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The new anime and manga thread! [Use Spoiler Tags!]


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Such a brilliant series... and this is nowhere near the climax of the arc, Kav!

Just in case you're wondering, the current arc is 132 chapters long in the manga and I think it will take another 15-20 episodes content-wise (1 episode = 2/3 chapters) to complete the arc in the anime.


I know what you mean! In such a short time he became one of my favs!


Gon: "Don't worry, he's alive and we'll save him"


What actually happened:


And then there's me:




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Holy shit! Hunter X Hunter is fast becoming one of my favourites!


Just watched episode 85


Chimera Ant Arc

Oh crap! The first of the King's Guard just killed Kite! I'm absolutely devastated!


This arc is AMAZING the sense of foreboding doom it's evokes is brilliant!!!


Im still upset that you dont want to watch it with me :(

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Gotta love that JPop/JRock music. Most of the time I get really hyped when the intro music starts on an anime. :D


It has the opposite effect on me, for some reason... I hate the vast majority of openings/endings (and they're something I don't really get the point of, tbh... If I had it my way, every series would have an opening like Breaking Bad's... extremely short, effective and to the point).


I thought it was good but not worthy of the hype it gets. It's also not a patch on Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood or Code Geass.


That's the anime community for you in a nutshell. Any dumbass shallow action show that has a minimum amount of style gets hyped to no end, and meanwhile nobody gives a fuck about revolutionary stuff like Flowers Of Evil.


And anime fans wonder why everyone thinks we're a bunch of retards...


You couldn't get into FMA:B? You crazy?! Hands down one of the best anime series every made. The story, characters, animation, everything is perfect.


Aye, it's the only shonen that REALLY matters, if we're being honest.




I don't know how you guys can still get genuinely excited about stuff like Hunter X Hunter. Not that it ain't good, it is... maybe I'll watch it someday with an eventual son/daughter.


Regardless, finally started watching Legend Of The Galactic Heroes... here's hoping it lives up to it's stellar reputation.

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
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I liked Season 1 of Korra but you can tell that it was originally supposed to be just those 12 episodes. I stopped about mid-way through Season 2 a while back.


I finished it yesterday, the second half is actually pretty good. I liked the origin story of the first avatar. The whole spirits thing seemed to come out of nowhere for me though. They left a couple of things unanswered I noticed, probably ran out of time.


They left it open enough for possibly creating a new season but I don't feel like it needs another one.

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Guy!, Lee? & TENTEN?! it's so nice to finally see Team Guy again. They gave me a good chuckle too.


But damn, Kishi finally gave her some panel time!


Anyway things are moving at a good pace. Been really enjoying these recent chapters of Naruto.


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Guy!, Lee? & TENTEN?! it's so nice to finally see Team Guy again. They gave me a good chuckle too.


But damn, Kishi finally gave her some panel time!


Anyway things are moving at a good pace. Been really enjoying these recent chapters of Naruto.


I really disliked this weeks compared to last weeks. It seems Kishi is in a pattern of giving loads one week, then barely anything the next. This week felt drawn out, pure build up issue.


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I really disliked this weeks compared to last weeks. It seems Kishi is in a pattern of giving loads one week, then barely anything the next. This week felt drawn out, pure build up issue.


Yeah, I felt the same.


I completely forgot Oro could still be after The Sauces body. Not that it will ever happen just surprised that I forgot about it. :D


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You might want to give YuYu Hakusho a try, kav. It's the same creator and they're very similar beasts.


I've seen some of that but stopped watching... I can't remember why now but I do recall enjoying it. I'll get back into it methinks, thanks!

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I say we freshen up this thread a bit. Let's try this.


First Manga you ever read?

First anime you ever watched in its original form (sub included)?


For me the answer to both those questions is Eyeshield 21.



It's another coming-of-age story that follows first year high school student Kobayakawa Sena. He's the cliched weak, small, bullied kid that joined (actually he was forced by the team captain who's also a bully :indeed:) the high school American Football team. His abilities come to the fore as he steps onto the field as Eyeshield 21, Demon Devil Bats (the name of his high school football club) Running Back. His remarkable speed, small stature and agility helps him dart past the opposition to lead his team's attack.

But by no means does this make things easy. No, not even close. Despite following a "basic" structure the story was excellently executed but perhaps it helps that I was a complete American football noob and learnt the rules and techniques as the story went on.


There are so many different characters in the story let alone the team and they've been well developed too. The series is quite funny and I really enjoyed the interactions between them.

What really drew me into the series at first was the art; it fits the genre and story like a glove. It's so consistently good that I ended up dropping the anime (which I enjoyed don't get me wrong) and focused on the manga instead. It's almost like you can piece the plays together and watch it flow in your head and I find that it really helps especially when the matches are packed full of strategy and action. Such a visual treat.


The funniest thing about this is that I've never finished it :woops: Read up to volume ~13-16 (honestly can't remember) and stopped because... I have absolutely no idea whatsoever :blank:


Buuuut since it's been so long since I last read it (6 or 7 years now?) I'll start from the beginning :D

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Dragon Ball Z was the first anime I ever watched. Cartoon Network/Toonami started showing it and then not long after I got to watch Gundam and Tenchi because of Toonami. It would be a long time until I watch another anime and that would be Naruto around 3 years ago. And since then its spiralled into me watching Naruto, Bleach, Attack on Titan, One Piece, High School of the Dead, Soul Eater, Black Lagoon and many more.


After I had watched every episode of Naruto and Shippuden I started reading the Manga along with various other Manga, mainly ones I had already had some knowledge of because of the anime.









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I can't remember if it was Pokemon, which probably wouldn't count, Trigun, or Neon Genesis Evangelion.


Naruto got me hooked on it properly though. I caught the first series airing on Nickelodeon in America and then hunted down the subs when I got home, which were just into filler hell, so that would've been around June/July 2005.

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I first watched Dragonball way back in the 90s, when I was a wee lad (though Maya the Bee might've been the very first one I saw. I had a VHS of that. It's a German-Japanese production, but it still counts).


Regardless, all of it was dubbed. The first few Anime I watched in original form were Excel Saga, Golden Boy, Trigun and Cowboy Bebop, back when our "alternative" channel (SIC Radical) started out. Can't say in which order, though.


First one I went out of my way to watch in the original version was Rurouni Kenshin, though, of that I'm sure.


On that note, Rurouni Kenshin and Death Note were also the first manga I've gone out of my way to read. Our market was zero* for that back then, other than a small group of PT fan-translators, fighting the good fight. Their translations of that (which didn't cover the whole thing) made me look up English translations.


*One exception: the Dragonball manga somehow managed to be published in Portuguese shortly after GT ended, and I got to read a good chunk of it.

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Yep, Toonami generation here as well. DragonBall (Z) was also my first subbed anime and manga. Was surprised to find the DragonBall manga in Waterstones one day, had no idea it was out.


Incidentally, Dragonball Kai has been officially confirmed to be continuing with the Buu saga in the worst kept secret ever after a number of English VA's let slip it was happening ages ago. Continues airing in Japan in April.

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