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Sonic 4: Episode 2


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These are obviously made as a "tribute" or something to the originals. You're not going to see many newer ideas here. It's kinda why this is most likely going to fall on it's arse like episode 1.


I would agree that Ep 1 was very tribute like with new levels but a lot of ideas taken from retro sonic games but I still loved it and wouldn't say it fallen on it's arse.


I'm guessing this game will use the Sonic CD engine so it'll play exactly like the originals. Here's hoping they add more levels cause Sonic 4.1 felt too short..


Sega have stated that it will be a brand new graphics engine (apparantly) during the reveal interview and have meant to have fixed the physics issues people had.


Sonic 4 did feel short in terms of new levels but I replayed them several times etc and getting all achievements which racked up my play time. Same with generations really, play time was racked up on replays etc other than new levels.


Here is the interview if you want to see it:


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So, Aquatic Ruin Zone, Carnival Night zone and Ice Cap zone and one zone which I don't recognise as being based off the old games. Are we really going down this route again Sega?


Mixing old with new doesn't work well and the fans don't receive it very well, leading to poor ratings. I really hope the physics are solid this time round because there's no excuse to abandon the classic Sonic controls from Generations 3DS. Still, after Advance 3, I'm not looking forward to this 'two characters at once' idea.

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Yep looks real nice, especially the snowy area. They're using Sonic 2 style special stages for this one (expected really).


And Is that Miracle Planet?

You might be right there, at first I thought it was the Death Egg but then I noticed the continents. Plus, Metal Sonic, so it makes sense...


The special stages look much better :D


I'm so obviously going to buy this, despite the undoubtedly high price/my annoyance about the episodic format/my overall reaction to the first episode. Damn you Sega, you sadists.

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Oil Ocean is the name your thinking of!


Definitely being based off that one, what with showing them oil pumping things in the background.


Thats the one.


I know it's been said countless times, but it seems Sega are simply re-working classic levels from Sonic 1 (episode 1), Sonic 2 (episode 2). Wonder what ideas they'll re-use for episodes 3 and 4??

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I know it's been said countless times, but it seems Sega are simply re-working classic levels from Sonic 1 (episode 1), Sonic 2 (episode 2). Wonder what ideas they'll re-use for episodes 3 and 4??


Well it's a little bit more than that...


Metal Sonic (appears to be styled from Sonic CD rather than Sonic 3) The Carnaval and ice cap looking one would be from Sonic 3, Aqua, oil ocean and special stages are from sonic 2.


They haven't just based it on Sonic 2 this time around.


I loved Ep one and I have probably said it before but I am fine with what they were doing but it isn't Sonic 4, you would expect a game with a 4 at the end to be all new themes etc, not a kind of re-imagining of old ones. So they should have called these something else imo.


I'm sure I will love it nun the less!

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Online Co-Op :D




I wonder if the screen will split for local. Co-op in the original Sonic 2/3 was hardly worth playing.


I used to love co-op on Sonic 3!


I love these new screen shots much prefer this graphically style than Episode 1 it looks slightly different and I like what they've done. I am much happier with the apparent choice of zones as well than I was with Sonic 4 Ep 1.


Playing through Generations at the moment and loving it so this is nice news to see more 2D Sonic is well on its way.

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*patiently awaits the inevitable James Pond reboot*


That's odd, I was thinking of the 2nd game, Robocod, within the last few days. Must admit I didn't like the first game, but Robocod was magical, highly indicative of what the Megadrive was all about. When I turned on that cartridge, I was entering another world. Higher and higher, level after level... it seemed to never stop. I've never had the same feeling of literally such a "tall" game world to explore.

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Ooooh, they did some good work with that trailer. Very subtle little exhibitions on the improved physics, I'm liking it a lot!


What I'm not liking is Dimps not letting go of their ridiculous level design. Come on guys, you're so close! Maybe they're waiting until Episode 3 to iron that out? Bitching aside, it's good to see that they're improving, this can only mean good things in the long run.

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Physics look extremely similar to 4. Very floaty. Doesn't look like it'll "feel" different than 4 to play, it'll just have less obvious glitches/broken physics.


As in, I expect the stupid problems with the physics with 4 that have been widely mocked to be fixed, but the underlying feeling of mediocrity of gameplay will retain.

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