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Xenoblade Chronicles Official Thread


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Well, I have just completed the game and I have to say that it ranks right up there with my all time favourite games! I would go as far as to say it is my favourite game ever, dethroning The Legend of Zelda OOT, finally.


The story is brilliant and all the characters, good or bad are great. Riki is the only exception for me. I think the Voice acting is very, very good. Music is sublime, and graphics are beautiful. Yes character models are blurry in cut scenes, but that is the only negative considering the Wii's lack of power. The environments are so vast and there is so much variety and detail that the mind boggles at times.


I loved Baiten Kaitos and Tales of Symphonia on the Cube, but this game surpasses both of them by some distance. It is the best of all RPGs, no unnecessary random battles, no silly cut scenes before and after a battle. Save the game whenever you want, quick travelling between areas, awesome battle system.


My play time was something like 160 hours. The last area and final battle was simply incredible and a delight. I by no means done all the side quests and was hoping I could go back but alas not after the point! The ending too was just so well done. It shows a great labour of love has gone into this game. The very fact that the cut scenes show your characters with the armour and weapons equipped shows the level of attention to details.


I was only level 82 when I completed this game. And there is reason to start all over again.


My Favourite Game Ever!! 10/10

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Hey guys I want to

Colony 6 but can't seem to figure out how to do that. I have been told I can went back and spoke to JuJu but he said someone had gone missing or something? A quest came up it said but I cant find it I am really confused about what is happening. Any ideas guys?

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Well, this is according to some poster on GameFAQs as I really can't remember that far back myself, but he seemed to be pretty sure. Might be worth a look, anyway. :heh:


Supposedly the gate to Colony 6 is open at this point, so if you couldn't enter before, that's probably why there was nothing there.

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Would anyone be so kind as to please give me their Xenoblade code to register on Club Nintendo? Mine won't register so I've emailed Nintendo customer service about it but am worried the coins will be gone by the time they get back to me :(

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So as those on my Letter Box mailing list will already know, I'm now playing this again. :hehe:

I must be on track for a Guinness World Record at this point, for taking the longest amount of time to play through Xenoblade. :heh:


Anyway, just beat the boss that was inside the...


...heart of the Bionis.

I first arrived to that battle at Lv 72, but it just wasn't happening. So I had to grind my way up to Lv 76 (one level above that boss) in order to beat it. And even then it was a close call. :eek:

My current team is Shulk (controlled by me), with Riki and Reyn as my CPU team mates. They both have an insane amount of HP now, so I just let them soak up the enemy attacks. :laughing:


I must say (yet again :grin:), that this game has some truly astonishing scenery. icon14.gif Not only is it impressive on a technical level (considering the hardware it's running on), but artistically too, it's just stunning at times. :o

It's a shame that some people won't get to see it all, due to the overwhelming size of the game. I know there are quite a few N-E peeps that stopped playing Xenoblade halfway (or even less) through.

And I can totally understand that, the game is perhaps a bit too big for its own good in that sense. :hmm:


I'm just glad that I've managed to stick with it (as I was also close to giving up, on several occasions), it's definitely been worth it. :)

Edited by RedShell
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Something that put me off Xenoblade was that I couldn't read a good chunk of the text on my (SD) TV without having to squint at it. Items you get out of chests? A mystery to me. Item descriptions on the menus? A blur. :( The only thing that was fine was dialogue, thankfully. I also had this same plight with Monster Hunter.

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Something that put me off Xenoblade was that I couldn't read a good chunk of the text on my (SD) TV without having to squint at it. Items you get out of chests? A mystery to me. Item descriptions on the menus? A blur. :( The only thing that was fine was dialogue, thankfully. I also had this same plight with Monster Hunter.

Not had any problems like that on my Panasonic LCD (via component cable), seems strange that it would be difficult to read the text on a standard definition TV though... You'd think they would've made sure it was clear on both. :hmm:


So do you reckon you'll ever get back to it, Steve?

I can't get my head around the fact that I've played more of this RPG game than you have! :heh:

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I'm still going through it with a friend, for I usually cannot stand unfinished games.


It's just that we don't get to meet up as often as we'd like to, so this usually gets put on ice for 2 weeks, or 3, or more, and then we have ourselves a hefty playing session.


We're currently at:

the point after you've liberated colony 6 and you're told to go and look for a legendary race or something.



We do kind of forget the names and other stuff, because of the long intervals, but during the time when we wonder around the fields and explore a little here and there and engage in the story now and then, it usually comes back to us pretty quickly.


I guess were not yet up to our neck into the story yet.

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I've never tried it on an SDTV or much on HD without component(though can't see why there's a big difference on this), but maybe...it's time to upgrade to HD! I was skeptical for a long while(read; poor) because I'm not a graphics whore but since getting a HD capable TV I've realized that really you have to have one because the market is going that way, and it IS an enhancement on the game. Anything capable of even at least 720 is reasonable affordable now, and possibly even bigger than what you have at present so sorta win-win!


Not so Xenoblade related, but do you find the problem affects other things @darksnowman, and have you any other consoles? Personally I'd def recommend the leap if you do have others. If you don't have others, I'd recommend still taking a leap and getting HDTV and a cheap 360 or something too :D


(however. a turd in high def is still a turd /graphicsdefinitelyaren'teverything)


I'm still going through it with a friend, for I usually cannot stand unfinished games.


It's just that we don't get to meet up as often as we'd like to, so this usually gets put on ice for 2 weeks, or 3, or more, and then we have ourselves a hefty playing session.


We're currently at:

the point after you've liberated colony 6 and you're told to go and look for a legendary race or something.



We do kind of forget the names and other stuff, because of the long intervals, but during the time when we wonder around the fields and explore a little here and there and engage in the story now and then, it usually comes back to us pretty quickly.


I guess were not yet up to our neck into the story yet.


This is not a game you can really go through with a friend unless you see each other for the best part of ALL THE FREAKING TIME.

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Not so Xenoblade related, but do you find the problem affects other things @darksnowman, and have you any other consoles?


What you mean, like, libido?


All other games have been grand. I've just found that for some reason the fontsize used at times in Xenoblade and MH Tri don't seem to work on my telly. ::shrug: I took Xenoblade over to / nando's / when it came out to show him it and it was like :o text boxes and menu's were so clear and easy to read! :o


My other consoles are non-HD so I haven't felt the need to upgrade (yet). I've been one of those old sticklers who've been a-ok with Nintendo staying SD with the Wii.


I didn't have any problems reading any of the text on my SD TV, so 'Snowman must have a really tiny television or something. Definitely time to upgrade. :p


Its big and square. Maybe I should get the measuring tape out, eh? :heh:


Or wait a minute :idea: maybe I should downsize so that it squeezes the text together and makes it legible instead of blurry!

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Whatever you do, stick with Xenoblade until the very end. It is worth is! The Final is Amazing! Don't want to over hype it, but the Finale is the best I've experienced in any game I think.


I loved the game. Spent over 160 hours on it and wanted to do more and level up more, but I passed the point of no return sooner than I should have. Finished on Level 82/83.


Great, great game, if it feels too long, skip side quests but finish the game.

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AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! I'm at the final boss, but...


...I just can't kill the bugger!


I'm up to Lv79, looks like it's not going to be enough to beat Zanza.

But I had absolutely no trouble with Dickson at all, ::shrug: and I was Lv78 when I fought him! 2 Levels underpowered. :blank:

Oh well, will go back and grind for a bit tomorrow before trying again.

It's annoying though, getting that close and seeing all the awesomeness of the final section of the game (and my word, is it awesome :o), but not being able to complete it there and then. :(


But yeah, at least the end is in sight... I'm finally going to finish this beast of a game! :yay:

You hear that @Mokong X\-C? You won't need to remind me about it any more! :heh:

Edited by RedShell
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AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! I'm at the final boss, but...


...I just can't kill the bugger!


I'm up to Lv79, looks like it's not going to be enough to beat Zanza.

But I had absolutely no trouble with Dickson at all, ::shrug: and I was Lv78 when I fought him! 2 Levels underpowered. :blank:

Oh well, will go back and grind for a bit tomorrow before trying again.

It's annoying though, getting that close and seeing all the awesomeness of the final section of the game (and my word, is it awesome :o), but not being able to complete it there and then. :(


But yeah, at least the end is in sight... I'm finally going to finish this beast of a game! :yay:

You hear that @Mokong X\-C? You won't need to remind me about it any more! :heh:


What team are you using? (psst, If you're not using Shulk/Riki/Sharla, you're doing it wrong!)


Oh and BTW, it gets even better still once you finally beat him! You wont see it coming! ;)

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You hear that @Mokong X\-C? You won't need to remind me about it any more! :heh:


But I will still expect to hear you talk about how awesome it was for YEARS to come, haha.


Unfortunately I can't really give advice on beating the last boss as I held off going to him till I had done all the side quests and unlocked all the Skill Trees from each character and was level 99 when I did do him so it was a bit of a walk over. Though still awesome.


Actually even after beating the last boss do make sure to have a copy of your save before going past the point of no return. There are still some "Super Bosses" to beat... even harder than the "last boss" of the story and I only ever managed to beat 2 out of 4 of them :(


Oh and BTW, it gets even better still once you finally beat him! You wont see it coming! ;)


Quoted For Truth :awesome:

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What team are you using? (psst, If you're not using Shulk/Riki/Sharla, you're doing it wrong!)
I used that team combination for the majority of the game actually, but towards the end I swapped Sharla with Reyn. :hmm:

Probably won't need to change again after I level up some more, but I'll keep that in mind just in case.


Actually even after beating the last boss do make sure to have a copy of your save before going past the point of no return. There are still some "Super Bosses" to beat... even harder than the "last boss" of the story and I only ever managed to beat 2 out of 4 of them :(
Yeah, I've already made a copy of my save just before that point. :)


One thing I did yesterday (before proceeding to the last boss) was go back to the massive spider that jumps out on you early in the game. :grin:

I managed to grab the item it was guarding the first time I encountered it, but couldn't defeat it at the time.

Went back at Lv78 and completely destroyed it. :heh:


Xenoblade Cleared! :yay:




Finally. :heh:


Only needed a couple of extra levels to do it in the end (was Lv80 at the point of no return this time, but levelled up to 81 during the final battles :cool:).


Highly doubt I'll be spending much time on the New Game+. :hmm:

Did any N-E peeps play through it again? I imagine it's quite a bit quicker to get through on a second run, what with you keeping your level, most equipment, and that other thing you get as well. ;)

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  • 2 months later...

I have finally started this behemoth. Only put two hours into it so far, but can already see that this will be very special.


First of all, the music is sublime. It's not just a little bit good, it's top class. Beautifully composed. Really gives the game an epic feel to it.


I had to switch the voice acting from English to Japanese, because it grated slightly. The characters themselves already seem to have some kind of personality, even so early into the game.


It's overwhelming. Seems like there are lots of things to take in, particularly things like affinity, skill trees, etc. Will need to get my head around all of this.

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I had to switch the voice acting from English to Japanese, because it grated slightly. The characters themselves already seem to have some kind of personality, even so early into the game.


I highly reccomend going with the Englishes voices on this one. Probably the only game with the choice of original Japanese voice overs where I think it is better with the English voices.


The actors all do a great job and as it's not "set in japan" you don't consider the characters Japanese so it doesn't matter as much.


Plus you'll miss out on some awesome one liners during battles that aren't sub titled :D


How are you finding the battle system so far? At what point in the game are you? Have you advanced the story much or did you get lost in exploring round the Colony first ad just taking it at your own pace?


Be sure to give updates as you go, I love hearing how people get on with this game.... damn I feel like playing it again :D

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I've had a strange urge in recent nights to delve into this now too. I may have to join you, @Fierce_LiNk :eek: I have around 2 hours on the clock too from trying it out previously..


dude you better get bak into this, else I'm gonna have to come back up there and bitch slap you from the Giants Causeway to Scotland like Fionn would have done :heh:


Xenoblade Cleared! :yay:




Finally. :heh:


Only needed a couple of extra levels to do it in the end (was Lv80 at the point of no return this time, but levelled up to 81 during the final battles :cool:).


Highly doubt I'll be spending much time on the New Game+. :hmm:

Did any N-E peeps play through it again? I imagine it's quite a bit quicker to get through on a second run, what with you keeping your level, most equipment, and that other thing you get as well. ;)


I only just noticed this now @RedShell, belated Congrats... did the ending blow you mind a bit :D


I started a newgame+ and which lets you start at the level you finished the game with so I started at 99 :heh:


Only went as far as Conoly 6 I think.... was ignoring all side quests (as you don't carry those over) and trying to play the game in a way that it felt like watching a movie/tv show....so basically blitzing from one cut scene to the next.... must get round to finishing that :heh:

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I'm at the Tephra caves trying to get some cylinders. Although, there are one or two monsters that are kicking my arse. I have died a lot so far.


Can't remember fully but I think level 10 is a good level to get through that part as.

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