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Being in college makes me want the finer things in life. The nicer clothes that I see so many wear :( People here just dress...well.


I'm a grey / beige type-o-guy. Never too interested in colour. I strictly abide to a certain wardrobe. Long sleeve t-shirts, well -- a little thicker. Sorta a hoodie but without the hood. Never wear hoodies. Or tracksuits. Always combat-y like pants that is slim fit :) Because i can 'nd will

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You're canand AND will'?


(Sorry for the lame joke. For some reason I felt compelled to make it.)


Yeah, he can't wait for the next Pokemon game or to score with a lady.


As for clothes, I think I've got decent taste. I seem to get compliments when wearing stuff in work, but also whenever I wear my out of work stuff, like my Gremlins t-shirts or Animal stuff. Seems to go with the personality and what I like.


I dislike stores where you'd pay something ridiculous like £80 for a plain white shirt, or something. My housemate has a looot of shirts that fit into that category. Or a Paul Smith polo shirt that costs 15 times the price of an identical style shirt, because of the label. I don't go for that. I'd rather get something with a nice colour or image that fits with me. At the moment, I'm digging purple stuff. Got a lovely purple shirt I wear to work. :)


Also, Dresses (as Ine mentioned earlier) are loooovely. Always makes me smile when I see girls wear dresses. Its a very feminine thing to do. Love it.

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I agree on the brand name thing Flinkmon. Same goes with anything which having a tiny name of a bloke scribbed somewhere instantly triples the price. It may be better made, but unless you're going to be wearing a shirt several sizes too small and doing various activities or being mauled by a bear, there's hardly going to as many tears/etc to warrant the added cost.


Yeah, he can't wait for the next Pokemon game or to score with a lady.


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I agree on the brand name thing Flinkmon. Same goes with anything which having a tiny name of a bloke scribbed somewhere instantly triples the price. It may be better made, but unless you're going to be wearing a shirt several sizes too small and doing various activities or being mauled by a bear, there's hardly going to as many tears/etc to warrant the added cost.





It's not just the better quality of the product. I find that clothes from a brand name such as Ted Baker fit much better (and last longer) than clothes from River Island/Top Man (which fit better than say Primark).


I get compliments on my clothes a lot which I don't think I'd get if they were the standard River Island things that everyone wears.

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Resurrecting this thread as I need some advice.


Dilemma 1:


Been looking at getting a new coat/jacket since my bright green one is so last year or whatever. The problem is, coats are expensive and I'm not sure which one to get. The choice so far is between these:




The black one is about £10 cheaper, but both are verging on £100, so I'd like some opinions before I spend that much money.


So far my thoughts are:


Green one looks warmer

Green one looks more comfortable

Green one would be easier to get the right size as it wouldn't matter if it was a little baggy/oversized

Black one looks better

Not sure if the black one would suit me

Green one is a bit generic/meh whereas the black one is far more interesting



Dilemma 2


Work's Christmas party is soon. Dress code is "somewhere between smart casual and black tie". I'm thinking: white shirt (short sleeved), thin black tie (loose instead of done up properly), black trousers (not quite suit trousers, but not jeans either), smart trainers (E.g. not skate shoes. Converse perhaps?). Opinions?

Edited by Goafer
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The black one reminds me of an army coat or something. Something a Nazi officer would wear... I don't know why. But I don't like it much, the green one looks better to me and more suitable as a winter coat.


But then I have a boring taste so yeah. =P

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But then I have a boring taste so yeah. =P


That's my problem. I'm bored with my usual "meh" taste in things, so I want to be a bit more adventurous with what I wear. I just worry that I'll end up looking bizarre/mismatched. Well, not exactly worry, but you know what I mean.


On a side note, I love Nazi architecture/design. Just a shame about the whole Jewish thing...

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Resurrecting this thread as I need some advice.


Dilemma 1:


Been looking at getting a new coat/jacket since my bright green one is so last year or whatever. The problem is, coats are expensive and I'm not sure which one to get. The choice so far is between these:




The black one is about £10 cheaper, but both are verging on £100, so I'd like some opinions before I spend that much money.


So far my thoughts are:


Green one looks warmer

Green one looks more comfortable

Green one would be easier to get the right size as it wouldn't matter if it was a little baggy/oversized

Black one looks better

Not sure if the black one would suit me

Green one is a bit generic/meh whereas the black one is far more interesting


The black one is a lot more interesting to look at, where the green one is standard/boring. [/that's exactly what you just wrote in your last point and I'm only reading it properly now]


I don't think it's Nazi-like at all. I like it.



Dilemma 2


Work's Christmas party is soon. Dress code is "somewhere between smart casual and black tie". I'm thinking: white shirt (short sleeved), thin black tie (loose instead of done up properly), black trousers (not quite suit trousers, but not jeans either), smart trainers (E.g. not skate shoes. Converse perhaps?). Opinions?


To me, your suggestion sounds a bit too informal, particularly if everyone's erring more towards black tie, and you're in trainers. I'd feel more comfortable being more formal than informal, since being too informal is way worse than being too formal (people will just assume you're making an effort to look dapper) --- but I guess it's down to how you approach these sort of situations in life. If your bag is trainers &c then I wouldn't necessarily compromise on that. Nothing worse than when a person is visually not being themselves.

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To me, your suggestion sounds a bit too informal, particularly if everyone's erring more towards black tie, and you're in trainers. I'd feel more comfortable being more formal than informal, since being too informal is way worse than being too formal (people will just assume you're making an effort to look dapper) --- but I guess it's down to how you approach these sort of situations in life. If your bag is trainers &c then I wouldn't necessarily compromise on that. Nothing worse than when a person is visually not being themselves.


It's worth bearing in mind that my normal clothes consist of ripped jeans, baggy jumpers and generally scruffy attire. The fact that I will be wearing a tie by choice will probably cause the older members of staff to have a funny turn.


And when I say trainers, I'm thinking ones that will look good with a suit. Basically I'm thinking this but better. I'm undecided on the jacket (I have one, just not sure if I'll wear it. Will require a mirror session).


Everyone will probably be doing the whole suit and tie thing. I want to be the guy that looks like he's the one with the cocaine. Rock n roll motherfucker. Think of the dealer from Misfits.

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The black jacket can stun, but only if you wear normal/stunning trousers (dark jeans, suit trousers, whatever) with them, and discreet shoes. Looking trim, basically. Don't go all baggy, or it'll all be over, and you may as well have chosen the green one.

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I think the black one has a cool anime feel (Extravagant, lots of straps). Don't know how it would look in real life and on you though. Things that look nice in animes don't always translate.


The green coat is boring though, I wouldn't buy it for 20 euro, let alone over 100.

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The black jacket can stun, but only if you wear normal/stunning trousers (dark jeans, suit trousers, whatever) with them, and discreet shoes. Looking trim, basically. Don't go all baggy, or it'll all be over, and you may as well have chosen the green one.


I'm in the process of updating my wardrobe, so baggy clothing is generally being done away with. I'll still be keeping some for the sake of variety, but I'm very much aware that certain things won't mix.


I think the black one has a cool anime feel (Extravagant, lots of straps). Don't know how it would look in real life and on you though. Things that look nice in animes don't always translate.


The green coat is boring though, I wouldn't buy it for 20 euro, let alone over 100.


That's my concern. I want to stand out, just not in a "what a fucking weirdo" sort of way.


And I agree with the green one being boring. Out of all the boring ones I found, that one is my favourite though.

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Yeah, I'm also in wardrobe transition. I've not liked baggy things in ages, but I lost weight gradually/accidentally all last year so I keep having to buy new clothes/trousers to fit me.


Trim/classy/dapper/muted is everything. All I wear is grey these days.

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Can you not try it on? If you like it then go for it?


It's from the wide wide world of web. Could always order it, try it on then send it back if I don't like it/it doesn't fit. Their return policy is pretty good (basically you can return stuff within 14 days of receiving it with no reason needed).

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