ideas!


I'd be really worried if it was just 'survive', but if there is enough to do, side missions, quests, items etc to find it'll sustain itself. That's what most games are anyway, this is just presented differently. It needs a huge gameplay area, indoors and out (I'd love it to be LA Noire in size and a near replica of London too).


I'm not going to say it'll be a classic but it shows promise in my eyes, and is definitely on my radar.

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It sounds good on paper but I expect it to be shallow since it is clearly aimed at the initial rush of buyers. Out at launch with a name based on the actual console, it wants Wii Sports type success. I'll withhold judgement til I see it and its story properly though.

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I saw the the demo on GT when they showed it after the conferences and whilst I liked the concept of how the pad is used in gameplay, the way the game is always whilst you are rooting in your bag and using it as sniper scope/scanner, I too have doubts over the longevity of the game. As a purely a single player, time/score attack game, I would have little interest as the gameplay often begins to feel rather samey susprisingly quickly when one neat idea is dragged out over hours of gameplay. It did sound as though the game lacked, for want of a better word, direction in terms of the overall game structure - like they had an idea for the gameplay and then couldn't find a way to make a full game out of it. Either that or they wanted to keep dev budgets on leash and thought instead of making a 12 -15 hour single player story driven game, they'd turn it into a 1hr score attack experience designed to replayed in a smaller area.


I thought this looked like the best game shown by Nintendo during their brief but the more I see, read and hear, the more confused and disappointed I've become.


As for the claims of HD Wii graphics, It's perhaps a little cruel but I can see where they are coming from. It's not leaps and bounds over what we are used to, and doesn't come close to matching the better games on the XBox or PS3. The art direction is not one of pure realism and it differently helps to game to have more visual appeal than had they gone the ultra reaslitic route but a technical tour de force, this is not.

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This absolutely needs online co-op. It'd be a blast having four of you, each starting at different points having to meet up and survive together. When one of you gets bitten, they respawn somewhere else and have to get back to the group, the group could then take out your previous characters zombie and collect your items for you.


But if it's single player only survival mode, I'll not bother at all.


I see this being the WiiU's Red Steel.

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Co-op will completely take away any sort of horror element the game might have.


Not if there are enough zombies. It'd be frantic having to go to cover team mates whilst they have to work on getting a door open or something, especially when you have limited ammo/weapons.

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