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Xenoblade Chronicles Official Thread


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Yeah, I can't say I'm a fan of them either. They are just the token annoying/chirpy character that is in most JRPGs and I usually despise those.


I think the reason I stopped playing the game twice at around this point is due to the amount of sidequests that appear in Frontier Village. There is an INSANE amount to do and my gaming OCD requires me to complete them. I may have to tackle it in small bursts so I don't get burnt out again.


There are so many side quests its unreal. Also a lot of them require you to actually find the chuffin nopon after you have done the quest which in that big tree thing they live in is an impossible task!

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There are so many side quests its unreal. Also a lot of them require you to actually find the chuffin nopon after you have done the quest which in that big tree thing they live in is an impossible task!


Then you have the issue where some of them only appear at certain times of the day!

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Played for 2 hours last night before the Bayern - Man Utd match.


I spent all of that time doing quests for Zazadan, found him in the cave and he wouldn't move until I did all his quests.


I want food, I'm scared, I'm ill, deliver this, find this, kill the big bird.. SHUT UP YOU STUPID NOPON!

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Played for 2 hours last night before the Bayern - Man Utd match.


I spent all of that time doing quests for Zazadan, found him in the cave and he wouldn't move until I did all his quests.


I want food, I'm scared, I'm ill, deliver this, find this, kill the big bird.. SHUT UP YOU STUPID NOPON!


Yeah, I would have been quite happy for him to wander out into the marshes and be eaten by something.

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I've just done 30 sidequests in Frontier Village. 30!!!! The crazy thing is I still have another 10 to do! This should be called Sidequests: The Game.


..where the main game is the sidequest..? : peace:


With all of this talk of Xenoblade recently, I've been considering trying to get into it again, perhaps even from the beginning as I'm only 10-15 hours in.. but the size of the game is putting me off :hmm:

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To be fair I do find the side quests and also finding new areas a decent way to level up.


Yeah, you get a fair bit of XP off them. I just finished one earlier and got 6500!


I finally finished all the Frontier Village quests. There were 45 of them! Thats just a crazy amount. I am levelled up to level 41 now though. :D


I can now continue on with the story.

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Yeah, you get a fair bit of XP off them. I just finished one earlier and got 6500!


I finally finished all the Frontier Village quests. There were 45 of them! Thats just a crazy amount. I am levelled up to level 41 now though. :D


I can now continue on with the story.


How is the rebuilding of Colony 6 going?

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I got everything to level 1 but haven't been back since.


Same here.


I've got all the Frontier Village side quests to do and I still need to find an item to open a chemist in Colony 6 which I can't find anywhere.


Sirius Anemone, any ideas?

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Do you guys that are playing this game now know about the Google Docs Spreadsheet that we all used when we were first playing this back in the day?




A word of warning though - this contains details about almost EVERYTHING in the game and so there are character and location spoilers in there. When I used it I was about 3/4 through the game and I used it to complete the remaining quests that I had missed. I think it also gives you some possible locations for hard to find items.

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I'm at the point now where I quit the game the first time around ( Eryth Sea ) and I can remember why I quit now. This area is freaking huge but unlike the Gaur Plains there is nothing to do while you try to uncover the map. I've spent the last half hour just swimming in a massive sea. It's just big for the sake of being big and nothing else. So frustrating!

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I'm at the point now where I quit the game the first time around ( Eryth Sea ) and I can remember why I quit now. This area is freaking huge but unlike the Gaur Plains there is nothing to do while you try to uncover the map. I've spent the last half hour just swimming in a massive sea. It's just big for the sake of being big and nothing else. So frustrating!



It was the massive city on the water. I just remember it being freaking huge and at that point I just gave up. I've never touched it since.


Ah yeah, I know the part. To be honest, that was one point in the game where I was a bit putoff by the size of the environment too. It took bloody ages to swim to that city! :zzz: A boat/Jet Ski would have been nice. :heh:


Thankfully though (as with most of the long journeys in the game) you only needed to do it once, because after reaching the landmark you could just warp there instantly next time.


But yeah, it's definitely worth persevering past that section. One of my favourite parts of the game (so far) was just a little while after where you stopped playing. ;)


Swim to the city? Did you not use the teleporters on the floating islands?


After I'd spent ages swimming in the sea, yeah. :heh:

I recall getting kind of lost when I first arrived in that location, it took me quite a while to even discover the floating reefs. :blush:



Don't give up H-o-T!

: peace:

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A quick question for those who have completed the game... I'm up to Valak Mountain, just wondering roughly how far through the game I am? I've been doing every sidequest I've come across, have about 55 hours on the clock, and up to level 52.



Totally called that the faced Mechon were made using Homs and that Faria wasn't really dead. Also right from the start I figured that the guy who left Dunban and Dickson at the start, in Sword Valley, was one of them and now pretty certain that's Metal Face.



Really loving the game, can't wait for X now!

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Don't give up H-o-T!

: peace:


Yup, history is repeating itself. I think I've managed to uncover most of the locations in the Eryth Sea and was about to move the story on but have now unlocked more sidequests.....joy. Think I'll call it a night. I don't think I have the strength to tackle those at this time of night.


Another thing that annoys the hell out of me is the little phrases that your comrades use when you get a sidequest. If I hear Tits McGee waffle on about how she will help I'm gonna kill her. It's a completely pointless addition to the game and it gets very repetitive.

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A quick question for those who have completed the game... I'm up to Valak Mountain, just wondering roughly how far through the game I am? I've been doing every sidequest I've come across, have about 55 hours on the clock, and up to level 52.
Not sure to be honest, but I was Lv81 when I finished the game and my play time was 76 hours.

Didn't bother with a lot of the sidequests though, so yeah... you've probably got a long way to go yet. :hehe:


Another thing that annoys the hell out of me is the little phrases that your comrades use when you get a sidequest. If I hear Tits McGee waffle on about how she will help I'm gonna kill her. It's a completely pointless addition to the game and it gets very repetitive.
You don't have the voices set to English do you?! :shakehead

I had to switch to Japanese very early on in the game, and never switched back.


"It's Reyn time!" "It's Reyn time!" "It's Reyn time!" "It's Reyn time!"...


No, no it bloody ain't ya bastard. :heh:

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