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England Riots


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I was in town today, Cheshire is pretty much lots of towns together, for those who don't know, anyway, Winsford and that are all pretty small, but apparently even we're on high alert.


Although Winsford is pretty much full of prats anyway, so this will be interesting. :indeed:




Most people have never even heard of winsford! Thats where i am from (and Aneres11 but were good friends!)


EDIT: Ah, i have now read the rest of the thread and that has already been covered by Aneres11, i was just so excited when i seen you mention Winsford! (lol)

Edited by Mike1988uk
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Most people have never even heard of winsford! Thats where i am from (and Aneres11 but were good friends!)


EDIT: Ah, i have now read the rest of the thread and that has already been covered by Aneres11, i was just so excited when i seen you mention Winsford! (lol)


Haha, chill!


Yes I know of winsford, bloody shithole.



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Haha, chill!


Yes I know of winsford, bloody shithole.




Meh, it's not that bad, not where i live anyway! ;) lol.


Since i am assuming u know the area i think its Widnes, Runcorn and Warrington are on the 'highest' alert, but i know one 15 yr old lad has been arrested in Winsford for being a numpty around ASDA and a few other lads in other areas arrested for trying to encite public disorder.

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Also why are the beeb showing the video of the police beating up some yoofs and then asking questions of 'is this an example of tougher policing'. Good on the police for doing it!!


Fucking hell, really? With all the shit these idiots are causing what the hell do they want to happen? Beat the shit out of them and they won't likely do it again soon. It's not like anything else could get through to that level of moron.

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It's the reason why the police held back so much in London. They can't win. Let them loot, the media moan. Beat the snot out of them, the media moan and police officers possibly wind up getting prosecuted. The press don't care about doing what is right, or about being consistent; it's all about attention-grabbing headlines. It's just a shame that the Beeb suffer from it as well.

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Iran calls on UN to intervene over 'violent suppression'


Speaking to reporters after a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, condemned the British government for its "violent suppression" of the protesters and called for an end to what he described as the "killing and brutal beating" of "the opposition" angry with the government's financial policies. "The real opposition are the people who are beaten up and killed on the streets of London, those whose voices are not heard by anyone," Iran's Irna state news agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying.


The foreign ministry, went so far as to issue a statement advising against any unnecessary travel to the UK. On Tuesday night, conservative websites sympathetic to the Islamic regime called on the Iranian government to offer refuge in its embassy in London to "UK protesters in need of protection". In the aftermath of Iran's disputed presidential election in 2009, some European embassies in Tehran opened their doors to opposition protesters.


Iranian officials infuriated by the UK's condemnation of Iran's human rights violations in recent years, have found a unique opportunity with recent events to get back at the British government by criticising the police force for "exercising violence". The Iranian opposition, on the other hand, has accused the regime of hypocrisy and opportunism in "deliberately portraying rioting and looting as political protests". Ahmadinejad criticised the UN security council for remaining silent over the riots in Britain. "What else should happen for the security council to react and condemn one of its own members?"


He accused the UK authorities of portraying its opposition as a group of "looters, rioters and drug dealers", adding: "Does Britain have this extent of drug dealers? If this is the case, they should be tried and UN should build walls surrounding their country." Ahmadinejad said the protests were the result of London's imperialist policies of the past three centuries and of ignoring the poor. "Time is up for few capitalist families with different titles to loot other nations and governments and making them slaves," he said.

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Wow. I can't believe that comment!



There's tons of coverage over here in Ireland about the whole thing although I've been too busy to take much notice. There's some "England's difficulty is Ireland's opportunity" talk again. 6 counties. Yadda, yadda, yadda.


Once again N-E becomes the best way for me to stay in touch with all of this! :D

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I'm stealing that. Now.


+1 :grin:


society has been on a slippery slope of liberalism for far too long


each year the changes were minor and virtually un noticeable, and contrary to popular media it isn't down to labour, its been happening since the late 70's.


just look at how police deal with issues now, they issue fines, ASBO's and if unavoidable use force (as the criminal can sue if they are hurt). if convicted a criminal will recieve either a pathetic fine they can ignore, community service (i'll get back to this), a suspended sentence or a light jail sentence which they will serve half of.


now look at police in the 70's

if they found kids causing "anti social behaviour" (being little bastards in those days) they'd give them a slap, manhandle them and take them home where there parents would do the same

with hardened criminals they could expect to get the shit kicked out of them, locked up in cold stoney cells with a bed and a hole (toilet), get sentenced to some hard labour and genuinely be punished

Not to mention that police were more likely to have armed officers in use, who had little fear they'd be in trouble for shooting a criminal


in those days it was unheard of for a criminal to sue for injuries, the only time something similar happened was in the cases of miscarriage of justice


the change didn't happen over night, small policy changes took place gradually over time, I can think back now and in the early 90's the police and CPS had more grunt and would use a necessary force


the lines of necessary force have been moved too far over.


and its proven by statements from rioters saying they have no fear as it will be a first offence, they'll get a caution, a slap on the wrists etc etc


and the human rights was the worst thing to be adopted into law, before victims rights were the most important. supposedly now its all equal, but somehow criminals use "uman rites" to get off convictions, avoid deportation, sue their victims for injuries suffered during the criminal act (tony martin defending his farm!)


and thats another thing if you kicked the shit out of a criminal 20-30 years ago if they broke into your home or whatever the police would shake your hand and say well done, or at the very least you knew you weren't going to get prosecuted for it!

Now the police inspectors seem to think that you should only phone them and let them deal with it, and anything else is taking the law into your own hand, making you worse than a criminal!


Look at david cameron saying that will change and you can defend yourself and property! since then Manchester's police chief has rebelled against this and in the past two months arrested a man on suspicion of murder for stabbing one of 4 armed men who broke into his home during a struggle, with the robbers own knife!

then arrested a 80 year old Jamaican man who tackled two armed men (one with a gun) who were trying to rob the family store, he killed one of them with his own knife, again in the struggle!


the people in charge of the police now are too liberal, so are judges,


Punishment and taking a hardline has become an evil thing in today's society, it needs to change! The needs of the Majority out weigh the needs of the few, not the other way around

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Oh good point Ell. Maybe the police shouldn't use it then.............................................................................


My page never scrolled to the haha at the end. It got halfway to informa.. and I assumed that was the end.


Now I look stupid :(

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What's wrong with these exactly?


If you are using instant messaging to plot violence and disorder then you aren't allowed to instant message. If you have done something dodgy you have to remove your mask. Does the third one mean what I think it means actually? I just copped what it meant there, so no one is allowed out after a certain time during riots?

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