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Wii U essentials?


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We can talk remakes, follow-ups and sequels all we like but Nintendo need some new/reimagined and exclusive franchises to succeed with WiiU and 3DS.


Nintendo have a wealth of retired franchises that could be retooled and rebooted to fill some pretty noticeable gaps in their genre lineup. A Wild Gunman reboot taking its cue from Red Dead Redemption is the first that springs to my mind.


They also need some exclusive FPS, appealing to Modern Warfare fans and some adventure taking its cue from Uncharted or inFamous.


That's alongside their normal bread and butter stuff; they need their usual franchises to shine and also to maintain the casual stuff. The Catch Mii and Battle Mii demos could make for a pretty decent family games - alternatives to the Sunday afternoon boardgames.

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They also need some exclusive FPS, appealing to Modern Warfare fans


Yo Double D, I suggest that the FPS audience that you're referring to should reembark on Agent M. Forde's adventure in The Conduit. They are then advised to continue unfolding the dark conspiracies within that cruel universe in Conduit 2 in order to be upto scratch on the third outing which should inevitably debut as an FPS exclusive during Wiiu's launch window, I'm imagining. If I were to proceed in my current imagination, then I begin to accumulate hopeful feelings of HVS possibly offering the trilogy. That'd be the perfect opportunity for @kav82, @zechs and the beloved @lostmario.


There's only one direction for that dark horse, babies. And that's UP. : peace:

Edited by Beverage
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As FPS go, The Conduit's a poor example though, as it seems are HVS as a developer. It's certainly not a franchise I'd want someone to form an opinion of the console on!


I totally agree Nintendo need to start creating/bring back a few more franchises, outside of all the casual efforts they produced on the Wii.


Saying that though, Nintendo aren't a Western developer, and as such I just don't think you'd ever see them producing FPS titles, or games like Uncharted... that's just not them!... and really that's where 3rd Party support is going to be important, to let Nintendo focus on the types of games they do best.

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Yo Double D, I suggest that the FPS audience that you're referring to should reembark on Agent M. Forde's adventure in The Conduit. They are then advised to continue unfolding the dark conspiracies within that cruel universe in Conduit 2 in order to be upto scratch on the third outing which should inevitably debut as an FPS exclusive during Wiiu's launch window, I'm imagining. If I were to proceed in my current imagination, then I begin to accumulate hopeful feelings of HVS possibly offering the trilogy. That'd be the perfect opportunity for @kav82, @zechs and the beloved @lostmario.


There's only one direction for that dark horse, babies. And that's UP. : peace:


There isn't going to be a third installment of the franchise, as the first was average and sold OK, the second got a worse critical reception and flopped comercially.


The WiiU certainly doesn't need a Conduit game. Please note, The Grinder, HVS's other game seems to have totally disappeared - and we heard nothing from them at E3, suggesting the company is basically done for.


HVS made plenty of grandstanding claims, but ultimately, their games were not up to scratch. The Conduit may have been a Wii exclusive, but it was overshadowed and out done by many other shooters on the console.

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Saying that though, Nintendo aren't a Western developer, and as such I just don't think you'd ever see them producing FPS titles, or games like Uncharted... that's just not them!... and really that's where 3rd Party support is going to be important, to let Nintendo focus on the types of games they do best.


I'd argue that Nintendo should be buying up promising Western Developers, just like Sony has been doing. Third parties are highly unlikely to develop exclusively for Wii U (at least without financial incentive to do so), so their products will simply be multiformat and offer no reason to 'upgrade' to Wii U.


Sony seem to recognise -more so than Nintendo and Microsoft - that exclusive titles are what sells the console. If Nintendo are serious about shifting his machine to the 'core' market, they need to get their cheque book and recognise that they are the ONLY major developer not investing in western talent.

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Sony seem to recognise -more so than Nintendo and Microsoft - that exclusive titles are what sells the console. If Nintendo are serious about shifting his machine to the 'core' market, they need to get their cheque book and recognise that they are the ONLY major developer not investing in western talent.
Yeah I'd pretty much agree... though not forgetting they have Retro Studios, who have to be right up there with the best and could be pretty much trusted to develop anything!
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Sony seem to recognise -more so than Nintendo and Microsoft - that exclusive titles are what sells the console.


I think Nintendo do realise this, given that it's always been their own exclusive games which sell their consoles. I see what you're saying, and I agree that Nintendo should be expanding outwards. Purchasing more developers, getting them to create a wider variety of games, which ultimately works out better for us, the gamers.


Wii U Essential? A Fucking F Zero.

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Wii U Essential? A Fucking F Zero.


I agree.

Most of all though, above everything else the Wii u needs games that couldn't be on any other system. I want to see RTSs and other genres that have taken a bit of a back seat recently.


On another point, I think that FPSs are a must but let the big 3rd parties do them properly. I also think that western RPGs/MMOs would fit very well on the system because of the touch interface plus the chance to de-clutter the HUD.


Skyrim on Wii U please.

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Wii U Essential? A Fucking F Zero.


Oh shit, don't get me horny please!


because F-Zero 3DS simply HAS to happen!


Not more than a Wii fucking U one!!!!!



On another point, I also think that western RPGs/MMOs would fit very well on the system because of the touch interface plus the chance to de-clutter the HUD.


Skyrim on Wii U please.

I have been longing for these for a long time now. Bloody decent, original ones...

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Wii U Essential? A Fucking F Zero.


Wii U Essential? A Fucking F Zero.


Wii U Essential? A Fucking F Zero.


Wii U Essential? A Fucking F Zero.


Wii U Essential? A Fucking F Zero.


Wii U Essential? A Fucking F Zero.


Wii U Essential? A Fucking F Zero.


Wii U Essential? A Fucking F Zero.


Do I get extra points or a forum infraction?

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He was created by Takaya Imamura (according to Wikipedia)




It's unbelievable (as in one cannot believe it) that a character this awesome hasn't had a new iteration in his awesome franchise over these past years.



Now, allow me to be quite frank and say that this is one of the franchises I'd like NINTENDO to work on with another developer.

No, not SEGA's team again, but others.


I'd be very pleased with Retro Studios though:D


And yeah, the Captain was, and still is, so TOTALLY BAD-ASS in GX; one of the finest games my Wii has been graced with as of late!

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I would happily go without a Mario Kart for the next generation, if it means we were given a new F Zero in its place.


F Zero GX absolutely destroyed Mario Kart (any iteration) in terms of gameplay and content. You had the awesome track design, the grand prix cups, the STORY MODE (capitalised for emphasis), the fact you could customise and create your own machines, the insane multiplayer mode, the gorgeous graphics and the booming sound. Finally, and most importantly, the speed.


It's a fucking outrage we haven't had one for this generation. On DS or Wii. Disgraceful. On a system where we only really have ExciteTruck and Mario Kart, this would have gone down a treat. Why Nintendo didn't create one, I will never know.



*Ragequits post*

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It's a fucking outrage we haven't had one for this generation. On DS or Wii. Disgraceful. On a system where we only really have ExciteTruck and Mario Kart, this would have gone down a treat. Why Nintendo didn't create one, I will never know.


Because Nintendo didn't make the games themselves, and know that an iteration that can make GX justice needs to be in the hands of a capable team?


Alternatively, they simply don't know HOW the game could be better than it already is (I do: Online. That's seriously the only thing that's lacking.)


Personally, I think we shouldn't ask for a new F-Zero until Nintendo proves it can create a good online environment, with multiple players at once. Then we can talk about surpassing GX.

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I would happily go without a Mario Kart for the next generation, if it means we were given a new F Zero in its place.


Woah, woah, WOAH!!!! I want an Fzero more than the next guy, but don't be fucking insane!


I just don't get why we can't have everything we want :) I want a new Fzero, a new Mario kart, a new ExciteBIKE and a new god damn waverace!! Versions on the ads AND Wii U please Nintendo.


That'll be my driving fix. Tomorrow, we'll move on to adventure games!

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Because Nintendo didn't make the games themselves, and know that an iteration that can make GX justice needs to be in the hands of a capable team?


Alternatively, they simply don't know HOW the game could be better than it already is (I do: Online. That's seriously the only thing that's lacking.)


Personally, I think we shouldn't ask for a new F-Zero until Nintendo proves it can create a good online environment, with multiple players at once. Then we can talk about surpassing GX.


I agree, Jonnas. Not that I don't share others' passion for F-Zero, it's just that I don't think we needed it on Wii. Wii U and 3DS, yes!

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Because Nintendo didn't make the games themselves, and know that an iteration that can make GX justice needs to be in the hands of a capable team?


Alternatively, they simply don't know HOW the game could be better than it already is (I do: Online. That's seriously the only thing that's lacking.)


Personally, I think we shouldn't ask for a new F-Zero until Nintendo proves it can create a good online environment, with multiple players at once. Then we can talk about surpassing GX.


They could have out-sourced it, or collaborated with another developer. Team Ninja/Other M style.


I know online gaming is meant to be the "it" thing this generation, but there's style other areas that could be addressed. I don't think re-creating GX with an online mode would do the franchise justice...it needs to continue evolving. We need more content, even more insane track designs, and more harsh environments to race in.


The customising aspect of the game could also be improved further. What about a track editor? A track creator, even? Combine that with the online features, allowing you to send tracks to others online? Maybe create your own storyboard scenarios?


Woah, woah, WOAH!!!! I want an Fzero more than the next guy, but don't be fucking insane!


I just don't get why we can't have everything we want :) I want a new Fzero, a new Mario kart, a new ExciteBIKE and a new god damn waverace!! Versions on the ads AND Wii U please Nintendo.


That'll be my driving fix. Tomorrow, we'll move on to adventure games!


I'd love to have all of them, but if I had to drop Mario Kart for an F Zero, I would. Mario Kart Wii is probably my biggest disappointment this generation. There's times when I do play it and think "ok, maybe it's ok after all,"...but eventually I come to my senses and realise that it is a pretty bad game. It says a lot when me and Ine haven't touched it for what must be a year now, and even before then, we rarely played it.


Even before that, Double Dash was pretty lame. It has absolutely nothing on GX, or even F Zero X. The best Mario Kart in recent times was the DS version, and that was only hampered by its baffling online system. Aside from that, it had everything. Plus, the tracks were actually quite fun to race on, and there was a reasonable amount of balance to the game. Compare that with MKWii, which is random at best.


Unless Nintendo actually do something to progress Mario Kart, help it evolve, I won't be buying it. Didn't buy Wii, which really does say a lot considering that I crave a decent racing game for the system.

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I crave a decent racing game for the system.


Yeh.. apart from Excite Truck, the Wii has really suffered from a lack of great racing games :hmm: It is a bit of a shame when you consider that Nintendo have Wave Race, 1080 Snowboarding, F-Zero and Excite Bike to fall back on.


Having said that, maybe Nintendo didn't see the Wii as their opportunity to push these franchises forward considering the lack of leap in technology in comparison to the Gamecube. Wii U could finally make all our dreams come true :heh:

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The customising aspect of the game could also be improved further. What about a track editor? A track creator, even? Combine that with the online features, allowing you to send tracks to others online? Maybe create your own storyboard scenarios?


I like your ideas. I suppose things can always improve, even when we think they are as perfect as they can be.

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Quote from Darkjak's original post:


Pachter said that for the Wii to succeed, the console will need games: both the biggest and best multiplatform titles, which the Wii lacked, and killer apps, which to be honest the Wii never had either.



Did you know how much the 'Just Dance' series (before it went multiplatform) sold on the Wii?


"Ubisoft said in a statement that the currently Wii exclusive franchise has sold 14 million units to date worldwide." (Jul 2011)


The reason I'm quoting Just Dance is that I think it's difficult to predict what games people are going to buy. Nintendo changed things a lot with the Wii and widened the range of people who would play video games. However I don't see a massive game change with the WiiU. All I see is more of Nintendo doing the same thing but with their current IP's running on a higher spec console.



Above all I want games to be good and fun to play, I don't care what system they're on.

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