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Well it's a question so it would need a question mark at the end. It's all one question. But really I don't like writing two questions together, I don't know why.


A sentence after a "?" just feels weird.


It does right? Don't you think?

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No. Not at all. After all it's a perfectly natural part of speech. "Hi, how are you? Did you have a good weekend? Is that a new sweater? What's that coming over the hill? Is it a monster?"

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How come?


The mafia game piqued my already simmering interest, but it still wasn't an option to me to buy and get into a Manga.


Then I saw this YT video review from a comic guy and he said how he was only a comic guy no manga but really liked DN for its story and crisp artwork. So I was like "hmmm."


So I've read upto Volume 2 now. Its good-sauce.

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The mafia game piqued my already simmering interest, but it still wasn't an option to me to buy and get into a Manga.


Then I saw this YT video review from a comic guy and he said how he was only a comic guy no manga but really liked DN for its story and crisp artwork. So I was like "hmmm."


So I've read upto Volume 2 now. Its good-sauce.


Tis lots of good sauce. Go on ReZ! I love you more than ever now.

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I would like to suggest we bring the Apple Thread back. People here are either mature enough to not go in there to just start an argument, or mature enough to make it a discussion, rather than an argument.


There have been several big pieces of news about Apple recently and there has been nowhere to discuss them. Making lots of little threads is fine but they all just disappear. There is still an MP3 player thread and a Windows Vista Thread stickied to the Tech/PC board. The last post in the Vista Thread was in 2009, and yet we have had a few Apple-related threads recently that have sparked conversation. Please can we have one, large, Apple Thread, stickied to that board, so that people can go in there and discuss things? I know that I would certainly go in there regularly (and I'm pretty sure a few other people like Caris and Emasher would too)




(Also don't call it the Apple iThread like last time. Just the Apple thread would be win. Thanks!)

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I guess I'm alone in liking the tech board the way it is now? It keeps me up to date when there are new apple things on the horizon that I might otherwise miss out on because I don't see myself as an Apple fan and thus, wouldn't venture in to the thread generally.

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I guess I'm alone in liking the tech board the way it is now? It keeps me up to date when there are new apple things on the horizon that I might otherwise miss out on because I don't see myself as an Apple fan and thus, wouldn't venture in to the thread generally.


Multi-threads 1 - 0 Mega-threads

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I guess I'm alone in liking the tech board the way it is now? It keeps me up to date when there are new apple things on the horizon that I might otherwise miss out on because I don't see myself as an Apple fan and thus, wouldn't venture in to the thread generally.


Wait so now you're in favour of multiple threads?





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