S.C.G Posted May 8, 2013 Posted May 8, 2013 Must... get... back into... this... game! I really do love it but... Monster Hunter. :/
Captain Falcon Posted May 8, 2013 Posted May 8, 2013 (edited) -Dem0- said: Strange. I've been connected to the internet most of the time. Either on standby or while I'm actually playing but I've never had to actually 'Download' the Bonus Teams. I think you get another team everyday so long as you're connected online. Perhaps you've passed some available wi-fi access points that you were unaware of? So far I've got 10 teams from Fire Emblem, Sacred Stones & Path of Radiance and only the 1 team from todays Radiant Dawn. Normally I have my Wi-Fi off since I'm not using it so it won't be automatically downloading it in the background in which case I will perform a manual update from the wireless menu when I remember otherwise, yeah, I wouldn't have to actually download it. But I really can't remember having had wireless on since last Thursday which was also the last time my 3DS left the house. The second team, Ellincia, only popped up yesterday and I know for a fact I was never online with it so I'm puzzled. Edit: I've just turned my 3DS on, Wireless still off, and now I have a third PoR team. I beat Titania team after a few goes (would have been easier but I was trying to level Great Knight Frederick and it wasn't happening, but now Gaius can solo the entire team) but I haven't beat Ellincia. I know I summoned her to the map but aren't sure if I actually faced off against her - I think I dismissed them after looking at their ridiculous speed stats and realised I'd get doubled by everyone in her squad, although she's surprising slow. I guess it doesn't really matter but it's making me curious. Second Edit: Performed a manual update and now have all ten for PoR and one from RD - Sanaki. Does anyone else look at the teams are try to work out who the team is representing for certain ones? Like Ike has a Paladin (Oscar), Warrior(Boyd), War Cleric(Rhys), 2 Archers(Shinon & Rolf), a General (Gatrie), a Sage(Soren I'd imagine but not sure as he has his own slot), an Assasin (Volke) and a Falcon Knight (Marcia given Ellincia has her own team). Any reason why the updates are today instead of tomorrow? Edited May 8, 2013 by Captain Falcon
Tales Posted May 8, 2013 Posted May 8, 2013 Just beat the final chapter. Word of advice, it might seem like there's an unlimited amount of enemies on the map(and there probably is) but you can't save once finished. I played for 30+ rounds farming levels when I got bored and I killed he/she/it. It was pointless, I kept nothing. Go for the head.
Emerald Emblem Posted May 8, 2013 Posted May 8, 2013 I've gotten my first pairing (Besides Chrom obviously), I've paired Vaike with Sully. Was going to pair my Lissa with Gaius, but what do you guys think?
-Dem0- Posted May 8, 2013 Posted May 8, 2013 (edited) Captain Falcon said: Any reason why the updates are today instead of tomorrow? Well Champions of Yore 3 was slated for today as per the schedule, perhaps they decided to do the rest on the same day too. http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-3DS/Fire-Emblem-Awakening-725039.html Emerald Emblem said: Was going to pair my Lissa with Gaius, but what do you guys think? Gaius is one of my favourite units and I think that they might make a decent team later on if you decide to make Lissa a more attacking unit but in the meantime it may be difficult assuming she's just a Cleric now. I also read in a few other places that this marriage can bring about a decent child, but perhaps the most popular I've seen was Vaike|Lissa. I haven't really considered which pairings will bring the best out of the children, I'm saving that for my other playthroughs. However, at the moment I'm focusing more on the skill side of things. Hmmm, I don't know, maybe you should hold out on Lissa for now. Not much help I guess Edited May 8, 2013 by -Dem0-
Emerald Emblem Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 -Dem0- said: Gaius is one of my favourite units and I think that they might make a decent team later on if you decide to make Lissa a more attacking unit but in the meantime it may be difficult assuming she's just a Cleric now. I also read in a few other places that this marriage can bring about a decent child, but perhaps the most popular I've seen was Vaike|Lissa. I haven't really considered which pairings will bring the best out of the children, I'm saving that for my other playthroughs. However, at the moment I'm focusing more on the skill side of things. Hmmm, I don't know, maybe you should hold out on Lissa for now. Not much help I guess Fear not, my Lissa is a war Cleric so she is more attacking now. But thanks for the tips, might try building other relationships up to see what I think.
Agent Gibbs Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 (edited) for my Lissa i went Clerric->pegasus Knight->Dark Flyer (for gale force) -> Sage, although i may go to war cleric soon to get the renewal skill and finish as a sage, her magic is her asset so a job that allows both offensive and healing magic is best I have a few spare characters i need to marry off Panne Cheriche Marriabelle Stahl Gregor Henry (haven't used him and find him wierd) Rickon (might pair with Mariabelle because of story events) Lon Qui Virion Anna (can't marry) any suggestions? (i seem to have less women than i thought....its a right sausage fest) I married Chrom and Sumia Avatar/MU with Tharja Gaius and Cordelia Kellum and Mirrel Frederick and Sully (which may bite me with Kejelle but they seemed a good pair at the time) Edited May 9, 2013 by Agent Gibbs
Emerald Emblem Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 Agent Gibbs said: I married Chrom and Sumia Avatar/MU with Tharja Gaius and Cordelia Kellum and Mirrel Frederick and Sumia (which may bite me with Kejelle but they seemed a good pair at the time) How'd you manage this?
Agent Gibbs Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 Emerald Emblem said: How'd you manage this? errr wooops i did mean sully lol too many Su names at once, at least i got the right daughter
dazzybee Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 Ie lost characters already sumia (pretty gutted about) maribelle and Ricken. Tempted to start again but I thought fuck it. I need to suffer for my ineptitude. Love the game. Still overwhelmed by it, you guys seem to know everything about it, I'm hoping to just keep playing and eventually it'll all fall into place.
Blade Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 dazzybee said: Love the game. Still overwhelmed by it, you guys seem to know everything about it, I'm hoping to just keep playing and eventually it'll all fall into place. I feel exactly the same pal.
Grazza Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 Don't worry about it, dazzybee (and Blade). I think you're doing the right thing by not trying to do a perfect playthrough first time. Otherwise you'd just be doing things over and over again (maybe that is Fire Emblem though ). Honestly, I felt so overwhelmed when I first played Sacred Stones (the GBA game given away in the Ambassador scheme). I'm used to RPGs, but this was far more complicated. The gameplay is so good though (in my opinion), you can't help but keep going back. Quite frankly, I have yet to complete a Fire Emblem game, so hopefully Awakening will change that!
Grazza Posted May 10, 2013 Posted May 10, 2013 Newcomer mode is a must, in my opinion, if you're not used to the series. No need to lose units.
Jonnas Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 Grazza said: Quite frankly, I have yet to complete a Fire Emblem game, so hopefully Awakening will change that! What do you mean, you haven't completed Sacred Stones? That's like the shortest one!
Captain Falcon Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 dazzybee said: Love the game. Still overwhelmed by it, you guys seem to know everything about it, I'm hoping to just keep playing and eventually it'll all fall into place. Those of us who likely seem to to know quite a lot are probably those who've played prior games in the series. This is the sixth game to reach Europe and there are the Japanese ones too. This game is mix of all the unqiue elements of previous games mashed into one and so it doesn't take much to grasp how the new bits work. Plus we likely now the best FE sites on the internet for checking bits and bobs too. There are lots of things the games never tell you and so sometimes the only way to find this stuff is to look it up online. Just keep playing and it will sink in to the point that when the follow up arrives, for whatever system, most of it will be second nature and then you can really start to consider the changes and nuances of that compared to this instead of trying to take it all in for the first time. It's like that for any types of game really. My first Western RPG (Neverwinter Nights) took me some time before I understood things but since then, it's been a lot easier to grasp similar ideas in other games. Put me in front of the new Fifa game and I won't have a clue what things mean but there will be casual gamers out there who take to it like a pro because the only game they ever play is Fifa.
Grazza Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 Jonnas said: What do you mean, you haven't completed Sacred Stones? That's like the shortest one! You know that bit I was stuck on? Lyon. Well, I beat him. Then got stuck on the next bit.
dazzybee Posted May 12, 2013 Posted May 12, 2013 Oh yeah, definitely. I just get paranoid I'm missing out on something
Ike Posted May 13, 2013 Posted May 13, 2013 Wasn't too hard, I split my team up. One stuck to the right while the other went left. Strongest team went right, Avatar + Tharja (With Nosferatu) plus Chrom + Sumia. Use Olivia's dance to let your units move again, make sure to protect her but she can fight back which I often forgot. Watch out for reinforcements, especially from the top left. Gangrel will move if you get near him, but honestly he wasn't must of a threat for me. He went down easy enough as well, I think one of my units criticaled him and finished him off, was saving the final blow for Chrom.
D_prOdigy Posted May 13, 2013 Posted May 13, 2013 The reinforcements from the top left aren't an issue. I was discussing this with someone else last night, and they seemed surprised when I told them the reinforcements in the middle come twice (it goes middle, top corner, bottom, then middle again. I haven't survived past then but I assume they just keep coming). Am I supposed to just rush in and finish Gangrel off faster?
-Dem0- Posted May 13, 2013 Posted May 13, 2013 I don't remember much about the reinforcements, but one thing I do know is that I paired up most of my units and lined everyone up. We took less damage, avoided most attacks and countered with devastating team attacks & criticals.
Ike Posted May 13, 2013 Posted May 13, 2013 Nah, they'll stop after a few turns. I recommend taking them out first before going for Gangrel. If you can, place some units on top of the forts, it'll stop the reinforcements spawning. Might be a bit dangerous with the forts on the lower part of the map since Gangrel might move in. Remembered the top right reinforcements are easier to take care of since they have to cross a bridge so you can block them. Keep your units they they are just within the enemies range and let them come to you and have a healer on standby. Try what @\-Dem0\- suggested as well. Avatar and Tharja are deadly paired up. Take advantage of as many support bonuses as you can. Can't remember if there was much terrain in that map you can use to boost your evasion but use whatever there is available to you. Generally if rushing forward doesn't help much, standing your ground often works a lot better.
-Dem0- Posted May 16, 2013 Posted May 16, 2013 This weeks Download Content. Bonus Team: Shadow Dragon Bonus Map: Irreconcilable Paths Bonus Challengers: Ricken's Chosen & Henry's Spellslingers Outrealm Gate Summer Scramble
M_rock Posted May 16, 2013 Posted May 16, 2013 aaand my copy still hasn't arrived Apparently there aren't any copies left in Belgium, or at least that's what they keep telling us in stores. If this also happens with Animal Crossing I'll go crazy haha
Eenuh Posted May 16, 2013 Posted May 16, 2013 M_rock said: aaand my copy still hasn't arrived Apparently there aren't any copies left in Belgium, or at least that's what they keep telling us in stores. If this also happens with Animal Crossing I'll go crazy haha If you want, I can order it for you from ShopTo or Amazon and have it shipped to you? You just pay me back through bank transfer or something. PM me if you are interested, I did the same for Fused_King to get him the Zelda artbook. =)
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