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N-E Awards 2011 Results


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There should have been a Love Triangle of the Year award.


I for one can't wait to see who Nightwolf chooses. It's like our own personal Twilight.


Yes, Nightwolf. That makes you Bella.


So instead of a Warewolf and a Vampire, she has to pick between a Gopher and a Moogle? It's like some shit Disney version.


I'm blatantly the tanned, manly, often shirtless Werewolf and Moogle is totally the shiny, gay vampire.

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If you think they're trying to make it sound intelligent, I believe you're mistaken. The focus of Doctor Who isn't the science, it's the stories that explore a world without the boundaries of reality that we know it. It's obvious they don't take the science seriously - most of the time the tech speak is intentionally funny gibberish.


Why is it so hard to understand that someone can like something you don't? And/or not like something that you do? Plus there's the illusion of objective quality that you're clinging to, but let's not go into that again. ;)


That's a minor thing, I don't really have an issue with it, it's just something that gets a teensy bit on my nerves. I just think the technobabble is unnecessary. In any context. If Sagan made Cosmos without it, nobody's excused to use it in any context! But I guess you're right. :p eace:


It isn't hard for me to understand that someone could like something I don't... It's hard for me to understand that someone could call something good when it's not... and yes, I'm a bit stubborn on that issue, lol. :D Mainly because I myself abide by that sacred rule of mine. I like a lot of stuff which sucks, and I have no problem with that. Hell, we have something in common, I like Matrix Revolutions (absolutely hate Reloaded except for 2 scenes, but I like the 3rd one)! I understand why it's a bad movie, and I'm not trying to deny it's a bad movie, but I still like it, and that's okay. I like The Matrix Revolutions and it sucks. :) and I'm fine with that! Lol. So I inherently always assume that if I can diferentiate between my opinion and an impartial POV, so should others. Stupidly selfish of me, I know... :P


But liking? There's a lot of shows I dislike and which I'm fine with people liking (as in, I'm not gonna mock them for it). Stuff like Boston Legal, How I Met Your Mother, Stargate.... even Doctor Who. The issue here isn't that people like it, it's that it's their favourite TV show. That doesn't make any sense to me... with so many great shows currently airing, how can something so (in my opinion) average be so loved? :D The only odd thing here, for me, is that people list it as their favourite, not that they like it.

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That's a minor thing, I don't really have an issue with it, it's just something that gets a teensy bit on my nerves. I just think the technobabble is unnecessary. In any context. If Sagan made Cosmos without it, nobody's excused to use it in any context! But I guess you're right. :p eace:


It isn't hard for me to understand that someone could like something I don't... It's hard for me to understand that someone could call something good when it's not... and yes, I'm a bit stubborn on that issue, lol. :D Mainly because I myself abide by that sacred rule of mine. I like a lot of stuff which sucks, and I have no problem with that. Hell, we have something in common, I like Matrix Revolutions (absolutely hate Reloaded except for 2 scenes, but I like the 3rd one)! I understand why it's a bad movie, and I'm not trying to deny it's a bad movie, but I still like it, and that's okay. I like The Matrix Revolutions and it sucks. :) and I'm fine with that! Lol. So I inherently always assume that if I can diferentiate between my opinion and an impartial POV, so should others. Stupidly selfish of me, I know... :P


But liking? There's a lot of shows I dislike and which I'm fine with people liking (as in, I'm not gonna mock them for it). Stuff like Boston Legal, How I Met Your Mother, Stargate.... even Doctor Who. The issue here isn't that people like it, it's that it's their favourite TV show. That doesn't make any sense to me... with so many great shows currently airing, how can something so (in my opinion) average be so loved? :D The only odd thing here, for me, is that people list it as their favourite, not that they like it.


But the technobabble is part of the charm! :p


I'm not really interested in igniting this debate again (again), because I know we'll never agree on it, but to reiterate my point: Quality isn't objective. That, however, does not mean I can't separate my enjoyment of a film from my opinion on its quality. To illustrate: I think the Matrix trilogy is a brilliant set of films, and I love them. I think the infamous Super Mario Bros. film is terrible, but I like that as well. I think The King's Speech is a great film, but it didn't do much for me.

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But the technobabble is part of the charm! :p


I'm not really interested in igniting this debate again (again), because I know we'll never agree on it, but to reiterate my point: Quality isn't objective. That, however, does not mean I can't separate my enjoyment of a film from my opinion on its quality. To illustrate: I think the Matrix trilogy is a brilliant set of films, and I love them. I think the infamous Super Mario Bros. film is terrible, but I like that as well. I think The King's Speech is a great film, but it didn't do much for me.


Meh, fuck the King's Speech... bullshit feelgood cinema. That thing was oscar bait. Nothing terrible about it, but the least memorable movie I've seen in years. Meh.


And you're right, let's not do this again again again.

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Awesome, Thanks for the votes guys.


Well done everyone,


and mad props to Goafer for the effort.





I'd like to thank my girlfriend for accepting my proposal for marriage, My boss for the pay increases, and Mauritius for accepting me as one of its citizens and allowing me to own land there, without you guys this prestigious accolade wouldn't be possible!





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