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Yeah, it's usually at the top or bottom of the forum, and it's implemented in to the forum directly, so you use your regular username, you don't have to sign up for a new service or whatever.


Thinking about it, I'd love to see something like that on these forums. The IRC is simply dead and no matter how much I try I can't seem to convince people enough to stay there >_>

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I don't even know how IRC works. I'd quite like to see a chat thing become more commonly used, however we do it.


as for Mods? hurrm. Good one. I'd say that bar a few examples this place requires very little moderation. Maybe just keep an eye out while we read the forum, and be a bit stingy with the permissions to use it if people kick off?


I'd like to see it.

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Sounds like an awesome idea!


As for the moderation, maybe get a couple mods that are for the chat box thing only? Iono..but I think it is an awesome idea, that would help members of N-E know each other better, and could possibly spark lots of threads.


Like if a few members were chatting about something, and then wanted to share it with the whole forum they could make a thread. etc etc

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as for Mods? hurrm. Good one. I'd say that bar a few examples this place requires very little moderation. Maybe just keep an eye out while we read the forum, and be a bit stingy with the permissions to use it if people kick off?


Personally I don't think it would require much moderation. Most users on here are civil and sensible. And if you get repeat offenders then surely you can take away their privilege to use it? Oh and maybe say only regular and above posters can use it so you don't get new members and banned members spamming/flaming in there.

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Sounds like a decent idea actually :)


I don't think moderation is a problem for two reasons: 1, if you're beyond stupid and we see it, you'll get b&. 2, you don't use it for posting images etc, and whatever's there tends to disappear quickly anyway, it's quite hard to misuse it.

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Shorty. Did you seriously just use an ampersand to replace the letters "and"? (and furthermore it doesn't make sense as what you wrote would mean "band" rather than "banned".)


Regardless. As far as moderation goes it would probably be possible to find one whereby the records are saved for admins and anyone who does abuse it shall be banned.


Have put the idea forward to the other staff.


(although I still don't really see the point but ho hum!)

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