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Same-Sex Marriage


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Well no, they clearly loved each other. There's a distinction between love love and sexual love.


Well this is the issue. There's clearly varying degrees of love where some people think its totally fine to shag another person despite the fact they are committed in marriage to them.


I guess if they think it's ok then fair play - but for me personally it's laughable.

If I was ever in a relationship with someone who thought sex outside of our relationship was ok as it was a different kind of love then they'd be told to fuck right off.


But again, it's clearly just different people's interpretations.

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The sole important thing is that people can have whatever kind of relationship they want with each other, be it heterosexual, homosexual, monogamous, polygamous, involving a goat and large amounts of cheese or solely consisting of braiding each other's hair. It's not for anyone else to judge as long as everyone involved are happy.

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Well no. But like you say everyone is different.

And for me, a relationship where sex with others is 'ok' is not ok. But that's just my opinion.

It makes a bit of a mockery of the idea of being faithful - which is a big part of marriage is it not? But if people are making their own rules in marriage then it's all a bit pointless I think.

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Yeah i get you. :)

If you think marriage is pointless then that kinda thing won't be a problem. I guess those who do actually think it means something will have a different view. :)


My point is that marriage means different things to different people and thus represents different sets of values. I don't believe you can say one marriage is more "true" than another except within its own boundaries, its own set of values.


For the record I feel completely the same way as you about marriage and relationships. :heh:


Danny, I don't think you should be able to have a sexual relationship with anything that isn't able to object to your advances. I think that includes goats.


It was a joke, but point taken.

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That was heartbreaking, but totally necessary viewing.


I've seen that video linked several times, but from what I've heard I don't even want to watch it. I don't want to feel depressed.


Watch it, I can't encourage you enough. Maybe have some comfort food and that cheery "Same-sex marriage now!" Australian video on standby?

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There was a loosely-related quote on the TNG (I'm working my way through them all) I saw last night:


I have had those feelings, those longings, all of my life. It is not unnatural. I am not sick because I feel this way. I do not need to be helped. I do not need to be cured. What I need, and what all of those who are like me need, is your understanding. And your compassion. We have not injured you in any way. And yet we are scorned and attacked. And all because we are different. What we do is no different from what you do. We talk and laugh. We complain about work. And we wonder about growing old. We talk about our families and we worry about the future. And we cry with each other when things seem hopeless. All of the loving things that you do with each other - that is what we do. And for that we are called misfits, and deviants and criminals. What right do you have to punish us? What right do you have to change us? What makes you think you can dictate how people love each other?
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I like that video because it's things like being prevented from attending funerals, hospitals, access to inheritance etc etc that actually affects people, rather than empty "love is equal!" stuff.


That's precisely why I wanted people to see it. I mean, it's cool that everybody's on board for same-sex marriage and supports it but it's the things like that video that truly affects people and it makes you wonder whether people actually know how deep the thought of it goes. Sometimes, I think people just say "Equal love" because they think it's fair, which is fine and true, but sometimes, I don't think everybody actually sits there and thinks how it could really affect them in the long run. Of course, I could be wrong but, as Chairdriver said, when people say "Love is equal", it makes me wonder how deep they've actually thought about it and whether they know how much of an impact it makes.


The man wasn't allowed to attend his own boyfriend's funeral because of the boyfriend's homophobic, hypocritical family. To me, that's just disgusting. Not only because the family couldn't accept their son and not only because the guy in the video was threatened but because the family shunned him for being gay and suddenly they want him near them. As soon as the son was dead, it wasn't even twenty-four hours before the boyfriend's mother came around his house and started collecting his stuff and left with a promise to stay in contact, which did not happen.


The video might have rubbish effects and whatnot but it did what it aimed to do, it got the point across. I just thought it was food for thought and I thought it was a story that needed to be shared whether you do or don't support same-sex marriage. You may wholeheartedly support same-sex marriage already but I still think everybody needs to see the video. I'm glad I did.

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Stuff like that is horrible and appalling and completely unacceptable under all circumstances, though.


Whilst that is true, that is what's going on right now. People have to face this all of the time and somewhere, someone has to say "Enough". I agree that it's not a nice story but this is what's happening right now to a lot of people. They have to face that hate and judgment and bullying and that video, to me, shows the weight of the situation and how important it truly is. We know it's important but I think the video affected me because of it being such an appalling story and the thing is, we can change that.

The world has overcome so much hate and judgment and have made so many rights acts, this should be one of them.

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Whilst that is true, that is what's going on right now. People have to face this all of the time and somewhere, someone has to say "Enough". I agree that it's not a nice story but this is what's happening right now to a lot of people. They have to face that hate and judgment and bullying and that video, to me, shows the weight of the situation and how important it truly is. We know it's important but I think the video affected me because of it being such an appalling story and the thing is, we can change that.

The world has overcome so much hate and judgment and have made so many rights acts, this should be one of them.


I completely agree. :) I'm still just trying to argue why I don't need to see the video, because I really don't want to. :p

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