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Those in charge get perks. You wouldn't tell your manager they shouldn't have more pay, benefits and bonuses would you? Its only 50 poxy (sp?) pixels. Is it really that bad.


Nor is it elitism, it is a bigger avatar because we're admins. Its no different from having red names or custom user titles. Its part of the package.


If you're that "rules are rules" orientated they are still written as 80x80 so most people are breaking them anyway. Besides, we can just change them :p


I mean c'mon. We're not allowed any perks? This isn't communism, we can't all be the same. You people are never happy. Want them to be 60x60 again?

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Unprofessional? Hahaha!


So we're not keeping with the 'board administration' profession? Funny, I wasn't aware that professions were things you did for free in your spare time.


Take a look at the list here: http://www.big-boards.com/


Most of the boards on there do the same thing. Admins have bigger avatars. Is it that big a deal? It's a few more pixels.


We're not breaking the rules. To put it bluntly, we have no rules. You might think that sounds anarchistic, but it works based on sensibility and responsibility. The mod and admin team all trusts each other and respects their position, hence why I would never randomly delete boards or de-admin another admin or something. The rules are there for us to enforce and for you to abide by. Not us.


If you don't like it, go make your own board. Or earn 10,000 posts. I'll give the bigger avatar options to people with 10,000 posts. There.

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If you don't like it, go make your own board. Or earn 10,000 posts. I'll give the bigger avatar options to people with 10,000 posts. There.

If I reach 10,000 posts and I'm not allowed a bigger avatar, I'm coming to find you. :wink:


On a serious note, I reckon you can do what you want being an admin. It's just one of the special things that admins get... I mean having a private board is kind of a bigger deal than a few more pixels in avatar height, and everyone's fine with that.

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Absolute rubbish.


Lots of kissing arse here as well from 'mere forum members'.


"we're admins HA HA we're better than you, rules don't apply to us, but they do to you."


As though giving everyone the facility to have 'a few extra pixels' would be so difficult.


Once again, unprofessional as f***.

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Absolute rubbish.


Lots of kissing arse here as well from 'mere forum members'.


"we're admins HA HA we're better than you, rules don't apply to us, but they do to you."


As though giving everyone the facility to have 'a few extra pixels' would be so difficult.


Once again, unprofessional as f***.


We're not forcing you to post here.

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What a great argument. Bravo.


I like this forum, I just have problems with some of the ways it's run and the 'Us mods are better than everyone else' attitude.


you can take revenge by trolling every board and post from this point onwards

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What a great argument. Bravo.


I like this forum, I just have problems with some of the ways it's run and the 'Us mods are better than everyone else' attitude.


That's cos they are.


I joke, I joke! They're an excellent bunch mind.


To be honest, they run the show. Mods, Admins, Staffers. They should be entitled to have certain nice things, I reckon. We run this site out of the goodness of our hearts, for free. FREE. Fucking Free Money. As in NO Money. Yeah, I am not bitter. Just skint. :(


I don't see the problem with it, myself. We've allowed everyone to have bigger avatars, but for staffers to have slightly bigger ones. Like SuperGrunch, there shouldn't be a massive problem with it.


Btw, the hidden boards are usually used for board issues. :)

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Whoa... the chaps in red treat themselves to some bigger avatars and its tearing the board apart is it?


C'mon lads, there are more important issues here to discuss... like Nintendo! If you wanna get yourself all personalised up then go and edit your Mii. You can make them fatter and taller or something. Or else just make a better avatar for the size you're afforded - who cares? I'd rather read what was typed than browse about here oggling at the oh so attractive avatars. :heh:


It looks like the lowly members are going loopy through their lack of power!!



P.S. Ten grand of posts?! I'm never gonna reach that. Never! Not unless I'm still posting here when I'm sixty years old.

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I don't actually care about avatars (I only actually put one up myself yesterday), it's the elitism present in their minds that's bugging me. In other words, the principal of mods breaking their own rules and being thinking they're 'better' than the rest of us.


Had a bit of support but then the kiss arse brigade came in. Oh well.

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I don't actually care about avatars (I only actually put one up myself yesterday), it's the elitism present in their minds that's bugging me. In other words, the principal of mods breaking their own rules and being thinking they're 'better' than the rest of us.


Had a bit of support but then the kiss arse brigade came in. Oh well.


Breaking what rules? The one about avatar sizes?


Well, if it helps, admins also have a bigger inbox size. Like others have said, it's just a 'perk', being allowed to have slightly more, because they are staff, and after all put a lot of time and effort into the place here. It's not breaking a rule as such. Maybe we should just clarify this rule a bit more?


But anyway, I don't think there's any elitism going on at all. Don't really know where you've got that idea.

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Had a bit of support but then the kiss arse brigade came in. Oh well.


To clarify, I am not a ....Kiss ass brigader...Heh heh. Ill be the first to call someone out if theres shenanigans.


Heck over on HCRealms Im absolutely hated by most of the moderators. But thats not my fault thats because they (Or rather the cheiftan Admin "AZS") is one of the biggest tools Ive had the displeasure of contacting in my life. Its a shame so many people are kiss ass people to him, and dont see that hes a total tool.


The admins are here are genuinely nice folk though...I cant see any elitism at all...I mean, theres a general unspoken rule that Im the most awesome person anyway, so.... :blush::)

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The fact that you're awesome ReZeourceman isn't in question, the answer is obvious.


Mods having bigger inboxes, the ability to edit posts, their name in red that's all fine.


Out of curiosity mods, can regular posters have bigger avatars as well please. After all, you guys do it with no problems, so it wouldn't take much to let us have them as well?


What do you think?

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The fact that you're awesome ReZeourceman isn't in question, the answer is obvious.


Mods having bigger inboxes, the ability to edit posts, their name in red that's all fine.


Out of curiosity mods, can regular posters have bigger avatars as well please. After all, you guys do it with no problems, so it wouldn't take much to let us have them as well?


What do you think?


The ability to edit posts is pretty much part of the job. They'd be a bluddy rubbish mod without that ability!


The red names and bigger inboxes are also tied to the job. The purpose of having coloured name is to do with the "Who's online" box which can be seen on the main forum page right at the bottom. Makes it easier to see which staffers are online, and more importantly for new people, who exactly are the right people to contact in case of a problem. It also makes it handy when skimming threads, which is what I find. :D


Having a bigger inbox is also tied, because we'll be getting far more PMs due to people reporting problems. I actually exceeded my inbox far too many times and would have liked the limit to be larger. Some PMs have to be kept for future use, which will take up quite a lot of space.


So, pretty much, the only niceity/nicities/nice 'thing' that the staffers (admins mainly) get is the ability to have a slightly larger avatar and a custom title.


But, we have been giving out titles for users who have also 'earned' it. For example, when people win competitions, when people give something 'back' to the forum. Dante has one "Resident Newsposter" which is down to his ability to find and post news for us here to comment on. Locky has one for finding many a bargain for forumers. So, it's a way of rewarding helpful users.


The bigger avatars, as I see it, is a way of rewarding the staff for the work that they do. Many go about their job unsung, so I think allowing them to have a little treat or two on the side is alright. Especially as they have to often balance work, social lives, other commitments with this place. I think if we all had the ability to have bigger avatars it would kinda take away that special side of things.

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The ability to edit posts is pretty much part of the job. They'd be a bluddy rubbish mod without that ability!


The red names and bigger inboxes are also tied to the job. The purpose of having coloured name is to do with the "Who's online" box which can be seen on the main forum page right at the bottom. Makes it easier to see which staffers are online, and more importantly for new people, who exactly are the right people to contact in case of a problem. It also makes it handy when skimming threads, which is what I find. :D


Having a bigger inbox is also tied, because we'll be getting far more PMs due to people reporting problems. I actually exceeded my inbox far too many times and would have liked the limit to be larger. Some PMs have to be kept for future use, which will take up quite a lot of space.



I completely agree with all that, all are required to being a mod.


So, pretty much, the only niceity/nicities/nice 'thing' that the staffers (admins mainly) get is the ability to have a slightly larger avatar and a custom title.


But, we have been giving out titles for users who have also 'earned' it. For example, when people win competitions, when people give something 'back' to the forum. Dante has one "Resident Newsposter" which is down to his ability to find and post news for us here to comment on. Locky has one for finding many a bargain for forumers. So, it's a way of rewarding helpful users.


The bigger avatars, as I see it, is a way of rewarding the staff for the work that they do. Many go about their job unsung, so I think allowing them to have a little treat or two on the side is alright. Especially as they have to often balance work, social lives, other commitments with this place. I think if we all had the ability to have bigger avatars it would kinda take away that special side of things.


Ok I'm done arguing. I see your point but I still think it sucks.

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Shorty suggested giving out larger avatars etc to posters with over 10,000 posts. It was only a suggestion, but I'd have no problem with certain users getting extra nice things for helping out around the place, like we give out user titles. I'm not sure if that can be set to individual users though, so they'd have to check that out first.

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Aye, doing it on postcounts wouldn't be too great an idea, but basing it on other things, such as winning competitions, maybe doing special for the forum, etc. Stuff like that.


For example, if Haden made one of his game/story things, I think he'd deserve one, as he'd be bringing something to the forum.

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