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Hi Charlie,


Thanks for your interest in working at Facebook. We’re always on the lookout for the best talent and although we’re interested in your skills and background, it's not quite a fit for the positions that we have open right now.


We’d like to keep in touch as Facebook continues to grow, and we’ll contact you when any relevant positions open up.


We really appreciate your interest and look forward to connecting with you in the future.



Facebook Recruiting


I applied for an internship months ago. Oh well.

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I applied for an internship months ago. Oh well.


I once got a rejection letter a year after going for an interview.


And I applied for an internship in June. Going by what others have said (who also applied years ago) I shouldn't expect to hear anything this year.


Urgh. Sent off details as requested last night (or about 0:15 this morning or something) and expected to hear something back fairly promptly (a 'no' probably :p) but nothing. This is killing meeee.

Edited by Ashley
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Well I think today went well, had a great chat with three awesome guys from the very top level of the company. Even if nothing else comes from it I've seen a world that I definitely want to be a part of. I'll be working very very hard to get involved in a startup from now on.

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Well I didn't get the job my friend recommended me for. I kind of expected it as they seemed to be looking for someone who really knew AS whereas my friend said they were talking as if that wasn't so important at this stage. We think they really just wanted her :heh:


However it means I spent all weekend prepping stuff for them. I want my weekend back!

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:( What's the "everything else" you speak of?


Interview went well yesterday I think. I was friendly and chatty, they were friendly and chatty. The only thing I'm worried about is maybe they thought I was being false and saying what I thought they wanted to hear? Although I was being honest! :p They gave me a test (to answer 3 emails) and I'm happy enough with the responses but I just wish I had a chance to double check them.


Oh well, find out next week I suppose.

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I think the next time I change jobs it will be to work for myself. Thoughts about my future are moving more and more down this line. I was chatting with Shorty about this at the meet (where he entered into a verbal contract to create my company's website); when your company charges your time out at £1k a day it makes you think "ooooh, I'd like more of that than I get." The problem is contacts, but I'm working on that.


Either that or I'll be emergency hunting for any job going after I'm sacked in the near future for surfing the forums too much at work.

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You seem like the sort to be able to run your own business (as unhinged as you are :p). I've said the same thing about Shorty actually.


Or at the very least you two could form some kind of weird comedy duo.

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:( What's the "everything else" you speak of?


National insurance and all that jazz according to my mum, I don't pretend to know much about these things, but its needed.


Hopefully I'll have some good news soon, I applied for a good amount of jobs yesterday and heard back from two of them saying thanks for the app and they'll get back to me. Which is good.

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Oh yeah from what I know obviously what you pay in taxes comes back to you in retirement (or at least a fraction of it) and if you're on JSA they factor that in...or something.


Fingers crossed for the applications :)

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Oh yeah from what I know obviously what you pay in taxes comes back to you in retirement (or at least a fraction of it) and if you're on JSA they factor that in...or something.


Fingers crossed for the applications :)


Thanks a bundle, there's one position I really want, but we'll see. I should charge my bloody phone really, I just keep forgetting to check my emails otherwise!

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yeah if you end up having kids and taking time off to care for them, you'll need all the stamp payments you can get. Not being on JSA means your stamp isn't being paid... My mums facing retirement with 2 years short of her stamp and has to pay £300 from one year, and £900 for another, just to get a STATE pension. Ridiculous.

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Hmm this may be a problem future me has to face. I didn't go on JSA between finishing uni and starting to work there (about four months) and I'm not on it now (although only finished a few weeks ago and don't think I can claim it down here as I'm not registered in London yet). Hmm.

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You can't go on it until a month after you've finished working anyway and I've only been away from Jagex for two weeks, so it's not really a concern until the middle of the month or so.


I'm not really fussed about going on it, I mean getting money is cool and all, but if I didn't have to, I wouldn't, given I have money to cover me and such, but if it really helps my NI then it's obviously something I'll do.


It just sucks, hopefully I get whiff of a job before that.

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Not true. You can sign on immediately after losing a job.


NI contributions is hazy in my mind, but essentially you need to have x amount of years worth of contributions before being 'eligable' for your pension. It's nothing to really worry about right now, nightwolf, but I find it a joke that there are so many people I know who are unemployed and job-seeking that aren't signed on. The system is there to help you get from job to job. Not signing on now is no excuse to whine about having a hard time further down the line.


Plus the job centre are actually a great resource for help finding more jobs- if you treat them with respect.


In before 'lol you don't have a job' because fuck you. I'm giving unsolicited advice!

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Not true. You can sign on immediately after losing a job.


NI contributions is hazy in my mind, but essentially you need to have x amount of years worth of contributions before being 'eligable' for your pension. It's nothing to really worry about right now, nightwolf, but I find it a joke that there are so many people I know who are unemployed and job-seeking that aren't signed on. The system is there to help you get from job to job. Not signing on now is no excuse to whine about having a hard time further down the line.


Plus the job centre are actually a great resource for help finding more jobs- if you treat them with respect.


In before 'lol you don't have a job' because fuck you. I'm giving unsolicited advice!


I ended up writing a long rant at you, but then couldn't be arsed.


But yes, thanks for that, sort of.

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So I'm kind of thinking if I don't get a job in a startup I'd quite like to move to Japan. Initially I was thinking I'd go and just do the teaching thing, but now I'm considering doing that and also try to do an MBA while I'm over there. Only issue is the $50k price tag, though I think I can cover that with a student loan. Maybe I could sell Japanese nik-naks back to the west too?


Does anyone have any links to ranking of universities? I'm looking at either Temple or Doshisha as they seem to be the only ones that offer the MBA in English.

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