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Assassin's Creed III


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With the release of this title tomorrow in the UK, anyone picking it up?. I managed to get one of them DLC passes yesterday in GAME (they had them on the rack, the assistant said it were ok to purchase).


And Shopto mucked my order up, still getting it release day. But it will be the 2nd order i put down, as they didn't process my original order.

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Hm yeah I've been reading some similar things, a bit worrying. Makes me consider cancelling my pre-order and waiting for a few more impressions. Sometimes you pre-order on the assumption that the game will be good but that's not always the case...

Edited by Shorty
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Been playing it most of the afternoon...it's really good. I'm enjoying it, though it has some bits which annoy me


The map, for example...counter-intuitive...controls with the right stick.

Lock picking takes FOREVER and if you accidentally slip on the analogue sticks, just slightly, it resets

Had a bug where my assassin was constantly trying to grab his sword but couldn't so I had to rely on counterkills.


Everything else so far has been great

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Considering going down to Game 15 minutes before it closes and ask if the game is out. What do you think my chances are? :p If it doesn't work, I won't get to play it before 18:30 or so tomorrow, have to work from 12 to 18 as the only day in the week(part time job) and turning up at the store at 10 is pointless.

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Twas in GAME yesterday, saw the shelf of AC-III games at the back of the tills and asked how many people have asked for a copy. The assistant estimated around 30 that day so far, and another 2 asked whilst i was being served by one assistant.


@Cube, why you gotta wait until 23rd November. You getting the WiiU edition?

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Twas in GAME yesterday, saw the shelf of AC-III games at the back of the tills and asked how many people have asked for a copy. The assistant estimated around 30 that day so far, and another 2 asked whilst i was being served by one assistant.


@Cube, why you gotta wait until 23rd November. You getting the WiiU edition?


I guess I'll save myself from the trouble then :p

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No, PC version. It'll likely feel the same as the 360 version, have slightly better graphics and is much cheaper.

If you have the right system, it'll have much better graphics. The AC series has been one title that has been leagues ahead of its console counterparts. The best part is the wide/multi-display support. If I was patient enough to wait, I would.

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Been watching my cousin play for a few hours. he spent $130 pre-ordering the big fancy box o' stuff. He doesn't seem particularly enthused about the game thus far... I think the 'prologue' is taking a lot longer than expected.


Personally I'm not enjoying the british accents. I know that's going to be historically accurate but it just irks me. It's not exactly the most awesome part of british history. The currency being in real money is pretty sweet though!


In terms of glitching... yeah there's been a few. Mostly with the horse collision detection. The combat is 'different' -- not had a hands-on myself so I don't know if that's just my cousin being a flid. He also spent about 10 minutes trying to open a chest, and did not succeed.


The terrain seems quite claustraphobic - though this again may be due to the 'prologue' limitations on the character..?

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All i know is, i got my copy at home and a day off tomorrow. I'll put my thoughts on once some play has commenced.


Bit harsh that Gamestop had exclusive for the Freedom Edition, and that some content (like the medallion) is missing from the higher edition.

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Only managed to play it for an hour or so last night, but my first impressions are that I'm very much enjoying the atmosphere and the new look. It's nice to get out of the same old crowded streets we've seen for four games. However the bugs mostly are with the movement. What was always so smooth before often seems to catch me out when vaulting over blocks or jumping from pillar to pillar.


They changed Desmond's face again, which annoys me more than it should. Shaun's, too.

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