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Assassin's Creed III


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  • 1 month later...
Just got this today £14.99 new from GAME, this will be my first game into the series. I've always wanted to try the AC games but never got around to it, well now's the time game on! I hope i find it as amazing as other people see it. :)

The game was also my first introducting with the series. But now I can't wait for the next! :)

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Just got this today £14.99 new from GAME, this will be my first game into the series. I've always wanted to try the AC games but never got around to it, well now's the time game on! I hope i find it as amazing as other people see it. :)


My favourite game in the series as I found 1/2 and Revelations really slow. Didn't bother with Broterhood as felt like Ubi weren't doing enough with the series.

This seemed to be going the same way as it has such a slow introduction...

However, when you become Connor, I found it really opens up into the wilds of America and becomes so much fun. I could then dip in and out of the story without becoming bored.


Love the Wii U off TV functionality and how you can keep the TV clutter free with the gamepad. A great game. And the sailing is great fun!

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  • 3 months later...
Be interesting to see what you think, most people seem to love it but I really couldn't get into it. Such a chore to play.


I'm with you on this one Dazzy! I started up the game yesterday and have played through up until you get the ship. So far it has been the most painful game to play that I have ever played!


Walk 10 metres, cutscene, walk another 10 metres, cutscene... rinse and repeat. What a fucking bore this game has been so far!


Please someone, tell me this gets better and I can actually start gaming instead of watching some uninteresting drivel then going for a walk for a few minutes only to watch more pointless drivel.

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I'm with you on this one Dazzy! I started up the game yesterday and have played through up until you get the ship. So far it has been the most painful game to play that I have ever played!


Walk 10 metres, cutscene, walk another 10 metres, cutscene... rinse and repeat. What a fucking bore this game has been so far!


Please someone, tell me this gets better and I can actually start gaming instead of watching some uninteresting drivel then going for a walk for a few minutes only to watch more pointless drivel.


Nope, it never gets better. So boring!


Opinions shminions, I loved the hell out of this game : peace:

And indeed, the intro to the real story could've been shorter, but well, in the end it adds a lot to the story/immersion. I would suggest you at least play through the whole story and then let us know what you think about the game.

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Opinions shminions, I loved the hell out of this game : peace:

And indeed, the intro to the real story could've been shorter, but well, in the end it adds a lot to the story/immersion. I would suggest you at least play through the whole story and then let us know what you think about the game.


I will play it through as I can't start and then just stop, it'd feel wrong. At the moment though I just want it over as soon as possible! It's such a pain to play!

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Ive never played an AC game before.


Im just finding the gameplay dull. I have only got to the 2nd sequence in Boston but only thing I have been doing is follow X, cutscene, kill Y, cutscene, speak to Z, cutscene



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The best one is AC Brotherhood. Still set somewhere that looks nice and has culture, the best main character and introduces the awesome multiplayer.

I concur, 2 and Brotherhood took this to the sexy max.


I think this tries too hard to fist the historical accuracy, when I (and probably most non-Americans) couldn't give a shit.


It does take a long time to get going, one thing which always irked me was when I liberated a fortress. Killing people one by one, watching that lil hub map slowly decreasing in the number of red dots. Soon as it's liberated and the "good guys" come in. BOOM! Red dots everywhere of another army that would hunt your arse down should you push someone.

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It was the story and protagonist that killed it for me. I just didn't care for Connor or his struggle. He was a douche and not nearly as likable as Altair or Ezio.


The highlight of the game for me was the twist that happens very early on in the game. Once I became Connor I lost interest. I still pushed through to the end to see what happened but sadly it didn't get any better.


I played Assassins Creed Liberation on the Vita recently and it's by far the better game. It's more streamlined, with an interesting story and a likeable heroine.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I loved the game, but I wish they kept the character you control in the beginning as the main character. He is far more fun to play as then Connor.


The cities weren't as fun as the past ones(all of them) but I still liked them, and the wilderness was nice. And the ship battles were awesome. ACIV can't come soon enough.

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So I spent tonight obtaining feathers and hunting rabbits.


Along with moving 50 yards and entering numerous cutscenes. I think even one time after a cutscene the game automatically controlled my character on horse to talk to someone then you guessed it...another cutscene. What was the point in that?


Going to carry on playing ive become interested in the story now and in a strange way im kinda enjoying it but the gameplay can only be described as dire.

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Well the game has finally grown on me, I'm starting to enjoy it more now. I still say its overrated and that they shouldn't have bothered wit the present day malarkey as I don't care for that part of the story. I'm only interested in Connor's story... and I love Hatham as a character too!

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Just to add some positivity to this thread, I'm going to talk about how I loved this game.


I love the premise, it's a creative way to explain game mechanics and to actually educate people about history. I know much more about American history than I would have and I really liked reading the history codecs. Also, with the amazing visuals, I would sometimes just casually walk around to take it all in. The parkour animation is amazingly fluid, enough to make it never boring to climb around buildings.


There are so many things to do and I enjoyed every one of them besides maybe the sailing. It's the first game I ever got 100% in, and besides running back and forth trying to watch some civilians do certain actions, all of it was enjoyable. By far my favourite game of the year.


I even enjoyed the Modern day bits. It allowed me to see if I could fight and find things without any HUD whatsoever, which was interesting. I also liked walking around the Brazilian stadium listening to the weird conversations with strange accents.


I really like this kind of game. It has cool parkour, fun stealth, beautiful visuals, expansive exploration, fluid fighting mechanics, and historical value. And the multiplayer is great fun. And I even enjoyed Connor, from his clothes (which I particularly enjoyed), to his story and even his personality.


So tl:dr, favourite recent game.

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Just to add some positivity to this thread, I'm going to talk about how I loved this game.


I love the premise, it's a creative way to explain game mechanics and to actually educate people about history. I know much more about American history than I would have and I really liked reading the history codecs. Also, with the amazing visuals, I would sometimes just casually walk around to take it all in. The parkour animation is amazingly fluid, enough to make it never boring to climb around buildings.


There are so many things to do and I enjoyed every one of them besides maybe the sailing. It's the first game I ever got 100% in, and besides running back and forth trying to watch some civilians do certain actions, all of it was enjoyable. By far my favourite game of the year.


I even enjoyed the Modern day bits. It allowed me to see if I could fight and find things without any HUD whatsoever, which was interesting. I also liked walking around the Brazilian stadium listening to the weird conversations with strange accents.


I really like this kind of game. It has cool parkour, fun stealth, beautiful visuals, expansive exploration, fluid fighting mechanics, and historical value. And the multiplayer is great fun. And I even enjoyed Connor, from his clothes (which I particularly enjoyed), to his story and even his personality.


So tl:dr, favourite recent game.


How, how did you manage to exactly clone my memories, feelings and thoughts about this game.... I'm baffled.... :o

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The game grew on me in the end. Completely overrated I'd say though for sure! It can be far too much of a ball-ache to play at times, especially at the beginning... walk 10 metres followed by cutscene, walk 50 metres followed by another cutscene... rinse and repeat. Ball-ache at times for sure!

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If this is the future of gaming, I really hope Nintendo doesn't embrace it! All you do is walk 10 metres and enter another dull cut scene.


Then there's the 'gameplay', push the stick toward a building, run over it - no skill involved, the game does it all for you, there's no precision jumping, no perfectly timed landings and there certainly isn't any planning needed! The game basically plays itself!


I love the way so many pretentious gamers looked down their noses last gen at the Wii. If this is the dummed down rubbish being served up on the 360 and PS3 no one had any right to call the Wii out for having casual games!


This is the epitome of 'casual', it's almost an interactive movie and when you do get to play you never really feel as if you're in control at all.


The mission in the theatre was a prime example of how this game fails. You climb up a ladder and shimmy around the theatre boxes in full view of the whole theatre, but no one notices you. There's no tension, no stealth, no fear of being caught. The whole feeling of being in a packed theatre is blown to pieces when not one person looks up to see a fully grown man in the least stealthy outfit EVER jumping around the boxes in the theatre. Then finally, after a completely skill free and tension-less build up, you kill someone and simply walk out. You don't avoid the guards, you don't have to take a safe route - you walk out. I understand it's an early mission, but damn, it was just lacked any form of atmosphere, challenge or skill requirement.


I've only played for a couple of hours, so these are just early impressions, but so far for all the polish and all the graphical oomph, it's a dull game!

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