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Monster Hunter 4!!!!


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Just had a great session on this with my nephew. We were using the PS4 for voice chat and had a right laugh. Sadly the random players we had with us were all a bit pants. They kept dying and taking all of our lives. Some would die once and then just quit.


There were a few disconnects when playing, both from us and other players. This better not be a taste of things to come. With it not being on a console there's no way to stabilise the connection via an Ethernet cable.

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Is anyone else not really feeling the new weapons? Insect Glaive is pretty cool but the Kinsect stuff feels weird and the Charge Blade is just too confusing and seems like a worse Switch Axe to me.


I actually preffer the Charge Blade to the SwitchAxe, myself. Love them both.


To be fair, the only weapons I don't like are the Bowguns. Never have and until they fix the way they work I never will.


Why do I get the feeling some of you don't understand how to mark a monster?

You hold R and face the part of the monster you want to extract from.

Then let go. There should be some kind of mist if you've marked it.


Then whenever you have an opening, unleash the Kinsect.

You don't have to unleash the Kinsect as soon as you mark a monster.[/b]


Most of the old weapons have new moves!


I just don't think the kinsect brings anything to the table. The staff could've been an awesome weapon by itself, but the dual mechanics just do not mesh well. If the hunting horn is the example on how to do it perfectly, the glaive would be the definition of phoning it in, as far as I'm concerned. It doesn't flow all that well...


(Also, I'm a bit colorblind so Orange and Red are a bit of a blur sometimes).


I totally agree with you on the charge blade, though. I love the switchaxe, but I'm loving the charge blade even more. It feels more versatile than the switchaxe, mainly because of the shield.

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I best download the demo, impressions are interesting to say the least


i've got spare codes it seems, both my and the missus got the email so i'll have 3 codes for people....i'm surprised we don't have an influx of new members like with the Smash Bros codes


Monster Hunter is a really niche title here in the west. Sad, but true.

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Did some hunting on my way to work this morning with a random chap on the train. Got my 3DS out, he saw it and asked if i had Monster Hunter as he was struggling to find people to play it with. Strange thing to ask at 7:30 this morning, but hey ho. Did the first 2 hunts by the time we reached Cardiff, certainly was a lot of fun. Can't wait to play it with the New 3DS with that C-Stick.

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Charge Blade is a glorious piece of kit. Smashing a monster around with the charged elemental axe attacks is seriously meaty - still much prefer the faster weapons, but I'm definetely farming myself some nice new heavies next month.


Haven't tried the Switch Axe yet in 4, but I have a feeling the Charge Blade is going to be way more interesting.

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They haven't changed the Switch Axe much, just added a new move to the sword mode where if you keep pressing X you kinda swing it side to side which can go into the X+A explosion thing which is my favourite move :D The classic combo from MH3 is now done by pressing X A X A ...

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Just had a great session on this with my nephew. We were using the PS4 for voice chat and had a right laugh. Sadly the random players we had with us were all a bit pants. They kept dying and taking all of our lives. Some would die once and then just quit.


There were a few disconnects when playing, both from us and other players. This better not be a taste of things to come. With it not being on a console there's no way to stabilise the connection via an Ethernet cable.


I'm tempted to hold off buying it and see if there are still issues with disconnections in the main game. If there is, I'll probably give it a miss.

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I was actually really looking forward to this but it has dawned on me the following potential issues:


1. Voice chat. How would we realistically do it? For instance I don't want to be buying Black Ops 2 only for everyone to chat on the PS4


2. Is it like MH3 where we can only fit four per party? If so, it puts me off. The reason for this is that I will want to game on this excessively and will want to game with someone else off of here. I hate gaming on these types of games on my own. One of the reasons why I took control of organsing stuff on Destiny is so I don't ever get left out.

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I was actually really looking forward to this but it has dawned on me the following potential issues:


1. Voice chat. How would we realistically do it? For instance I don't want to be buying Black Ops 2 only for everyone to chat on the PS4


2. Is it like MH3 where we can only fit four per party? If so, it puts me off. The reason for this is that I will want to game on this excessively and will want to game with someone else off of here. I hate gaming on these types of games on my own. One of the reasons why I took control of organsing stuff on Destiny is so I don't ever get left out.


I'll be likely using my PS4 for voice chat if that helps.


4 player limit remains. This annoys the hell out of me because on the original game on the PS2 you could have 8 people in a town and then 4 players on a quest. This made making hunting parties much more fun.

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I've given the Glaive and Charge Blade a little go, of the 2 I prefer the Glaive, I don't know why people are complaining about the Kinsect, you don't have to use it and using it isn't difficult or fiddly either. I gave the Bow a go too as I started using that on MH3U and loved it, I do like it still and will enjoy using it more once my New 3DS XL arrives.


I'm only hunting the G. Jaggi on the demo as I don't want to get used to any of the new monster's attacks too soon.

Edited by Kav
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I was actually really looking forward to this but it has dawned on me the following potential issues:


1. Voice chat. How would we realistically do it? For instance I don't want to be buying Black Ops 2 only for everyone to chat on the PS4


2. Is it like MH3 where we can only fit four per party? If so, it puts me off. The reason for this is that I will want to game on this excessively and will want to game with someone else off of here. I hate gaming on these types of games on my own. One of the reasons why I took control of organsing stuff on Destiny is so I don't ever get left out.


Guys. Regarding the voice chat I'll say this again. Fucking MUMBLE. It's on Android and iOS. It's free. Easy as fuck.


I don't know why people are complaining about the Kinsect, you don't have to use it and using it isn't difficult or fiddly either.


I see no advantage in having it in the game at all. It's a less intuitive and more restrictive rewriting of the Hunting Horn principle except it's bonuses only affect you instead of the whole party and the kinsect attacks don't mesh well with the staff itself as far as the combat goes. It feels awkward and unnecesssary.


The staff is quite awesome and I would've loved it if they had made it a standalone weapon. The kinsect only bothers me because it is essentially limiting an awesome weapon that could've been even better.


There is nothing necessarily wrong with it (at all), but there is very little to make the kinsect part of the weapon appealing. Regardless, it's still a great addition to the arsenal and certainly a whole lot better than the fucking bowguns.

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
Automerged Doublepost
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Guys. Regarding the voice chat I'll say this again. Fucking MUMBLE. It's on Android and iOS. It's free. Easy as fuck.




I see no advantage in having it in the game at all. It's a less intuitive and more restrictive rewriting of the Hunting Horn principle except it's bonuses only affect you instead of the whole party and the kinsect attacks don't mesh well with the staff itself as far as the combat goes. It feels awkward and unnecesssary.


The staff is quite awesome and I would've loved it if they had made it a standalone weapon. The kinsect only bothers me because it is essentially limiting an awesome weapon that could've been even better.


There is nothing necessarily wrong with it (at all), but there is very little to make the kinsect part of the weapon appealing. Regardless, it's still a great addition to the arsenal and certainly a whole lot better than the fucking bowguns.


Just downloading MUMBLE now, thanks!


I get what you mean with the Glaive, but if it was just a Glaive then you could argue that it'd be fairly similar to the Long Sword, the Kinsect kind of puts it in a gap between the Long Sword and Hunting Horn. It's good for people that like the idea of the Hunting Horn but find it a little too cumbersome for them to wield.


I must say, I don't think there's a weapon class I dislike yet. They're all good in their own way. I do have preferences though.

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Did the Great Jaggi. Brought back so many good memories of the hunts we had on MH3. I am now back to looking forward to the full game. I found it a bit fiddly with controlling the camera but that shouldn't be so much of a problem when my New 3DS XL arrives :D


If anyone fancies trying it online with me then let me know!

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Did the Great Jaggi. Brought back so many good memories of the hunts we had on MH3. I am now back to looking forward to the full game. I found it a bit fiddly with controlling the camera but that shouldn't be so much of a problem when my New 3DS XL arrives :D


If anyone fancies trying it online with me then let me know!


I'll try online with you if you want?

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Capcom explains why Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate isn't coming to Wii U


A portion of a Nintendo Life interview with executive producer, Mr. Ryozo Tsujimoto, and creative director Mr. Kaname Fujioka...


NL: What influenced your decision to release this game exclusively on the 3DS, and not include Wii U this time around?


Tsujimoto-san: One of the key features of the Wii U version was online multiplayer, and this time we have been able to implement online multiplayer on the 3DS so you can play local matches when you're out and about or when you have a Wi-Fi connection you can play online, so we felt that the 3DS version was complete as it was with this feature set.



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Yeah seems about right. Plus p&p


£15 delivered. It's boxed and such. And to be honest, I've never used it, maybe when I first got it for a few mins to try it out. But never used any of the circle pad pros (bought the original too - never learn)


I have £10 on my paypal, so I'll offer you that.

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After playing this online yesterday I cannot wait for the main game! Although it is another time sinker that I dont need right now! Haha!


It was brilliant, mate. Hunting with the good old N-E Brotherhood made for some good times. Taking down Gore showed we still have the right stuff. Just a shame we have to use the PS4 to communicate. *raises middle finger at Nintendo & Capcom*


That moment when the ground collapsed and then we were sliding towards the cliff was so intense. :D


I found this awesome vid yesterday on Neogaf. J-Pop + MH = WIN


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