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Xenoblade Chronicles Official Thread


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Can someone explain the vision system in battle for me? I understand that if you see the enemy attacking another member of your party, you can go and warn them, but I don't understand how you're supposed to know which of their moves you're supposed to choose to avoid/counter the attack. Same with if I see the enemy is going to attack me - how do I know what to choose to avoid it? I understand it's something to do with the type of attack they're going to do, and the colour of the font it's written in (red, white or purple), but that's about as much as I understand.


As for my progress, I've just met Cockney robot for the first time - love it! :D


What I usually do is use the Monados shield ability. Like Aaron said, alot of the time it's just best to soften the blow. That being the case I have been powering that ability up.


Up to level 12 now and just a bit off of 13 I think. Before I finished up just ran around the colony looking for more side quests and just got them on my list and will do tomorrow. Is there a limited number of side quests before that cut scene cause as long as I keep finding them I may never progress the story :heh:


Speaking of the side quests, I've gotten and done Monster Quests 2 & 4.... where the hell are 1 & 3 :heh:


It's best to really search around and do the sidequests as they seem to be the best way to level up. I completed all the sidequests I could find and then fought a boss which was a pushover as I was around 8 levels higher than him. :grin:


As for your missions, I think they are given by a woman in the area where the lab is located. If you teleport to the nearest point just run straight ahead, past the lab and all the way to the back then she should be there. I think she's there during the day.


As for my progress, i'm 15 hours in, level 25 and on my way to Colony 6.

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As for your missions, I think they are given by a woman in the area where the lab is located. If you teleport to the nearest point just run straight ahead, past the lab and all the way to the back then she should be there. I think she's there during the day.


I think you are confusing the Monster Quests (which have 3 parts each it seems) with the Challenges.


I have Monster Quests 2 & 4 (and all 3 parts to both)


But as for the Challeneges, I've done number 3 and have the other 3. But the 2nd Challenge to to defeat the Verdant Bluchal... my problem now is I already beat him before I found the challenge :heh: And he's not appearing anymore... have I missed the opurtunity completely now?

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Tried changing the time? I highly doubt quests like that are missables.


Yeah tried that, just from Day to Night and back, maybe it's a certain time period I guess. There was also Challenge 4 which was a monster in the cave area which I had already killed before getting the challenge, But that did respwan when I went back so maybe the other think will eventually too.


Running around Tephra Hill now trying to find the CHallenge 1 monster, Evil Ro....something, no luck so far :hmm:


I've also found all collectables in Colony 9 and just 1 left in the cave, so once I get these done (unless I stumble across a new side quest) I may finally advance the story a bit more :D

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Running around Tephra Hill now trying to find the CHallenge 1 monster, Evil Ro....something, no luck so far :hmm:


Evil Rhangrot?


Go up Tephra Hill, you'll see a ledge - it's not this one - keep going until you see a second ledge - higher ground that you can jump down from, it's just before the Cave almost - he will be there at the ledge edge, looking down, don't attempt to kill by yourself until at least level 10... if you're in a party then go for it!




So... been catching up with this thread since losing internet connection two days ago, obv I've been playing this game a fair bit, I'm about 10 hours, level 13, and have cleared most of the quests available to me just as Shulk, only now am I going to the lab to properly advance the story. :p


I'm absolutely loving this game, so much I could talk about but alas... I must get back to playing it... right now... withdrawal... symptoms are... kicking in.


*twitches* :blank:


*Edit* RE: Heart to Hearts... does it matter massively which options you choose?

Edited by S.C.G
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Cheers Sam,


Was just coming in to say I found him too... bastard was hiding with some Hand Bunnits thought they were all the same monsters :heh:


Also I found teh person who gave the Monster Quest 1 parts at last. He was at the Military base at night :heh:


Oh and the Monster Quest 3 ones too :D


Looking through my Side Quest list now I noticed I am also now missing the following :heh:


Collection Quest 1

Material Quest 1

Search Quest 3




I shall not continue till I find and help these people :D


Also I think that monster in Challenge 2, Verdant Bluchal doesn't respwan? I just cycled through every hour of the day and he didn't come back. :cry:


Just incase I'm now going to ignore all Unique monsters in the Field until I get a request to kill them :heh:

Edited by Mokong
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Such a joy that one can actually choose the original Japanese voice acting:D


More games should do this!



Fragile Dreams FTW :bouncy:


Though I actually am using the english voices in this one. Switched between both yesterday and decided to stick with the english ones so I can also understand what is said outside cutscenes like during fights or the short greetings from people when you talk to them


Finished up my session now... still not progressed the story further haha, not till I find those last few side quests mentioned previously :D


Won;t get time to play till after dinner though :cry:

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Won't get time to play till after dinner though :cry:


I feel your pain... :( I've made some progress but now I have to go shopping + work *sigh* still, can't wait to play this again later. :)


This game just seems to get better and better. :heart:

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I've made my way to the next open bit of land on the way to Colony 6 at the Bonis Knee and dang, is it big. Makes Hyrule Field look like my back garden.


Got a bunch of timed quests from a certain set of people so I can only imagine something bad is going to happen to them all at some point so I'm making them a priority but the "kill beasty" ones seem too much for me at this level.


I've done pretty much all the quests I got from previous areas but I can't for the life of me find Lukas in Colony 9 to give him the letter - anyone care to give me a pointer?

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Well i just finished a hell of a long session with this game. Started in the either mine, didn't stop untill i got out. Now my eyes hurt and i'm tired....sleepeh martins


downloading the soundtrack now, gonna have a listen then take a nap!


Same, especially since I kept going to the extra areas and falling :hmm: but it was worth it now im in the marshes

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on the bionis leg i have one collectable to go now :D it is an insect other than the queen locust, fire tarantula and the beetles, anyone know where it is? Also did anyone see the video of the place where that huge insect creature crawls from behind the ruins on a cliff? well i found that place on bionis leg and i saw a rare item at the edge but i knew i should level up.


I'm away from home all weekend, so no more Xenoblade for me until Monday. :(


Same i know how you feel :(

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on the bionis leg i have one collectable to go now :D it is an insect other than the queen locust, fire tarantula and the beetles, anyone know where it is? Also did anyone see the video of the place where that huge insect creature crawls from behind the ruins on a cliff? well i found that place on bionis leg and i saw a rare item at the edge but i knew i should level up.


I know the area you mean becauae I stumbled across it last night. I ran up and grabbed the item avoiding the creatures to the sides but then the big beast jumped up and killed me before I could escape. It might have been with one hit actually.


But I hadn't seen that on any videos so it caught me totally by surprise.

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Also I think that monster in Challenge 2, Verdant Bluchal doesn't respwan? I just cycled through every hour of the day and he didn't come back. :cry:


Just incase I'm now going to ignore all Unique monsters in the Field until I get a request to kill them :heh:


Nah, all the monsters respawn. I was after 1 that wouldn't show up, but once I killed a monster from a quest before it he decided to show up. Maybe you have to do them in order?


I've done pretty much all the quests I got from previous areas but I can't for the life of me find Lukas in Colony 9 to give him the letter - anyone care to give me a pointer?


Go to your affinity chart and check at what time of the day he comes out then just run around.


I know the area you mean becauae I stumbled across it last night. I ran up and grabbed the item avoiding the creatures to the sides but then the big beast jumped up and killed me before I could escape. It might have been with one hit actually.


But I hadn't seen that on any videos so it caught me totally by surprise.


Same thing happened to me yesterday, it was a proper LOL moment. :D


I made my way out of the Ether Caves this morning to recieve another fantastic cutscene. I've also got a glimpse into why the Monando won't work on Mecons with faces.


I had to knockit off to watch the Liverpool match ( VICTORY! ) but I will be going back on it later this evening.

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Also I think that monster in Challenge 2, Verdant Bluchal doesn't respwan? I just cycled through every hour of the day and he didn't come back. :cry:


I thought this as well, as I took it down before I went and took on the quest. Turns out, you just need to wander about and lets the hours go by and it'll eventually respawn. Don't know how long I waited (may have been all day and then found him at night) but it does respawn. Not sure if cycling the time gets the same result though.


Not had much time to play this, seeing as my parents dropped a bunch of stuff on me yesterday that I've had to get sorted when they really should be doing it. But have managed to stick in about 3 hours so far and really enjoying it.


Have progressed the story to the point where I have to go into the cave with Reyn, and I'm now going around and picking up as many side quests as I can and completing them, and I love the fact that you don't have to go back to the quest giver much to complete the quest. Really nice touch that and means you can multitask your side quests easier as you're not having to run back and forward to finish or pick up quests. Hopefully there isn't a limit to how many you can take either, although I've not picked up enough quests in one go to test that.


Does have a distinctly MMO feel to it, as some of the reviews have said, so it's in some way good that my dwindled WoW skills can be put to some use here.

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Also did anyone see the video of the place where that huge insect creature crawls from behind the ruins on a cliff? well i found that place on bionis leg and i saw a rare item at the edge but i knew i should level up.


That thing is around Lvl 30 I just killed it a few hours ago. That item that its protecting is for a side quest later in the game which gives you a crap load of money and EXP :D




So i'm trying to level up my guys to do this side quest where a have to kill these squirrel looking things on a bridge on the Bionis' leg. There are around five or six of them and they're all level 30, so i've just been doing random side quests and stuff to get experience. Need...to beat...squirrelie things!

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Yeah I bought it too, then I lost it due to the story...:(


Poor Franklin... he doesn't know...










I was thinking maybe after the attack on the Colony Fiora joins the army and get a new armour class or something losing everything she had previous.


I was not prepared for what happened.







So yeah I finally progress in the story. Found those missing side quests I mentioned I was missing earlier, found a few more that I did have nor did I expect.


Oh and that Verdant Bluchal FINALLY respawned. I had to run around for like 2 in-game days without skipping time untill he respawned so I could complete that quest. At least looking for those other quests helped pass that time.


The really annoying thing though.... HE FRAKKING RESPAWNED INSTANTLY AFTER KILLING HIM :mad:


I litterally walked back to the colony entrance, turned around and there he was again... seriously WTF.



Anyway after ... that part in the story I just progressed to happened and that whole awesome sequence. After what had happened I felt compelled to move the story on a bit more.


Picked up a few more side quests in the colony 9 and in the cave but didn't focus on doing them, just getting them on the list. Figure I can always warp back later anyway.


Gotten up to the Bionis Leg, my god this game just keeps getting bigger and bigger. That cut scene when you get out of the cave and see the two giants was amazing and then when you get out to the Leg. THE SIZE OF IT.


I was actually then thinking, my god why couldn't Monster Hunter 3 of had areas this large and no loading? It's likely a difference in the way both games engines were built and something technical to do with design and details I suppose.

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I'm pleased to report that this sold really well today - at least in the store I work in. We had 8 of the Special Editions and we sold 6 of them by the end of the day. We had 12 copies of the standard edition and we're down to 3. I'd consider that a huge success if the numbers are similar around the country.


I'm extremely tempted to pick it up despite not loving my Wii and/or JRPG's much. That said I love the Tales games - any similarities?


Nobody? :(


As an update.. we sold out today!

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I can't think of many similarities with Tales, but I can think of lots of individual areas where Xenoblade is better.


+ Combat isn't 'brawly' like Tales, but it is much richer, more strategic, generally much better.


+ Environments/exploration/overworld leaves Tales games for dead. Hell, leaves Zelda for dead.


+ Content like side quests are in much more abundance here. That's actually a direct comparison with Tales I can make. In Symphonia, when you rebuild Luin, it's just a case of depositing cash and the town will automatically build itself. There's an identical situation in Xenoblade, but you also have to take on each area individually (like residential, commerce, etc) and go out in the world finding items, even talking to other NPCs and getting them to populate the town. That's a perfect of example of Xenoblade's advantage: just generally more variety and more engaging for the player. Also things like the Affinity system are more ambitious than anything I can think of in any other mainstream RPG series.


+ Overall art style is gorgeous; not that difficult to beat Tales given Namco's aesthetic hasn't really changed in a decade.


- Story and characters is very subjective. I think I bonded with Symphonia's story more, probably because I was younger.


- There are no puzzles in Xeno like you'd occasionally get in Tales.


All this, and perhaps the most remarkable thing about it is how accessible it is, even for the RPG-sceptic gamer. Obviously I would advise you dive in in a heartbeat, but that much was probably obvious anyway.

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