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In fact, quite the opposite! I think that you're better than me, as you're an aficionado and I'm a mere regular (soon to be frequent poster)


There it is, the single reasons why we should not have more ranks.

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By the way, no one gives the tiniest little shit about how many posts someone has. It's about the quality of the post and poster, not the quantity.


Agreed, wtf does it matter how many posts you've made. It makes no difference.


In other words, I agree that titles should be left the way they are.


Or mods, how about letting us write our own titles in...

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You're going to go the same way as Canand and Corkcrumbs if you keep this up.


Canand never got banned he just started using a different forum that he got offered a moderating position at, from what i've heard.


Perhaps we should get rid of every post count based title Besides New Member (0 posts) and regular (50 posts). This way we could get rid of the problem but still be able to tell if someone just joined so we can welcome them ect.

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No new ranks! I'm slowly but surely working my way up.. by the time I get to a good one it will all be changed =]


This is also going to be a very "nooby" question but can and how do you change the theme? Or is it only this one available?


(I'm not complaining just wondering if I could have a bit of variety :P)



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No new ranks! I'm slowly but surely working my way up.. by the time I get to a good one it will all be changed =]


This is also going to be a very "nooby" question but can and how do you change the theme? Or is it only this one available?


(I'm not complaining just wondering if I could have a bit of variety :P)



There's a tab in the very bottom left on every page.

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*sticks with original* Thanks anyway :D


Just reading back, maybe you could do like instead of the naruto idea, have nintendo characters! I'm sure people will argue that people will not want to be certain chracters but its just a thought. You know have somone like mario as top, then kirby, yoshi, link, zelda, donkey kong etc..


Just a thought :)

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Guest Stefkov

Crazy things.

At 50 posts you become Turnip Harvester.

At 100 posts you become Mushroom Picker.

At 1000 posts you become Carrot Top.

At 5000 posts you become

At 10,000 posts you become Excelent Harvester.

I like harvest moon..¬_¬

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Guest Stefkov
So at 1000 we also going to change everyone's avatar to:



It was just something that came in my head, but then I thought of Family Guy when Peter goes to him which made me laugh but it was hard trying to think of what plant to use.

As for 5000, I could't think anymore. The song I was listening to got me singing.

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Your Question.

Why wouldn't I make it to aficionado? What have you got against me? My age? Stop tyring to stir things up, and like conzer said, not everyone likes anime. I know I certainly don't.


Your Answer.

In fact, quite the opposite! I think that you're better than me, as you're an aficionado and I'm a mere regular (soon to be frequent poster)


When I brought up user titles again I didn't mean for there to be more titles just for people to seem better than other people. Like many other people have said, I respect people by the quality, and not the quantity.


A perfect example is =NukeBlaze= he doesn't have 100 posts even, but he is one of the smartest posters in Tech/Pc Talk. And I respect him a lot, because hes helped a lot of people (Including me) with their computer problems.


I just thought there should be more user titles simply because there are a huge amount of Aficionados, and a variety would be nice.

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Your Question.



Your Answer.



When I brought up user titles again I didn't mean for there to be more titles just for people to seem better than other people. Like many other people have said, I respect people by the quality, and not the quantity.


A perfect example is =NukeBlaze= he doesn't have 100 posts even, but he is one of the smartest posters in Tech/Pc Talk. And I respect him a lot, because hes helped a lot of people (Including me) with their computer problems.


I just thought there should be more user titles simply because there are a huge amount of Aficionados, and a variety would be nice.


Problem is a lot of people say they see it as quality and not quantity but when it comes to actually existing there are people who have an unjustified superiority complex because they are afficiando (or higher if we did higher) and others are "just" new members.


Not saying you of course Marshy-m. But it happens.


I can't believe people pay that much attention to a size two font under people's usernames.

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Best sugeestion yet...






Could you please add "AFT" to that, I don't want a mod to see just that quote and think "fish is being an arse, let's ban him".


Not that I don't support my alleged proposition, that it...

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Fish you are being a jackass. And I'm not yet banned from the thread. All you've done is fuel a pointless argument... stick to trying to prove God doesn't exist, eh? Everything I say you jump down my throat, and I'm sorta sick of it.

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Everything I say you jump down my throat, and I'm sorta sick of it.


I do? I only attack people for individual posts, based on said posts contents. The simplest solution is to be a bit more low-key.


And I'm not yet banned from the thread.


It's called a joke, something you may not be familiar with (that was one too...)


Fish you are being a jackass.




stick to trying to prove God doesn't exist, eh?


You obviously have no idea what you're talking about, because if you did (as I'm sure someone like Haden will agree), you would know that that is impossible.


Damn, I love sentence-by-sentence argument destruction...:D


This isn't the place for this argument, anyway.

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