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I thought Series 10 looked much more like the previous series than the glossy/cinematic look of series 7 & 8. I thought maybe they had reverted back to some previous techniques.


OK, I'm glad to be wrong. I'm watching in SD, so hopefull I'll notice the improvements when I see it in HD.


Anyway, I loved episode 2! Unlike most people here I really, really loved the "Are Chinese Whispers racist?" joke. I thought it was a beautiful bit of humour; so poetic. Lister calling himself a bum was also brilliant - so much truth and pathos to it.


Like some others, I half expected the whole "Pree" thing to be a ruse, but no. Also, I agree that Lister saying something like "I'm doing what you two should have done all along", rebooting Holly and her saying "Hello Dave" would have got a big cheer.

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They did try to get Norman Lovett back to play Holly, but due to the Grant-Naylor company messing him around (the final straw was "Back to Earth" when they said to him keep the slot open, then never told him that he wasn't needed). I don't know why they didn't bring Hattie back to play Holly.

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They did try to get Norman Lovett back to play Holly, but due to the Grant-Naylor company messing him around (the final straw was "Back to Earth" when they said to him keep the slot open, then never told him that he wasn't needed). I don't know why they didn't bring Hattie back to play Holly.


I think Holly is a rather pointless character at this point anyway.


Everything after series 2 is unneeded because Kryten took his role on explaining the technical information of whats happening in the episode.

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I think Holly is a rather pointless character at this point anyway.


Everything after series 2 is unneeded because Kryten took his role on explaining the technical information of whats happening in the episode.


True, was nice to see a computer just getting thicker and thicker as each series progressed.

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Another good episode, half way through this season and its already far surpassed 8 in my view. Love all the small references back to older happenings of series gone by.


Also above and beyond everything else I love how the Cat is back to his best and a Cat once more!

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I also like how an overriding arc is through the episodes...Lister reading up for his course, mentioning getting back to Red Dwarf to find Kowchanski. It reminds me of Series 6 where the end of episodes would often lead into the other and the race for finding Red Dwarf was always a constant.

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Episode 3 was really great! Can't remember them now but there was a couple of really laugh out loud moments! :D


Question: Is the Red Dwarf flight deck and layout they have in this series the same as it's been in the past? (I'm struggling to remember what it looks like, combined with barely bothering to watch Series 8 and Back to Earth due to them being rubbish)... The setup we have in Series X is extremely similar to the Starbug setup (small cockpit and then 'living room/kitchen'... only now there's a bunkbed here too). The only other real room we've seen is the sleeping quarters. I really like the Starbug style layout, it's just it doesn't really feel like they are on Red Dwarf sometimes (again, not that I mind). Shouldn't Red Dwarf have a big flight deck?

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Episode 3 was really great! Can't remember them now but there was a couple of really laugh out loud moments! :D


Question: Is the Red Dwarf flight deck and layout they have in this series the same as it's been in the past? (I'm struggling to remember what it looks like, combined with barely bothering to watch Series 8 and Back to Earth due to them being rubbish)... The setup we have in Series X is extremely similar to the Starbug setup (small cockpit and then 'living room/kitchen'... only now there's a bunkbed here too). The only other real room we've seen is the sleeping quarters. I really like the Starbug style layout, it's just it doesn't really feel like they are on Red Dwarf sometimes (again, not that I mind). Shouldn't Red Dwarf have a big flight deck?


Yes you are right in the earlier series there was the much larger flight deck....they never used to pilot red dwarf, Holly did it all.

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I'm not keen on the starbug style flight deck, i much preferred the original flight deck, but as said Holly did all the work so i'd guess now they are effectivly flying by the seat of their pants since holly is with the rest of the crew


People don't like Holly? i miss the crazy inventions, the one liners, the complete idiocy from a computer suffering from memory loss....I miss Holly

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I don't understand why Red Dwarf would have a small flight cockpit like that though in the first place. It's a HUGE ship, not a nimble spacecraft. The flight deck shouldn't look like that of Starbug, it just doesn't make sense!


The only way i can understand it is to imagine its an auxiliary flight deck, kind of like when you saw one on a starship on star trek (but even then they were much larger)

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I don't understand why Red Dwarf would have a small flight cockpit like that though in the first place. It's a HUGE ship, not a nimble spacecraft. The flight deck shouldn't look like that of Starbug, it just doesn't make sense!


Yeah, according to Wikipedia it's 6 miles long, 5 miles tall and 4 miles wide. Obviously it can fit lots of other spaceships in too.


Enjoyed "Lemons". Lots of clever lines and belly laughs. The story didn't quite do it for me, but that's just nitpicking really. I loved it when they were ordering Kryten about ("Stain!"), the line about Britons being idiots in 23 AD (getting drunk etc) and "That's easy for you to say, you don't have a Schneisenhauser!" In the first two episodes I thought Chris Barrie had the best lines, but this one was pretty even.


Other than that, I also watched "Terrorform" from Series V. Darn, that was good. Very uplifting and heart-warming! Red Dwarf X is good, but I'm missing their Starbug adventures. If IV, V and VI are the high point and VII, VIII and Back to Earth are the low points, I'd probably put X in with I and II (not sure where to put III). They've gone back to basics, which is good, but they've perhaps gone a bit too back to basics. I'm really missing the sort of geeky, "Aliens"-inspired adventures full of model spaceships, monsters and imaginative sci-fi ideas.


By the way, there was discussion a few pages back about how it feels like a stage show. I think I've worked out why this is. In Red Dwarf X, the sets always seem to be built so that the actors face the audience, but if you look back at Series V or VI, say, there were lots of camera angles that didn't fit with that ethos. I'm glad they've abandoned the VII and VIII sort of "cinematic" feel, but ideally I'd like them to go back to the "TV adventure" feel of V or VI.


Anyway, sounds like I'm complaining but I really do love Red Dwarf and I've had lots of thoughts about it since it's been back!

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@Grazza, yeah the Starbug series were the highlights for me aswell. I know others didn't like those series as much, but for me I enjoyed the compact setting that allowed the characters to spend alot of time together in all situations and the diversity of the episodes it allowed for. That's really the main reason why although this new Red Dwarf interior makes little sense, I think it makes for better episodes.


Also I'm really enjoying the much closer relationship of the characters this Series. They're having much more of a laugh together (it's been in all the episodes but an example from Episode 3 was the way Lister reacted to Rimmer suggesting they put him in the 'shower', and when Lister and Rimmer were joking around getting Kryton to clean the cockpit). You got the sense of Rimmer and Lister becoming closer in the later series, like when Lister had the chat with Rimmer about becoming Ace etc... but I'm liking the continued warmness of Series X, like I've all been through so much together, they're much more like a family unit now.

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