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My father works in IT and he says its a very good course. The more courses you do the better tbh.. as i'm sure you know, its not a case of... do a course and thats you set for life.. you have to keep learning for the remainder of your career as the technology changes.


And yeah, you might as well get it over and done with while you've got time to use! Makes sense :) You better get and pass it! Good luck :)


Oh yeah of course, I did notice there were some other CompTIA courses but they required you had done the A+ first... so plenty room for upskilling afterwards :)

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Got another interview!




For a university (Birkbeck) as admin assistant. Compared to Uniqlo it won't be as interesting but is better paid. It's longer term (they say minimum 12 months so both good and bad as lord knows where I want to be in a year).

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Got another interview!




For a university (Birkbeck) as admin assistant. Compared to Uniqlo it won't be as interesting but is better paid. It's longer term (they say minimum 12 months so both good and bad as lord knows where I want to be in a year).


I'm terrible on these forums, I can't even embed a YouTube video :p


Congratulations anyway!

Edited by Josh64
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I did a little bit of good for society last night at a flat party and offered an 18 year old girl a job as a lifeguard (she's fully qualified etc and we are actually desperately looking for one at work!). With my recommendation she'll get the job without an interview. I gave her my contact details to get in touch today to sort it out.


Fast forward 5 minutes and I'm pulling her.

Fast forward 10 minutes and she's taken me through to this wee back room.

Fast forward another minute and she walks away because I try to feel her boobs. I've got a funny feeling that I won't be hearing from her today regarding work :P

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Whenever I applied for my own job, it was only me and my colleague in for the job (in 2007, before the crash, when people were picky about where they worked)


There was a job recently, they did the selection process today, and 68 people applied.... that's just insane.. lol


Yeah its crazy how much its changed over the last few years.


Uniqlo has said I can start on Monday 5th so I don't have to go in on the previous Friday (my original start date). I feel bad because I asked what time I'd finish as I'd have to get a train to the Midlands on the night as I have a wedding on the 3rd and they said to move it. They seem fine with it but you know when you feel like you're being a pain in the tit? ^_^


Oh and they tweeted it was Cake Friday in the office today. :D

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Spending my Sunday doing research for the interview tomorrow (into the university, the department and administrative software etc). EXCITING!


I miss the days when applying for a job used to mean filling out an application form and going for an interview. Now you have to personalise your CV (at best, with this job I had to copy and paste it into boxes and use drop down boxes for all my qualifications), write a covering letter, research the job/company and then go for an interview (and more and more complete a job test). They sure make you work to get work :heh:

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Well my week in London was very interesting (sorry I didn't manage to catch up with you, Ashley - good luck tomorrow) work seems to be heading in a good direction over the coming months. Most importantly, I've been told, 100%, that if I can get my Japanese up to a decent level it will be arranged for me to work in Tokyo. Quite the incentive I think.

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Well my week in London was very interesting (sorry I didn't manage to catch up with you' date=' Ashley - good luck tomorrow) work seems to be heading in a good direction over the coming months. Most importantly, I've been told, 100%, that if I can get my Japanese up to a decent level it will be arranged for me to work in Tokyo. Quite the incentive I think.[/quote']


Glad to hear.


But mostly because if history has taught its anything its that I end up living in the same place as you just a few years later.


Nice going! :)


Still not heard back from Spotify, although they say the end of the week, I r impatient and I don't want what Jagex did (they got really busy so I ended up waiting like two weeks without really any form of contact - ARGH!)


Waiting is always a bitch isn't it. Fingers crossed!


Had my interview today. Think it went well. The panel all seemed nice and friendly (particularly compared to some panels I've experienced) and they surprisingly said they're hoping to make a decision within 24 hours.


So now I need to make a decision! If I get this job which do I want. Argument time!




Cool company (or at least one I like). Young(ish) 'fun' office environment from what I can tell. Four month contract initially (so I could move onto other things/don't feel 'stuck' in one place) but a "good chance" of being made permanent. and I want to tell myself if I stick with it I can end up in Tokyo but I know that's probably not true




Better money. Probably not as interesting but nor would I say it would be dull. Permanent contract but I think they want at least a year (which may be fine but I feel like I shouldn't get too settled into a job that isn't creative/somewhat related to my degree for too long). Lord knows I don't want to leave university :p Seems like it could be an interesting mix of things (finance, PA, dealing with students, website stuff) whereas Uniqlo seems to be primarily just answering emails.


I'm not sure. I hate doing pros and con lists as I tend to always balance them out. Part of me just wants to say "MONEY!" and go for Birkbeck, spend a year working there and get some money in my pocket but then part of me thinks Uniqlo would be more interesting.

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I'm still waiting to hear back from the interview I did in June heh. Apparently the school is "on holiday" until August 19 or something. So hopefully I'll hear from them soon. Getting a bit nervous heh.


Maybe I should start looking into other jobs already...

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Good luck with the spotty job, nightwolf. I've seen a few talks by Mr Ek and met him once, seems like he'd be an awesome guy to work for.


Ashley, someone on one of the Japan forums was saying that uniqlo are very keen on doing their training in Japan, so I reckon you'd definitely have a good chance of making it over there for trips at least. Seems like the kind of place that if you pushed for it they would be open to making it happen long term.


Maybe we will finally end up in the same place at the same time. Now that would be a lot of fun.

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Ashley' date=' someone on one of the Japan forums was saying that uniqlo are very keen on doing their training in Japan, so I reckon you'd definitely have a good chance of making it over there for trips at least. Seems like the kind of place that if you pushed for it they would be open to making it happen long term.


Maybe we will finally end up in the same place at the same time. Now that would be a lot of fun.[/quote']


Hmm well I'm not sure if I want to get there via retail really. I know its head office retail but still. Plus I found this which didn't help :heh: (although obviously shop floor).


Anyway I have just been offered a position from Birkbeck. It is indeed 12 months full time within the school of business, economics and informatics specifically within the Management department (i.e. the courses are management-based, its not a management position).


More details will be in the contract that she will send me "by the end of the week". She seemed to infer it was email so at least it will be by then, not mid next week.


So now just to decide which job to keep. I HAVE TOO MANY JOBS!

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