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Epic Mickey 3DS: Power of Illusion (Nov 23rd)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Vote for the Cover Art on the facebook page...







Unlike when Xenoblade did it, this just looks like the lazy art department couldn't make their mind up!


It's like getting us to choose the font for them! :p


Personally I prefer the one with all the characters as I think the extra Disneyness helps sell the game, but I can't be bothered to vote right now.

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Definitely cover 1. The villians make the scene more menacing and foreboding, whereas the first one looks more... mundane, like Mickey is having an gentle stroll in an art gallery.


I'm looking more forward to this than Power of Two, actually. Can't even blame nostagia because I've never played Castle of Illusion. Yes, I hang my head in shame...

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  • 4 months later...
“We’re currently working on something that we can’t wait to talk about! Unfortunately, we’re unable to speak about it right now. DreamRift would like to express its utmost appreciation to everyone for their interest and support!” – DreamRift’s Peter Ong


I want to see Henry Hatsworth again !!!




Though not really a fan of Disney, I am a fan of the way Dreamrift handles their games.

I guess I'll just slap this one on the backlog-list.

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I'll be buying this no matter what the kerfuffle on Gaf or elsewhere, so I'll post full impressions as soon as I can! One thing that may be an issue for those who haven't played Castle of Illusion is that this looks to pretty closely recreate its mechanics and feel; in other words, slow and floaty. Castle didn't do anything revolutionary; it was more an ABC of platforming, well-designed. What it did do brilliantly was convey the character and charm of Mickey through animation and music - how can you not love his Steamboat Willie style idle animation?! The soundtrack to this day is a masterpiece. For me it's the best *Mickey* game.. the best Mickey *game*, if I can put it like that, would have to go to either Magical Quest or Mickey Mania.


Another thing that seems to have gotten this demo off on the wrong foot is starting with a lengthy Epic Mickeyesque cutscene. With a demo you just want to dive in!


Some of the complaints though just sound like typical internet fusspottery to me! If you're not going into this for the Disney charm and oldschool simple platforming, then why bother?

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I've been reading the impressions from those who have played the demo over on Gaf and it sounds to be quite a mess. It's a shame as I had high hopes for this. :( I will still see what the likes of Eurogamer think of it, but at the moment it doesn't sound to be anything special.


The fact that Gaf hates it means that it's perhaps game of the year.

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Ugh, Castle of Illusion is so bland. I'm really hoping they're only trying to cash in on nostalgia with the name and that this game will be more interesting.

I think of Castle of Illusion in the same way I do about the first Streets of Rage. Gameplay by today's standards is certainly very basic, but two factors are irrefutable, even by internet smugness:

1. The graphics are great for an early 16bit game

2. The music is intricate and intelligently composed to a standard rarely heard today

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Well as I said a few posts up it'll be slow and floaty, and you have to hold down to bum bash which can seem odd if you're used to Mario. Personally I think Castle of Illusion plays fine vOv Within its rather archaic set up, it's actually a fairly precise platformer! They'll need to get more creative with obstacles/level design etc - MUCH more hopefully.


It's not a carbon copy; that much is already apparent. Some on Gaf hoping it would handle exactly like CoI are disappointed it doesn't!


Another point of concern is whether the painting and thinning with the touchscreen breaks up the flow of the gameplay too much. Hmmm, we'll have to see!


CVG final hands-on:

On the surface Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion may appear to be just another old school platformer, but developer Dreamrift has taken full advantage of the 3DS' capabilities to bring this latest adventure to life. Following on from 2010's Epic Mickey, the story sees you heading into the witch Mizrabel's Castle of Illusion to rescue Minnie Mouse along with host of other Disney characters who are being held captive there.




The controls hark back to the Mickey Mouse platform games of years gone by, with your character moving at a deliberately slow pace and armed with a double jump 'butt stomp' to defeat enemies and bounce to higher platforms. As with the previous Epic Mickey game, you are also equipped with a magic brush that can be used to fling either paint or thinner at enemies. You only have a limited supply of each, and which one you use to dispatch foes determines the type of power-up you receive from them.


What sets Power of Illusion apart is the puzzle elements that appear on the lower 3DS screen. Here you see an outline view of the level being played on the top screen, with objects you can interact with highlighted - tapping on these whisks you off to a drawing minigame where you can change the world around you.


For example, you find a big axe blade swinging on a chain in front of you that's blocking your path, so you hit it on the lower screen then use thinner to completely erase it. You can then move on unhindered, or use paint to draw the chain back in and swing on it to reach a new area. As we found during our hands-on preview, the quality of your drawing efforts also affect the outcome. The first time we sloppily sketched a cannon it backfired on us, but later when we took some time to trace the outline perfectly, the resulting howitzer targeted and destroyed the nearby enemies instead - result!


We also got to experience the Aladdin-themed area Agrabah for the first time, where we found the levels to be pretty challenging. Avoiding patches of quicksand and taking down scimitar-toting bad guys was tough, but thankfully Mickey has one more trick up his sleeve. At the start of each level you can choose up to three allies from the Disney universe, each with their own unique ability, who can be called upon at any point to assist you. Tinker Bell, for example, enables you to jump higher, whereas Scrooge McDuck bounces around on his cane dispatching enemies for you.




The overall impression we took from our time with Power of Illusion is that it's shaping up to be an entertaining and challenging adventure, providing nostalgic nods to classic platform gaming but also maintaining a deceptive depth to its puzzles.

Edited by Lens of Truth
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Got my ONM magazine today.


They reviewed this:




I know not many people trust ONM, but here is the 'Verdict' text:


+ Looks and sounds amazing...

- ... But you don't see or hear it for long enough

- The mix of old and new never quite gels


Mechanics gets tired quickly, the extra content feels tacked on and even the best element - its presentation - is short lived. A disappointment.

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Got my ONM magazine today.


They reviewed this:




I know not many people trust ONM, but here is the 'Verdict' text:


+ Looks and sounds amazing...

- ... But you don't see or hear it for long enough

- The mix of old and new never quite gels


Mechanics gets tired quickly, the extra content feels tacked on and even the best element - its presentation - is short lived. A disappointment.

Ouch! That is a shame. I'll have to see a few more reviews before I reconsider my pre-order.

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Ouch! That is a shame. I'll have to see a few more reviews before I reconsider my pre-order.


Yeah. I sold my 3ds a while back waiting for the new year to pick one up (probably preowned) when there would be a nice selection of games out for me to play.


This one was top of my anticipation list but it seems it falls short! However, it still does look like it's worth a play through so maybe wise to pick it up when it's a little cheaper!

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Sigh.. Things are really stacking up against this and I thought it had so much potential. Might cancel my preorder and wait till it's £20 or below. From reading another review earlier - think it was gameinformer - sounds like the biggest issue is the drawing breaking up the gameplay and harming the platforming flow, especially in boss sections. They also say it's really easy for the first half and then suddenly spikes to frustratingly hard. Even if the gameplay isn't Mario slick and there's too much backtracking, I'm the type of person that would still enjoy all of the little visual touches, like the lost boys in their dugout awaiting the Indians.


Wish they'd just gone for a straight old-school platformer, rather than shoehorning in the paint and thinner stuff from Epic Mickey. You can never tell though - I find a lot of reviews seem very jaded and nit-picky about a game, then I try it and love it.

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I cancelled my order a while ago (too many games) but I'm with you and lostmario on this one. When it goes sub £20 I'll buy it then.


Agreed. It's a real shame as the content really just doesn't seem to be there.


I know it's not a directly related game like Castle of Illusion but one of my favourite games on the SNES was Magical Quest. Loved the different outfit ideas and generally, it was a very solid platformer.


There were a stellar last couple of levels and Pete was such an evil bastard. He stole Pluto, who DOES THAT!?

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